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Dawnlight Citizenship Form

Please fill out the form as completely as possible and return to Administration in a timely fashion.
Avoid mistakes -- if you are not certain of something, as an Administrator for assistance.
This form in no way conveys immediate rights and priveleges of Citizenship, however it does confer consideration for those rights.
Possession of more than one form is illegal and punishable by Outcast or discontinued Citizenship proecessing. Forging forms and using inaccurate information may lead to serious legal charges. Use of this form by anyone other than Dawnlight Administration of Black rank is punishable by demotion or Outcast.
This form is a portion of Dawnlight Chronicals, (c)2001 Sara K Gray. It is a joke, please don't take offense at anything you read here. Personal information is meant only to adequately transform a person from our current world to a fictional setting. I recommend printing out this whole page, before filling out the form. Multiple forms MAY be sent. Don't take those stuffy Admin warnings too seriously, after all! My "real world" notes are included in italic red lettering. -- Lethe, P7/Ab/34
Personal Information (remember the above warning)

Your Real Name (or your online ID)                                                                                    
Name You Prefer to be called (your Character Name)                                                           

Gender     Male     Female     Undecided     Other

Age in Years                 

Ethnic Background (for picture coloration only... okay, I'm just naturally curious.)
Asian (Mainland)     Asian (Island Country)     Black     Caucasian     Hindi     Mexican/Spanish     Mutant(ASK FOR SPECIAL FORM)     Native Tribal     Pacific Island     Mid-Eastern
Mixed (indicate)     Other
Your Appearance*

Height in feet/inches and Build
Hair Color
Hair Style/Length
Eye Color
Skin Tone
Clothing Style Usually Preferred/Worn (jeans/tees, formal, sexy, old-school, etc)

*You may opt to be something other than you really are, since this can be a character or yourself. You may choose to become a Blackbottom (see instructions), or to be or have a clone. Feel free to include a photo -- or someone else's photo -- to aid the process! Full head-to-foot ones work best since the artwork will be whole-body. It may be in a pose other than "just standing there". Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself. This photo will be scaled to the height indicated, so be truthful! HA! Also, if mutant, you can choose from many different types of mutations, from feline features, psionics, throuh custom-created appearances and abilities. Mix and match. Make sure your appearance reflects this.
Please complete the following Background Information honestly and fully.
This information will be carefully considered by your Administrator for citizenship. Dawnlight Admin may request further explanations if necessary.

Do you have any unusual allergies, aversions or requirements? (Such as diabetes, addictions to drugs, mutations which require upkeep like sunlight or special substances.)

Do you have any special Skills which Dawnlight Administration should know about? (Weaponry proficiencies, dated language skills, computer programming or archaic history knowledge.)

Are any of your relatives, friends, or co-workers criminal or Outcast?

Have you ever been involved in an Outcast or Criminal investigation?

This is fake optional information to get you in the mood to be a Dawnlight Citizen. It's all in fun, kids.
Assorted Information for Citizenship Focus

List in order of preference your favored Color groups.

         Black, Silver, Grey, White, Metallics
         Violet, Indigo, Purple, Lavender
         Blue (lt, dark), Green (lt, dark), Teal
         Red, Orange, Brown, Yellow
This will determine your character's financial Caste.

Show what sorts of Job Skills you have or would be best trained in
Choose or indicate an order of preference (1 = highest priority/ability, through whatever number)

     Cadet (starfaring)
Moon Unit (base on moon)
Corporate (RXI Saturn)

     In Charge
Diplomat to/from another City
Monitor (peeping tom!)


Street Cop
High-Skill Guardian
Mechanical Unit


Sciences (list)


Construction (small scale)
Construction (large scale)
City Works (power, water)


Retail General
Food Service (counter or cooking)
Other (list)


Public Relations
Television/Radio (technical)
Television/Radio (personality)
Writing/Artwork (list)


Children (2-5)
Children (6-10)
Teens (11-14)
Specialty (technical 15+)
Adult (college level)
List subject specialty if present

Other Legally Available Fields

(list what else you could do for Dawnlight)

If Citizen candidate is younger or older than average (presuming 20 years old at time of filing) select one of the following...
    Training For (younger than 17 years old)
Retired From (older than 65 years)

Below are "illegal" activities which may be added to the above

Gun Totin' Criminal
Political Subversive
Always Mobile Raider
Ex-or-present Outcast
This may include hobbies, school work, training or technical schooling, or even wishful thinking. Use your imagination, but remember this will determine what your full-time JOB will be when you become a Citizen! Or, I could just decide FOR you. Heck, Admin usually does.

How much work will you do at your new Dawnlight Job?
    I'll kick ass and take names, just to get to the top of the heap!
I want to balance my work and private time, to succeed sanely.
    I'm going to work hard but play hard too (working with a hangover).
    I'm interested in keeping my job, but doing things in my private life is more important.
    To hell with work, where's the keg?
    Work? What's work? I haven't had a job in months!
This will determine your rank within your Caste.
After reading the information on Dawnlight page, and reviewing any other information available, Please Check ONE option below.

    I'm very loyal and worried about the criminals and Outcast making noise!
I'm a loyal Dawnlight citizen comfortable with politics as usual.
    I'm not interested in politics, just let me keep my job and my house, okay?
    I'm not happy with the situation either way, but I'll sit tight while others take care of it.
    I'm very unhappy with the way things are run, and I want to change them at any cost!
I'm not from around here and I don't want to know anything about your revolutions.
    I'm not from around here and I do want to know about this revolution thing. Sounds fun.
This will of course determine your Loyalty -- and which Admin agent is assigned to your case. They can make your life easy, or very very difficult... Depending...
Dawnlight Citizenship is normally only available to those who have existing relatives within the city.
Please list those relatives you have or have had, through blood or marriage, living within Dawnlight. If "none" you must contact the Administrator assigned to your case. Offer names, please.
First and last if you wish to give them, but make up whatever you like.
Grandparents (Maternal)                                                                                                
Grandparents (Paternal)                                                                                                
Other Spouses                                                                                                            
Other Children/Relatives                                                                                               
Clones can be requested specially. Make sure you're ready for them! They're not legal, remember!
I, the Undersigned, state that all above information is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.
                                                                                Date       /       /2482
When you are prepared to send this form, please make sure that it is complete and accurate.

Send it to Processing (suggestion? copy and paste the html and fill in the blanks yourself, if you are able to do so, and post it on your own web page so the Admin (lethe) can examine it. Or, print it out, type up a new one, and send that.) and please be patient. Administration processes many requests and has duties above and beyond that of new Citizenship forms. If you do not hear from an Administrator within a week of sending your form, please do NOT enter the city of Dawnlight without contacting the Admin again! That doesn't mean don't visit the web site!
Thanks again SO MUCH for helping me create new characters for use in Dawnlight.
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