Mixy as a hatchling and adult

Bree's weyr

Gender/Age: female, 17

Rank/Craft: Sr Apprentice Harper (singing, gitar)

Location: Dawnlight Hold

Relatives/Family: mother Reen, father R'iel, two sisters, Therbre and Aubree who are not triplets but they ought to be by the looks of them, several extended cousins

Physical Description: 5'8", 135, long body and rounded hips and shoulders make Bree a very pretty girl. She has medium skin tone and golden hair that falls in heavy waves to her back. Her eyes are pale golden as well. She has an oval, very pretty face, and is known around the Hold as being one of the most beautiful girls there. Her voice only reinforces this, as it is a vibrant, rich one. When speaking, she is quiet but powerful as well. She likes to wear black and white, rarely stepping into a pink or red dress, and does prefer dresses. She has a stone on a thin cord, which was given to her as a child by her mother.

Emotional/Mental Description: secretive, but to her friends she is open and fun. She is usually seen as a mystery or a goal by others, something which she has carefully cultivated over the years while she has grown up. She and several others have a kind of "band" formed which they call "Trip Forth" with drummer and lover Adlari, two other gitar players, and another singer. She loves being in a group, rarely likes being alone. She seems to have a tight emotional connection between her sisters, she can always sense when they are in danger or happy.

Skills: as a Harper, she was trained. She was found at an early age to have a brilliant voice, and can recite many songs just from their first couple notes. She composes herself, and has plans to still become a Journeywoman with her songs and the band. She can craft gitar and harp to a certain extent, though she is not strong enough to do some of the strenuous drum stretching or larger instruments. Otherwise she can sew very well, and is patient with children but is not particularly eager to have any of her own.

History: When she was Searched, she became sad and slightly afraid, but has since spoken to several Green riders about it and is more happy now. She feels that as long as her Harper work can continue, she will ride and sing with equal love. Also, her adoration for her harper Adlari is so important to her that she may beg him to stand on the sands with her, just in case they would Impress together.

Notes and Special Information: she is truly empathic, and if a Dragon does come to her they will have a more solid bond than most have ever seen.

Pets/Hobbies/Posessions: has one fire lizard named Mixy, a Brown with reddish wings and russet body. Mixy was gotten on a trip to Dawn Sisters Weyr , while Trip Forth performed for a small audience. Someone thought to offer the group eggs, which were quite the gift! Bree and one of the other gitarists both got brown flits, while Adlari got a green.

Her hobbies are all oriented toward her music, as are her posessions, which do include a gitar which she made herself, and some nice clothing.

She strummed the gitar and hummed a tune, but there were no words to the song. That, she knew, bothered most other Harpers, but not Bree. Her sisters knew well that there were songs galore running through their eldest's mind, for they often found themselves humming along without having been taught. Neither of those sisters were anywhere near Bree at the moment, but she was so close to them in ways, that she shivered.

Bree sighed, "I wish that the others would get back. I'm so tired of waiting..."

"Sweetheart," the black-haired Adlari said, "they're going to be at the Hold until Spring. Can you imagine how hard it's going to be with all that snow and cold?"

"That's why I want them back," she said, "it's quite cold. They're making me wish I had an extra blanket or... something to keep me warm..." She smiled with her tiny lips, and Adlari chuckled.

"Might I comply, my beautiful Harper? I believe I am rather warm, or so I have been told."

She giggled, and then something odd alerted her to a presence. She placed her deft hand onto her lover's shoulder, and tilted her head. It was much in the way that dragon riders did, when they were speaking to their dragons. Except, Bree had never heard dragons, only her sisters.

"How queer," she said, eyes still unfocused. "There are people here, friends of the Hold, but I can tell there is someone else with them."

"What kind of people?" Adlari asked, sitting up and helping Bree do the same.

"Rider people. Search riders. Their dragons have made a scene at the hold's gates."

"Hmph," Adlari said, getting up and tying down his tunic, "that's nothing new. Every time, Lord Holder Deon wants to keep everyone in the hold."

"He's worried that only his enemies will Impress," Bree said, grinning. She finally turned to her harper and stood. "We should go down there. I think..."

"I will follow you, sweet. But if it's a Search rider, you know... I've no interest in traipsing about on a dragon..."

"Oh yes you do," Bree smirked. Adlari grinned back, as they walked to the Hold's courtyard.

Four dragons, two from their local Blackstone weyr, and one from Wu weyr, and another from Talor Cliff weyr, rested in a clump near the entrance. Small blue Jeremoth and his partner in crime Jarmuth were almost tiny compared to the blue from Talor, and the Wu dragon was even smaller than they, for he was a pure white one! Bree's eyes lit up when she saw that white, and gripped Adlari's hand.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a white dragon? I've even heard there are blacks and purples around!" She giggled musically and then they found the riders.

"Ah, just the people..." Shard said, waving his hand at the pair. "Come on over, let's see if Surrith's nose is right."

"He's right," Surrith's rider T'ran said. But he turned to the woman next to him, the rider of the Talor dragon. They whispered together, and she shook her head.

"And Mitanth is rarely wrong," Nora said. She extended her hands in greeting to the harpers, but then turned to Bree. "You are ideal for Talor's new clutch," she said. Then, her eyes lowered a bit, and she faced Adlari. "But unfortunately I can see that ... well, you aren't dragon material."

Adlari let out a contained sigh, and Bree took in one of her own. "But he could stay with me, at the weyr, couldn't he?"

"He could watch, from the sands, as well," Nora assured the woman. "But I doubt that he'd ever Impress. No offence," she added, waving her hand.

"None taken, it's been hard to convince her of that, though." He put his arm around his love, and she rolled her eyes in defeat on that subject.

"Well," Shard said, "that's solved that problem," he indicated several other harpers, brothers and such, and wandered over to see them. Together, the dragons on search found three potential candidates that day, Bree and the Huuloa brothers Shane and Thane. Bree and Adlari packed up, while Bree sent her firelizard with a message to her sisters way out in the boonies. It told them that she would be at Talor Cliff, hopefully for a while!

"They'll come and visit too," Adlari added, "but soon enough, I believe you'll be able to visit them yourself!"

When it came time to stand upon the sands for this clutch she'd been brought to, however, Bree was not there. It surprised everyone that she would be absent, but she had her reasons. Not the least of which was that her long lost father had come back to Dawnlight Hold, and she was requested to visit him -- and her sisters would be there as well!

"It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you've been Searched," R'iel said, looking over his daughter. "After all, that is why I have been absent for this long."

The blue rider apologized to his daughters and their mother, Reen. It took a little work, but he did come across as truly sorry for not having claimed time away from the weyr and his wing to find them. He had no excuse, so he made none.

Bree finally decided that she liked the man, even if he was a bit of a drifter. And she could clearly see why her mother waited for him to come back to her, after these years. The last time she knew he'd been around was nearly a decade before, when the sisters were but brats. She thought that he was not a rider then, she didn't remember his name being so short. Rideal, that was his name then.

But he came with gifts from around the world, and a supply of hard-earned marks to give to Reen for her trouble raising the girls alone. He took Bree aside, however.

"You're going to make a wonderful rider," he said, "and I hope that you understand. When I was gone, it wasn't because I didn't want to see you all... It was my duty to Pern, and that duty will take you away from them, too." He tossed his head at the younger sisters, who were still oohing and ahhing at their dresses and hair clips.

"I... understand, father." She said. "I already know that Adlari will not become a rider. And that... stings a bit. But he's as good a drummer as you could ever want. So ... perhaps we will be together in a weyr. He would make a useful addition, wouldn't he?"

R'iel smiled, and nodded. "That's right. There is never a shortage of folk in a weyr, you know. Holds aren't the only place for harpers and crafters."

Finally, he offered to bring the girls back to their respective areas. Bree hung on a little longer, but finally went back to Talor, to stand again... This time, on the sands for a young Gold's clutch!

The excitement had grown around Talor for days. The eggs were overdue to hatch, and all two dozen of the candidates spoke of was what they might impress. Bree kept her head but still... She watched the younger candidates play games and the older weyr inhabitants make bets, and when she and her love Adlari went into the hatching sands area together, she sighed deeply.

"Thinking of the eggs, my sweet?" Adlari asked, and took her hand. "I know. But it will be soon!"

It was! The next morning, just past breakfast, the crooning of the dragons started. Their hum filled the weyr with anticipation and joy!

The candidates, including a harried and half-sleepless Bree, were scooted into the hot sands, and though Bree was a harper trained, she took a gasp at the sight of all the visitors lining the walls in the seating. So many people had come to see this hatching!

It was a quick wait, when a brown hatched out first. Then a bronze, and two greens! It was all starting so fast! Bree watched the greens find their lifemates, and her eyes tore themselves off the greens and onto Adlari who was in the stands there, watching her. He pushed his hands into the air, telling her to watch the eggs.

A blue impressed, and then a brown. Then another green and blue bumped out of their eggs. Still, Bree waited. Her heart was throbbing and her head spun. What if there wasn't an egg here for her? What if none of these beautiful dragonets chose her?

It was when the queen egg moved, that the dragon guarding it stood and moved.

The girls all moved a little closer, and Bree walked as if transfixed toward the golden hued egg. The beautiful line of a wing broke out of the egg and then her leg, then the golden dragonet was standing in all her glory upon the sands!

The gold stood and watched the girls, but only Bree felt bravery in her soul well up. She stepped up to the dragon, and looked deeply into her eyes.

I am starving. Mother told me to choose because you would be able to feed me! My name is Usodorith, by the way. And you are Bree. I know your name because you are my one and only.

With tears in her eyes, Bree announced, "her name is Usodorith!" Then she looked over the sands at the broken shells of dragons who were certainly not this beautiful or serene. Her amber eyes met Adlari's when she began walking with her new found love, and said, "come, love. There is food this way." They exited the sands, to the applause of the crowd!

She is going to be a grand queen someday,bespoke a clear voice in Bree's head, one which wasn't her own dragon. And, oddly, though Usodorith could tell there had been someone else in her rider's mind, she did not get the communication.

Bree looked around, nervous.
It is all right. There is no need to panic. Your father has met me, he wonders if you will be strong enough to be one of my own kind.

"Your kind?" Bree asked, aloud. She looked about. This was like no voice she'd ever heard. Something clung to her mind, something dusty and feeling rather like the desert.

My kind, sweet. You know that Shard is one of mine, a fine work of art. And his beautiful weyrmate Rue.

You ought not to try setting my rider and myself up with some blue rider, whoever you are! Exclaimed Usodorith. She was irate, and well deservedly so! Get out of my rider's mind! We do not even fly properly yet. I will not between for your amusement!

The voice paled, then apologized without words. Then, disappeared entirely.

"I wonder what... who... that was!" Bree said, eyes filling with tears. Though she had gotten rather good at using her mental senses, that mind was so much more powerful than any she'd felt before, it almost felt like he tried to invade her and make her do some strange bidding! But Uso... ahh, her wonderful dragon! She saved the day, didn't she!

Bree promised Usodorith that she'd get whatever treat, be it a trip to the lake, extra servings of fish treats, or a good old fashioned hand scratching everywhere in the world, just for what she'd done.



It was a good day to fly. Usodorith's wings stretched to their fullest, and she caught the updraft over Talor's caldera. Bree laughed musically -- she did everything musically of course, and they veered over the weyr proudly.

Am I not the most beautiful queen in the world? Usodorith bespoke.

You are to me! And I'm sure that those bronze and brown boys down there think so too!

As long as you and your mate the black-haired one feel it, that is all I care about.

Bree warmed again to the love that Usodorith had for Adlari. Though he was not a rider, he had gotten his Mastery in harper craft, drumming for the Protectorate was a truly important job and he took it as seriously as he had his proposal for handfasting.

She had accepted of course, she could not -- would not -- live without him near her. And since she was a gold rider, he had to know that there would be exceptions for her heart... Though she loved him, she must allow her gold to rise, and that might cause jealousy among the men. For if a queen rose and her rider wasn't able to give her heart to her mate... The clutches always suffered. Bree promised Weyrwoman Falora, as well as Weyrleader Shard, that she would be happy with whatever could be arranged. That she herself, would never want to be a weyrwoman, only best serving as a junior queen rider for the Protectorate.

Usodorith, while she echoed the feeling of pride in being allowed to have a permanently mated rider, seemed to feel a tingle of regret. Might her rider be more happy if she had been a green? Or even a blue?

Ahh.... but that was not what she was! A queen -- a large one at that -- among the fine bronzes and browns... And even Shard's blue Jeremoth had his moments. Though he could never fly her!

Someday soon, they would find out just who would fly this beautiful queen!

Bree and Usodorith made one amazing flight, at Ryslen. However their moments of glory were interrupted a little by the presence of E'tan and his brown Utainth. Though her sisters know what happened after, Bree is still left a bit in the dark about the telepath and his wiles.

Bree and Usodorith were part of the Valley of Flames wing for a time, but are considered the wing leaders of the Artistic Bent wing primarily. They do not fight any threats, at this time, though Usodorith and Bree learned much from their time on Pern in the Valley wing.


Pedigree of sorts:

Dam: Gold Lelianth - unknown
Sire: Bronze Verelith - Mother: Sr. Queen Naomith Father: Bronze Treyath (talor)

Mate - Bronze Elkeruth

Offspring -

Yoshi and (large) green Verausth
Keain and brown Atocyazoth
Tlyzza and green Gaelath
Tulalyn and bronze Rorfiliath
Loinneil and blue Niuhith
Ilene and Gold Etherrallanth
Zare and blue Leejuath
El-thuli and Bronze Gilondeth
Rhira and green Boabeth
Analu and green Feycirath
Arathi and blue Athuiteth
Merick and blue Joekarath
Trystyn and brown Thalenyth
Snoen and brown Ocorebeth
Therbre and (small) green Ieanitegeth