Archeria's Dolphin Cove

The West Coast Enclave

Archeria is ... for lack of a better word, an immortal mutant. When the Kshau Protectorate moved from Pern to Alskyr, many people changed (growing fur, tails, spikes, turning colors, etc). Archeria changed rather dramatically. However, she still is in charge of the West Coast Enclave - now located on the western shore of the Kshau Isle - and there, she still is in charge of the dolphin pods!

Her closest companion here in the craggy and rocky shore is Celebration - a male dolphin with most unusual coloration. (He's actually a gift from Blackyluver at the Egyptan Breeder's Club for Lethe's 39th birthday - hurrah!)

please do not take Celebration! He was a gift and doesn't belong on any page but mine!

In order to keep the pods of dolphins safe, Archeria has asked that a few be sent out to new locations. With the Nexus being open to all worlds and places, anywhere which has a supply of salt water and the space to keep one, may adopt a dolphin!

The rules for adopting a dolphin from the West Coast Enclave:

1 - You MUST provide a link that WORKS back to the Eden's Gate site! is the url. Please use it!

You may use the dolphin-shield image at the top of the page if you wish. You do not have to email me about it but if you wish to do so, please email Shard: kshau_protectorate @ - remove the spaces and please say 'dolphin adoption' in your subject line.

2 - Please do not put this dolphin on a 'zoo' page. They deserve some space! You *may* resize or flip your dolphin images. You *may* adopt as many as you like but please put only 2 or 3 on each page.

3 - PLEASE never readopt out to other people. These images are mine to give out. They were originally drawn by someone who has since left dragons and adoptions online (that I know of anyway) but they are not intended to be sent by anyone but Archeria here!

4 - PLEASE do not say that you drew these! Please do not use them anywhere but a webpage, no forum avatars or anything else.

5 - DO NOT direct link to the images. Please right-click and 'save as' to YOUR hard drive, and when you put it up on your website, you must use YOUR provider's server space! I know what I'm looking for - I know how to read and write HTML so I know when an image is being swiped from my site.

Right now there are 6 different styles of dolphins available. You may choose their name and gender, and whatever else you'd like to do with them. They are smart, have their own habits and names, and may even have special powers. That's all up to you!