doll: dolldivine


Status: Guild Born
Age: 17
Gender: male
Siblings: two out of wedlock siblings on their father's side
Born: in the middle
Legitimacy: born in a single-parent home
Fostered due to: father died
Childhood Health: often quite sickly
Adult Height: just normal for their age in height
Adult Build: thin as a twig
Skin Tone: dark brown
Hair Color: auburn red
Hair Style: hardly wavy
Hair Length: a mullet!
Eye Color: forest green
Literacy Level: read and write with expert precision
Politeness Level: they rarely appear hostile to superiors but they're not always polite to everyone else
Focus: as they look around them, their focus fades,
though their work is only a small fraction of their true obsession
Their looks are not spectacular in any way
They're known for being a bit stingy

Values and Goals
Likes: their skill with objects and things
Has fun with: Weyr Heights
Extremely strong goal: educate themselves beyond their family
Strong fear: abandonment

A carving of something special is in their posession

Crafting Guild: animal health, Status: apprentice
Other Skill picked up around Guild folk: animal breeding

Searched! When: just a few days ago

Guyran was known as something of a daydreamer, so it seemed no surprise that a dragon such as Triosith came to him. Unusually colored, and particularly intelligent, she and the beast-healer make an exceptional pair.
 Name Triosith

Parents gold reith (margot) x bronze Wolventh (Josin)

Gender female * unusual for Alabaster Alskyran

Color copper

Size bronze

Personality With notable tact-skills, Trioth prefers using words over swords. She is peaceful to the extreme, even though she has the bulk and musclepower to use physical power to win an arguement. Rather daydreamy and prefers to stare out in the distance mysteriously to anything else.

Hatched at Alabaster Weyrhold year -5

