Doll/Image: Meiker Drag Queen

Name: Wji (wuh gee)

Gender: Female

Age/DOB: 37 currently, impressed age 14

Origin: Caledrus Hold, lowborn

Family: mother a Lady's Servant, father Cook; 2 older siblings

Other: Raised by father, since mother was busy and needed to concentrate on her own duties

Height: average

Build: overweight but strong

Hair: strawberry blond, tightly curled, shoulder length

Eyes: forest green

Appearance: ruddy skin

Standing At: Alabaster

Dragon: Witruth

Created/Updated: 10.29.23 for Caledrus padding

Genetic Abilities:
Physical Traits: not particularly pretty, but plain rather than ugly
Personality: somewhat less polite than one might hope but that's likely because she was raised in a kitchen and not with a Lady. Carefully attends to details, with an obsession; not quite selfish, proud of what she's earned and likes to show off
Enjoys being around her friend **; adores dragons and is happy to be around them here in her home
Has a weak fear of drowning, but knows that her dragon will spare her any real danger
Skills and Profession: specializing in den repair, helped build the Caledrus Dragonhold
Literate to a good degree
Obsessed with precise measurements and thus was quite the right choice for that builders permit...

Events and History: would like to travel more, see how other weyrs, caers, dragonries and the like are built and organized


Name: Witruth
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: 7'5" s / 26' l / 50' ws
Colors: Green
Features: Alabaster normal
Powers: Winged Flight (2) a poor flier but she does enjoy perching and can easily break any fall. When needed, she can definitely get from here to there, just don't ask her to do any tricks, she's like a kid who can't chew gum and walk at the same time
Teleportation (3) Prefers to be told exactly where to be, and gets there with no muss no fuss
Telepathy (5) chatty, enjoys making new friends, and forgets what she was saying but no one really cares, she's an enjoyable dragon to have around; a good range on her mental voice means she can be talking to someone up at Alabaster while resting in her home at Caledrus
Assisted Firebreath (1) doesn't use, doesn't want to, is fertile, will carry this power to the next generation but that's about it
Parentage: Dam Green Milath (Avanti) Sire Blue Usth (Meli)
Origin: Alabaster Weyr giveaway year -22
Other Info:
