Cherry Black Admin. Sneak. Pervert. While everyone else went home after the massive dragon and rider orgy of the Naughty Clutch, she stuck around splicing videotape and making commentary on the webcam recordings that were made of everyone's little adventures during the flight itself. Let it never be said that a woman like Cherry, with friends like Spring and Rachelle, would be less than professional about something as important as dragon rider porn! Once everything was distributed, she could relax. But she got the weirdest feeling that this wasn't the last she'd be seeing of this group... ***
And it wasn't. Not by a long shot. A number of months later, could have been a year her time or could have been a couple weeks, no one was sure since this was a Healing Den affair, Cherry got a weird kind of 'ping' in her mind. It wasn't a psionic trying to contact her, but it was quite close. It made her brain itch. Which on one hand, she kind of enjoyed. While she was often known as a dominating and witchy woman, she could also truly enjoy being left to dangle in suspense or in delightful agony at the right hands. It felt like the right hands were tickling the inside of her skull. It felt ... kind of like she had a yeast infection and it was inside her mind, and it felt so good to try scratching it... But this was in fact an itch she couldn't reach herself. Something was missing. So she decided to do something about it. "Hey, Spring, have your dragon tap into this," she tapped her own forehead with a manicured nail. "And do something about it, will ya?" Spring, somewhere down the hall and tending her own paperwork, glanced at her friend and shrugged. Suddenly, she lept to her feet and ran over to Cherry. "That - thing! The hatching! Oh you've gotta go! You just have to!" Spring shook Cherry by the shoulders, making the asian woman's head loll back and forth as she laughed loudly. "I figured as much, let's go. Should I bring anything?" "Cigarettes, I gotta have a smoke." Spring replied, always bumming a smoke off her best friend. *** When the eggs hatched, one in particular slopped her way toward the Blackbottomed woman. "You'll do! Take a lick, I'm really good!" It was all kinds of funny being around hatchlings that looked and acted rather more mature than they were. Oooh that Sloppysecondth? Wow. She and a couple of her siblings bummed ciggies off the women too. Then finally, they headed home to Kshau Isle, where everyone was somewhat confused by the dragon she'd bonded. Her name, a little long? Hard to say? Not really when put to a sing-song treatment...
Dulath and Sixth Lime Green J-E-L-L-Oth - bonded to Cherry Black Tasty! Bright! Sticky! Need I say more? She's about 18 feet long, at most, but who cares. She's too busy sharing the joy to notice. Yes, it's pronounced Jay Eee Ell Ell Oth. |
"You know how things get around in the Nexus?" J-E-L-L-Oth said, butting her head against her rider and making the smell of warm gelatin float through the air. "Well there's something going on that I want you to go to, and even if you don't, we're going anyway." Cherry stacked the papers she had finished up and patted them, "all done. Should I pack?" "Probably, but not like that last trip. Look, I'm big enough for you but not you and fifteen pairs of shoes." Cherry harrumphed, and went to her dorm. The dragonry in the Isle for regular folks like her and Spring were low bungalos next to a towering dragon cliff, the dragons actually more liked their private chambers when they didn't have to deal with their humans all the time. But there was more than enough room in each dragon's den to suit a slumbering rider now and then. J-E-L-L-Oth came around once Cherry had finished packing some clothing (minus thirteen pairs of shoes). "You know better than me where we're going," Cherry stated. "So let's go!" Up into the evening sky they went, circling the Isle once before sending themselves into the Nexus. Because she'd been born to adept Nexus travelers herself, J-E-L-L-Oth moved swiftly and with ease between wherever this world was (Alskyr? Pern? Some other place like Zekira? The Kshau Isle was becoming known on many worlds, and only the people outside it were confused as to where precisely it was.) and into the Star City dragonry. "Woah, this place is as nice as all the pictures," Cherry said, looking around in some amount of appreciation. "It's a good thing I swiped that press pass from that one guy. Otherwise," she glanced at people who stared at her a little, then moved along, "I don't think we would be here properly..." "Don't worry. We're admin! We can go anywhere, if we look like we belong!" J-E-L-L-Oth said with a nod. ".... What's this 'we', girlfriend?" Cherry laughed. She made her way around the station, until she located what appeared to be the right place. The tingling in her mind was strongest there, anyway. There was a bit of a glowing center to the area - but it turned out that the glow... was created by dragons! ((continuing on giveaway?)) |