Impressed from Various Locations


Cassiopia and Cassandra

Cassiopia, age 19 turns -- Older twin to Cassandra, Sr Apprentice Harper (scribe)
Bonded to abandoned Dark Green Aelanth at Dark Moon Weyr

Cassandra, age 19 turns -- Younger twin to Cassiopia, Sr Apprentice Harper (records)
Bonded to abandoned Light Green Brennath at Dark Moon Weyr


Caitlin, age 17 turns -- Apprentice Harper (records) -- Impressed Marbled Green Flaviath at Falas Weyr


Carnage, formerly known as Carnea, age 15 turns -- Apprentice Smith, outlaw
Impressed Blue Havocth at Firestone Weyr

The daughters of Journeyman Harper Castlin and Journeywoman Weaver Corelia. The family has also taken in several fosterlings, however they have never had any trouble with bearing their own! The family lives in Dawnlight Hold, with a relatively wealthy looking cothold set in the nicer part of the Hold's grounds. Their home is made of large and small stones, with a beautiful metal tile roof made by Castlin's brother who is a smithcrafter. The cothold is square, two stories, and has several large rooms and the kitchen on the bottom floor, with several bedrooms on the second. Children are often found running around the hold, helping Corelia with her weaving or doing the cleaning and cooking. Their daughters are usually elsewhere, with their classes.