"You're going to like it in a weyr, Boroty," Shard
said, offering him a ride on Jeremoth to the weyr. "Lots of things to
do and see."
"Loads of stuff to lift," Boroty pointed out. "You know I get into trouble
a lot for stealing..."
"No... I did not know that." The very tall man said, his face going into
a grin. "Well you've got to learn to cap that little problem then. Or
it will be a bigger one. You could get kicked off the sands, and that
might leave a dragon riderless. You wouldn't want that, would you?"
"Never!" Cried the young lad. He was only 12 turns old, but he was the
only child among the Eden's Gate populace who had been brave enough to
stride right up to the dragons when they landed. With curiosity instead
of fear, he faced the weyrleader and the search rider.
"Then you know that you have some work ahead of you."
"Yup. And will I get to learn how to use a sword?"
"Why would you want that?" Shard asked, as they took to the air.
"My father has a sword, and he told me that when I'm old enough, I get
to have it. It's been around for ages!" The child said, not even flinching
at the wind around them. He looked down, and laughed wildly. "Look at
the herdbeasts! Look at em go!"
The dragon buzzed the herds, rounding them back toward the cothold instead
of out to the desert and scrub. Then, they went between.
Shard worried for half a moment that the boy would be taken off guard
by this, but then when they came out, the first thing Boroty did was to
stand up on Jeremoth's back and point at the beautiful ocean below them
and cheer loudly.
"That's Adanuk? That's the weyr that I'm standing at? SHARD, is is BEAUTIFUL!"
Laughing, Shard dropped the excitable boy off and saluted the weyrwomen,
winking at the rider of the dam for this small but healthy clutch. "He's
a handful, but he's braver than most riders I know. Time to start cultivating
that in him, he's useful. But watch his weyr for ... um, missing items
from time to time..."
"Ah!" Magika laughed, "I think we can handle that!"

It wasn't so long after setting down that Boroty
managed to get himself not only into trouble, but into a strong position
among the local weyrbrats.
He scaled the nearby cliffside during high tide, just to reach a spot
that no one else quite could get to because they were too big or too heavy.
His small size came in perfectly handy.
The firelizard clutch which he found had seven eggs in it, and he handed
them off to his newfound groupies. His, he claimed the bigger of the bunch,
he protected with his formidable courage.
"You should never go out to the beaches during the tides," warned Magika.
"The currents around here are fierce!"
"I didn't fall. Besides, I got the eggs, and none of them broke, either."
He proclaimed, and right about then, the egg began to quiver.
"See! It's hatching! Do you have anything for it to eat?" He exclaimed,
and Magika had to find some meatrolls before the little blue flit within
the egg got away from the boy. The blue gulped down the meat and promptly
climbed to Boroty's underarm, and fell asleep.
"He's cute! I ... think his name is Tide's turn. That's it!"

Boroty's interest was kept up during his long stay
at Adanuk by the very presence of dragons. He learned all he could about
them. Their habits, eating patterns, how they grew, flew or fell. How
their injuries were tended, and why he was often asked to help. His small
size allowed him to reach on delicate wing sails to stitch wounds up,
without causing damage by being on it.
Then one early morning in winter, the clutch that he'd been set to attend
finally began to hatch! It began with a green, a good solid way. A blue
and another green, then a tiny fragile white. Another large egg hatched
and revealed a big bold bronze! He trumpeted and his mother bellowed a
response. But he rolled up and landed on his back to look up at Boroty.
She's pretty. Pretty loud! I'm Curiosith, by the
"Your mother is loud, isn't she Curiosith?" Boroty, now thinking of himself
as Booty, laughed and the bronze bugled how happy he was to have found
his match. Though Booty wanted to see if the bronze was all intact and
healthy, Curiosith had other plans, and dragged his rider away to the
In the stands, back in the shadows, was a tall blue man who looked slightly
surprised. "Boroty on a bronze... I never thought that would happen..."
Shard said, then made arrangements for the boy's eventual transfer to
the new Protectorate.

The bronze was getting big. Well, "got" big. His
full size was admirable, and in the year and a half which it took him,
Booty also grew. Since he was still rather young, though, he would always
think of himself as tiny compared to the other riders.
You are just the right size for me. Do not worry! Curiosith told his rider.
You do not need to use a harness, I like that. The other bronze riders
worry about falling off but you cling on!
"I know... Hey, maybe we could go get my father's sword now. I ..." He
looked around, and saw the weyr in its lazy afternoon way. It seemed to
slowly shimmer. It was the tears in his eyes. "We're going to be leaving
here forever, Curi, and ... I worry that it won't be here when we want
to visit."
Do not worry about that either, my rider Booty! Because we can just go
back to a time when it IS here!
Laughing, Booty climbed up to the neck ridge of his dragon, snugging the
small collection of posessions he had aquired during his stay upon his
back. Tide's Turn fluttered around and settled on Curiosith's head, where
he was promptly dislodged. "Tide, you know that's not where he likes you!"
Booty laughed, and the flitter came back to rest on his shoulder. Wrapping
his long blue tail around the 14 year old's neck, they all held their
breath and lept.
The big bronze took to the sky as he always had, circled above Adanuk
and then... Went to the new Protectorate and found the old Eden's Gate
community according to Booty's mind. It had changed a little, the grasses
were greener and the trees -- there were trees!
This is beautiful! I want to stay here!
"You can't stay here, Curi, this is a -- well," Booty said, looking at
two other dragons who came from a cliff canyon nearby, "I guess you can!
