"I guarantee your lives
won't be simple any more," said D'lom, leaning over Fadeth's shoulder.
The blue dragon chuffed and Shard's Jeremoth seemed to echo him.
"That all depends on what kind of Wing they wind up in, D'lom," the weyrleader
pointed out. The pair of blue riders continued their conversation regardless
of what the two siblings wanted to know or be left out of.
"They're rather chatty," Firu said, and smirked. Her brother leaned in
and whispered to her.
"They're trying to scare us. Make us think that riding a dragon is terrifying
or being in a weyr is complex."
"I'm sure that with a nice solid roof over our heads," Firu said, "we'll
be just fine. I just don't want to have some Holder telling me where to
graze my goats is all."
She scratched one of the grey-shaded goats which followed the pair around.
Yezsin kept watching for one of the blue dragons to snatch up their goats
and eat them. They were known to do that, weren't they?
I only eat when I am invited, Jeremoth bespoke to the younger of the siblings.
Yezsin's eyes widened, and he turned to face the dragon. Jeremoth snuffled
again, making sure that the Search was proper. Yes, you are fine
for this trip to Dawn Sisters.
I agree. Both of them are fine.
Good intentions. Good strong legs. You will need that.
"Now we get information we can use," Firu said, to Fadeth. "What else
will come in handy?"
You will be working hard all the time. But you two
are used to being on the move, and lifting things. Firestone sacks probably
weigh about what one of those young goats does. Thought the sacks do not
usually kick when you pick them up!
The siblings laughed at that, and suddenly Shard and D'lom realized that
their dragons had been conversing with them. And that the two had not
flinched a bit, at least not visibly. Sometimes, when a dragon bespoke
someone for the first time, the person got it in them to bolt away or
get all gushy. These two seemed to take it -- like everything in their
lives -- in stride.
"Good," D'lom said. "Now, if you're going to the Weyr, it's going to be
a longish trip. Would you like some help?"
"We could carry some of the goats..." Shard suggested. Firu laughed with
a wry smile that the scars on her nose brought out even farther.
"What, and frighten the poor things to death? Or take them between and
freeze them? I think not. We can entrust them to the Eden's Gate beastcrafters
and go on foot more quickly."
"We could use one or two of the runners," Yezsin pointed out. They conversed
shortly to decide, ignoring the riders.
"They are a little ... unused to being around people," D'lom said, low.
"I wonder how they will react to actually being in a large weyr like Dawn
"They'll have to adjust. But I think they're going to be just fine. Besides,
if they talk to one another like this, they will be able to converse with
their dragons more sharply. And everyone at a weyr is used to that kind
of conversation."
D'lom nodded, pursing his lips. "Well, kids, you know where the weyr is,
I expect?"
"It's five days walk from here," Yezsin said, "or three slow days ride.
The canyon between here and there tempts me to leave the runners at home.
It's easier for goats and people who can climb well."
"Like us," Firu said, and her brother shot her a quick smile.
"Are you a goat or a --"
She giggled and smacked him, and they were on their way shortly.
The dawn had come and Firu was already done helping
the kitchen staff. She had decided early on that if she was going to be
there at Dawn Sisters, she would be ready to work.
Her brother relaxed in their shared barracks, for a while longer, but
then both of them were scattered out of their places by the humming of
the dragons! The hatching had begun!
"She looks so pretty," Firu said, with a half-glazed look at the Weyrwoman.
"You're still pretty enough to make the boys act like wherries," Yezsin
pointed out to his sister, drawing her mind away from the small but quite
visible scars on her face.
They watched as the hatching began, and a brown popped out. He impressed
one of the Dawnlight folk, A'xel now his name. Then two beautiful greens
broke shell, and impressed their choices.
A bronze came next, all eyes watched him impress an appropriately surprised
A beautiful blue came next, and both Firu and Yezsin
hoped beyond hope that he would come along... but that was not to be.
A brown and a green broke shell, impressing their choices quickly and
with amusing results.
Then two eggs, both brown hatchlings within, opened up. The larger brown
went to a boy named Jayen. Then...
The smaller one gave off a very happy note and bolted into Yezsin's arms.
Do you like me? I am glad that you are here. I am
Xefith, and hungry too!
"His name is Xefith!" Z'in said, happily choosing his name on the fly.

Firu cheered for her brother, such a fine brown!
He so deserved that!
Then the green who hatched quietly behind all the action approached the
girls. The green wasn't sure, she really didn't seem to want to step any
closer than she dared to the line of expectant eyes.
Then, she tripped over her wings in the process of locating Firu.
Ow! Ow! The sand is hot, Firu! I'm sorry I'm so
"Aw, poor little Idith, I'm coming!" Firu exclaimed, and they helped each
other off the sands.

"Well, they are getting kind of big..." Firu said. "But I can't see separating
them now. You should see them sleeping."
The brown and green siblings were wrapped around each other, snoozing.
The afternoon sun scattered into the weyr, and the weyrling master grunted.
"It might be best if they learn to be separated, however... They're both
maturing enough that, well, when your green reaches her adult size and
maturity... She's going to want to fly."
"She's almost flying already!" Firu laughed. She saw the serious look
on the weyrlingmaster's face. "You... don't mean fly like in the air,
fly. You mean -- oh. OH!"
C'gall nodded. "Yes. Oh."
I would rise and give the weyr
fine little green eggs, Idith bespoke lazily. I know that you
are not ... what is your word? Lovers... with your fine brother. But there
is nothing wrong with mine!
As if he heard that whole statement, Xefith puffed himself up proudly.
I am the only one fast or strong
enough to catch you!
"You don't even fly yet!" Z'in exclaimed, hearing half the conversation.
"Don't even think about chasing after your sister!"
After a moment's pause, C'gall nodded again, and Firu began searching
the nearby weyrs for an empty slot...
"Do you think that they'll want Xefith in a flight?"
Z'in asked his sister, while they were packing up.
"I don't know, brother-mine, your big terror in brown could probably catch
his tail faster than a green..."
"We should find out," Z'in said, his face covered by an evil grin. It
was shortly covered by a cloth Firu had thrown at him.
"Don't even suggest it, sicko..." She laughed, "besides. Idith is already
chewing firestone. She'll not be having any little ilicit clutches around
a weyr unless I take her off it."
Z'in tilted his head, while putting his last pair of trousers into a box.
"You could do that?"
"I have been told. But it'd take a while." Firu looked up at her brother,
and grinned. "If you're so curious, why didn't YOU impress her?"
"I'm not that type, sistergirl. Now. We know where we're headed."
"The weyrs both know where we're going."
"Yes again."
"We're ready to go?"
Firu paused before answering. Dawn Sisters Weyr had been their home for
almost two turns. She sighed and smiled softly. "I will miss it here."
"We'll be with people we know!" Z'in said, laughing. He held up the parchment
which got passed around with their wing assignment on it, it was to the
Hunters wing in the Protectorate. Both of them were quite suited to it,
and were even stronger than when they had left their life of herding before.
"And besides, we can always come back. This place is their home," she
nodded at the pair of dragons who lounged on their ledge. Idith had her
head off the ledge, it drooped down and made her look half dead from afar.
Her brother perked up when Z'in bespoke him.
Don't slide your sister off the ledge. We're ready
now. There are some things we will need to load on your back, and hers.
So be careful!
I am always careful, Z'in! Will
there be a beautiful gold in our wing?
"No, Xef, there are no golds in our wing."
The dragon pouted, and very nearly pushed Idith off the ledge. She woke
in time to throw her wing up into the air and balance before scrabbling
up to cuff her brown brother on the side to chastise him. She walked with
a stately air over to Firu, and allowed the small packs and boxes to be
lashed to one of her back-spines. Z'in and Xefith weren't having such
an easy time of it.
"Do you want us to carry that for you?" Firu said, in a silly chiding
"No I don't want you to carry that for me," Z'in responded in exactly
the same way. They laughed.
"Well, we're off and away then. Xefith, announce our departure -- we're
headed to our new home!"
