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Gender/Age: female, 18 Rank/Craft: Hold born but with rider parentage, guard and spy Location: Dawnlight Hold Dragon if any: Blue Cirnath, Impressed at Andromeda Weyr Physical Description: 5'4", 100, all muscle and curves. Very sexy build, wide shoulders and narrow hips. Pale white skin, burns easily. Orangeish blond hair that becomes almost two-toned with sunlight. Wide, large sea blue eyes. Long nose and small lips make this young woman a sight to drink in... but not for too long. If she catches you staring she may get rough. Her voice is commanding, strong and deep for a young woman. She loves wearing strangely cut clothing, and has often been seen in less than the Holder would like. Emotional/Mental Description: strong willed and somewhat volitile, Demona is quick to react and even quicker to burn up. She does have the ability to reign in, but she rarely does. Preferring to snap at those who would anger her. She is less than forgiving, as well, and often holds a grudge. Particularly competitive, she and Loni are quite the pair when it comes to catfights. She is not fragile, but there are old secrets she would like to keep that way, secret.Skills: She was trained as a guard, and is highly skilled in hand to hand combat, as well as the use of a sword (almost unheard of for women). She also hunts very well, with a keen eye and strong senses. She is quick to the draw, and is good with a bow as well, though she shies away from knives for some reason, and rarely continues in a hunt if she will be made to skin or gut the kill. She does not have a problem with the guts, it is something else entirely. She has a great ability to command others, and barks out orders like a drill sergeant. History: born in the Hold while Thread was falling, to two dragon riders from the surrounding areas weyrs. She knew neither of them would stay with her or her sister, and she being older took it upon herself to guard the younger girl when they were growing up. She received her training from Lord Spencer, who is still somewhat in charge of the Dawnlight security domain. When she was Searched, Spencer got a gleam in his eye that passed to Demona, perhaps they could take the Hold back from the lax governing body? Notes and Special Information: Demona wears a complimentary outfit to Loni, but keeps a secret below the cloth: there is a long terrible scar under it, from her shoulder to her thigh, which she got as a result of a horrible fight with a man who still haunts the local wilderness. He cut her with a knife that apparently was made to cause a scar, and should she get the opportunity, she will kill him, no question. She does not speak of this incident, though she was found by local Healers and questioned repeatedly about it. It is her one sore spot which she has changed from a bruise to a vengance. Pets/Hobbies/Posessions: she has no pets, she will only make time for a dragon if she impresses. She likes to sew, since it gives her a chance to make her own clothing and not allow other people to see her scars. |
"Could it be too much to ask to just get him out of the way?" Demona asked, sharply. "He's just drunk!" "He's still got a knife," someone pointed out. "A big one. From the kitchen." Demona was given to pause. She could still sometimes feel the long scar on her leg and side, and this time it seemed to throb for attention. She nodded at the group of people who had gathered to watch the drunkard wave his knife, and cleared her mind. "Move aside then," she said, dark. "It seems that none of you can deal with a simple drunk, you're all fools." The legs of the woman were what entranced the drunk holder most, and instead of looking at where they were going he obviously imagined them in states of lesser dress than they were. When Demona aimed a high kick at him, he never knew what hit him. The knife forgotten for the moment, the drunk holder allowed it to clatter to the floor, and Demona's next action was to slide it out of the way. It skittered across the stone floor of the Hold, and into someone's hands -- she hoped someone's hands knew what they were doing... "You, sir, are quite drunk, and that will be enough out of you for this night!" She announced, and took his arm up tightly behind his back. With a cry of pain, the holder began to protest, but then looked more sick than anything else. Later on, once rumors of all the action had been spread around the weyr like firelizard chitter, someone came up to Demona in the dining hall. It was surprisingly Shard, of Blue Jeremoth... The Protectorate's leader. She narrowed her large eyes at the man, but he sat beside her anyway, his blue firelizard Impulse flapping eagerly at the meat rolls on his plate. "Did you know that there is a clutch at a new weyr?" Shard said, in a casual tone. "Why would you ask me if I know that? How should I know?" She said, her anger and fear from the fight earlier still clinging on. "You know now," he said, and slid a smile across his face. "And I'd say that you're already one to be strong enough to ride a dragon." "I was searched when I was younger," she pointed out, stabbing her wherry steak with a fork. "But there were never any riders available to take me to sands." "There is now," Shard said. "And besides," he leaned on the table and looked at her with a gleam in his eyes, "Loni has already impressed. You don't want to be out done by her, do you?" He winked. How was it that so many people knew of their rivalry? And when did Shard begin to care about her activities? She thought that Loni and her brother the blue rider L'ren were totally on Shard's side of the fence in Dawnlight. However, when she thought about it... Shard was on anyone's side. It was the brother and sister who were politically active. Demona sighed and nodded. "So, are you the rider to take me there? Isn't your harper around to be jealous?" "My Harper is always jealous, but never enough to be painful..." Shard said. "And yes, I'm willing to take you if you're going. Andromeda weyr is the place. There are two smithcrafters on their way already." "I will contact the Lord Holders, and tell them I'm going, then. They'll be wanting to replace me in the guard." "No one could replace you, Demona," Shard said, standing and gathering the scraps of the meal for his flit. "I'm sure that he'll say the same thing..." "I am glad that the greens and that queen decided not to try for me," Demona said soothingly to her blue Cirnath. He glimmered in the moonlight, as the woman doused him with oils and scratched all those little itches he developed after hatching. That feels so good, you are making me very happy, Demona! It cannot be any better than this! "I just realized that you haven't been begging me to scratch your skin in almost a sevenday, Cirnath!" That is because I do not itch so much. I remember the itchy. And how hungry I was when I was little! "You ate SO much!" Demona laughed. Then, she looked at their new weyr setup. They were with the Cherry Bombers wing, made up of all girls with boy dragons. They looked quite tough up there in the air! Of course, they looked quite tough on the ground too! The women had welcomed Demona, with her training and her skills, they were going to all benefit from her being one of them. There was something bothering Demona, though. Something about the way Cirnath would look at the greens. She would have to deal with a flight, someday. The blue was strong, quick and healthy, and what was best about him was that he was both silent and clever as well. In Demona's mind, she could never have impressed anyone less than Cirnath. It was the way he looked at the pretty greens, with their pretty riders... Demona herself wasn't like some of the Cherry wing, not like Brinna and Jehmmi. She liked men -- quite a bit. But she scared them. "Just try finding a green to fly that's got a guy riding her, okay?" Demona grumbled when Cirnath had some new tidbit about who looked glossy and glowing today. But I have asked! There is one named Lanneth, M'cri is her rider. But I think he doesn't like girls. Or what about V'naard? I think... Hmn. Well, Zadmith is very pretty but she is also quite large and much older than I am. I think she would out fly me. Mareth! There is Mareth, T'rask rides a green and I think you -- "T'rask is an outlaw," Demona growled. "Don't you dare try setting him up with me, you!" I do not understand... He is a rider! And he does like girls! What is an 'outlaw' anyway? Demona only sighed. Some day... Perhaps... there would be some interesting tales to tell around the Cherry wing's meeting tables... | |