Before you announce yourself to the girls living in these two close-together weyrs, you make sure that you've got it right.
They are the daughters of T'kau and Grace, riders of bronze Burlth and gold Tirledeth. They have been searched together, they seem able to almost communicate telepathically with one another.
Perhaps that's why they were searched after all?

You get close to their weyrs and are about to clap for attention when a huge blast of noise nearly bowls you over!
"What was that?!" you yell, and enter the weyr without once thinking about your own safety. You look around, there is a pall of smoke in the weyr!
"Are you all right? Is anyone hurt?" You ask, and then out from the smoky haze you can make out a shape. Two? Or one? |
It is two! Both girls approach and you...
At first you worry that you weren't in time, that they were injured! But that is obviously not the case. They cling to one another but they are both laughing!
"What in the world?" You ask and then suddenly they notice you are there.
"We're fine," the one on the right says.
"How are you?" The left hand side one asks.
"Don't worry about me!" You bellow, "what happened?"
The pair of extremely dark-skinned girls look at one another, and laugh loudly.
"It was just a little explosion," the right handed one, whom you assume is Amania, says.
"Yeah, nothing to worry about at all." The other, Reng, says. "We do it all the time. Come see!"
"Uh," you stutter, "I don't think I..."
"He's scared as a wherrie on a Flight day..." Reng says, with her bright yellow eyes glimmering.
The smoke has cleared somewhat, so you are able to see their weyr. It is thick with vials, bottles, skins, and boxes, all of them open or ajar somehow.
"What is all this stuff?" You ask, hesitating.
"Our experiments," Amania says, smiling. "We're inventors."
"Minecrafters, it says here," you say, indicating your weyr-record.
"Well, that too," Reng answers. "Both of us are far more interested in making new things and --"
"Explosions," Amania says, hushed.
"And making them blow up..." Her sister laughs.

How clever... You think that you ought to get out of here before they damage YOU! |
Amania and Reng are...
About 15 turns old, Reng is the slightly older twin
Standing about 5'2" tall, they are sturdily built, a trait of their mother whom it is said they greatly resemble.
Very deeply brown skinned, almost charcoal brown; they both have vibrantly white hair, like their mother did; their eyes are yellow-brown
Reng is the more vocal and apparently more intelligent of the twins, Amania is the more physical and demanding of them
They both usually are found with work clothing of wherhide leggings, boots and tunics. They like grey colored clothing, though both of them often have their hair gathered in brightly colored ribbons or clips |

Amania and her sister set up their works in the forges below Sparkul Weyr. They liked the name change. It was all good.
It was also MOST all good when the hatching started! The fact that it was close to 2 in the morning didn't matter to them: they were both usually awake at that sharding hour anyway.
They rushed to their shared weyr, fought over who would get the less-wrinkled candidate robe (making it more rumpled than the other in the process!) and then finally made it to the sands!
A brown and a bronze hatched, and Amania felt sorry for the brown. She nudged her sister, "the brown came first. Do you hear all those people saying it was the bronze?"
"I know. How sad."
They continued to watch, then a blue and another brown hatched. Two greens went to the girls near the twins, and both of them were almost relieved when they did not choose either of them!
Then a brown bolted across the sands, impressing. Then a tiny white hatched! A green and a bronze came after a time, then, the last three eggs hatched! Two blues and a final brown!
My name is Keth! And you are Amania, aren't you! I am so hungry! But I like how you smell.
"Not for eating, I hope!" Amania cried out, happily impressing the first blue.

I itch. Oh how I itch. I do not believe how I itch! Reng, please scratch me! Use one of those tools! I bet it is nice and rough!
"... Do you mean the rasp? Oh, little Janth, I think that might be a bit too hard on your new skin!" Said Reng of her own blue!

When the cross gender flight was announced at the Healing Den, both Amania and Reng wanted to jump at it. But only big Keth really wished to participate.
There will be other flights, announced Janth, and I wish to fly for a lone green or white. That would be best for me.
I will go for whoever looks brightest! Keth bellowed, with a dragon-grin.
(Actually they didn't make it to that flight. Sorry.)
