And apparently, bold and loud weren't the current
fashion in the Hall... So he was dismissed.
Just like that.
When a twig snapped near Dlandon, he nearly jumped out of his skin. But
it was just his hunting partner, Godel. The dark skinned
pair lurked around the small pond waiting for the right moment to strike.
The tunnel snake they hunted was simply huge, not like the little ones
which came slinking through the holds or weyrs... This was a wild one,
grown out in the deserts and thriving upon carrion.
"He'll be a good feast," Godel said. "If we can take him."
Dlandon made a noise and readied his knife. "As if. Let's do it. Look,
it's drinking now. Perfect."
They split up, and with Dlandon circling around the right, and Godel on
the left, they were certain to confuse the beast enough so that one of
them would get a good shot in.
Their luck ran out when the 6 meter long tunnel monster raised its head
and bellowed, and ... its MATE came from the shadows to assist! Even the
strongly built pair of hunters knew they were outmatched -- but now the
had to run, lest they became lunch for their own prey!
Huffing and panting, they were almost at the main pressed road, when Dlandon
came up short, pulling Godel aside to hide. "If we go any further," he
panted, "the snakes'll find the cothold!"
With eyes wide, they both knew that it was time to lead the huge snakes
away from their home. Eden's Gate was small, and filled with rogues and
their ilk, but they were friends, and they were important.
They were the only things that Dlandon had left... And he meant to protect
So they bolted away, north-west instead of east. The pair of monstrous
tunnel snakes kept following, though they had tired and were falling behind.
They had likely been resting at the pond after hunting, themselves, or
Perhaps it was the dragon above which had been hunting them before the
two humans had located them! The tunnel snakes ducked and hissed, but
both of them fell so easily to the huge taloned feet of the dragon, as
it smashed down onto them from above.
"Heyo---" called out Dlandon, "thanks! So much!" He panted, and Godel
joined him in a rousing cheer for their rescuer. True, it was but a blue
dragon, but they both knew the value of any dragon -- especially one which
just probably saved their lives!
The rider dismounted and dusted himself off, and watched as the blue tore
into one of the snakes for a well-deserved meal. The other, it was asked,
should be taken to Eden's Gate to be used as smoked meat, they had so
little of it to go around...
The rider watched the pair help gut and cut up the beast, but listened
to his dragon carefully.
Both of these men are good. They are very good.
I like the lighter one, the one with the loose clothing.
"You sir," the rider said, "what is your name?"
Dlandon indicated himself, and looked at Godel. "I'm Dlandon, and this
is Godel. I was a harper once, and he's just a poor excuse for a stone
worker." Godel smacked his friend on the shoulder, but was smiling widely.
"Well, Dlandon, Godel, you both fit the description for a searching, but...
I'm only on search for one. So you know..." The rider looked to Godel,
"if it's any consolation, Aden's sands fill rapidly. There is a clutch there now,
but I've already got one other candidate to take there, and ... this time
I'd be asking if Dlandon here would be willing to come with me."
Godel laughed, "oh, sir, that's fine by me... I've two brothers who would
probably skin me like this snake, if I were to be off without them! And
besides," he added, leaning in, "Dlandon is in need of some cheering up.
I think standing would be the best thing."
"You're so understanding," Dlandon muttered. "But ... yeah, that's about
right. If I don't get something positive in my life soon... I don't know
what I'll do. At least you have your dragon and that's something that
can never be taken away from you..."
The rider looked with a nod, and said, "yes, that's true. Very true."
He was sad, now he is not! I like him! He will do fine! Bespoke the blue, to his rider. "Well, let's get
you set up. If this is Eden's Gate, then you probably don't have many
people to inform about your departure... Is there anything you want to
take with you? Or would you be coming as you are?"
"Oh," Dlandon said, looking at himself -- bloodied, scraped, dirty and
sweaty -- "I think I'll at least want to take a good bath first, just
so I don't arrive and slay the weyr folk with my stench..."
The eggs on Aden's sands seemed to take forever
to hatch. But forever wasn't exactly that long, as Nemisath called her
candidates onto the sands. The eggs were trembling fiercely and the seventh
clutch at Aden Weyr began with a beautiful blue.
A green impressed next, and then a trio of eggs broke shell at the same
time. A brown, a green and a bronze. The brown impressed right off, and
then, the bronze circled around as he sniffed at them curiously. When
he stopped, it was at Dlandon's feet. The small hatchling let off a huge
roar and bespoke him --
I like loud noises!
So do you! I think I'd like to hear that instrument you worked on, and
I'd like to hear you play it! My name's Mavrenuth!
The harper-exile shook his head and let the ringing die down, between
his ears. The dragon was loud!
Well, sure, if you really want to," he said, thinking about the piece
of hide, wood and metal that he'd still kept with him in his weyr, not
daring to take it out lest he be laughed out of the weyr too. "But I think
you may want to tone it down just a bit, that's loud even for me!"
With a silly hiss, and his bronze head dropped down low, Mavrenuth bespoke
barely a whisper but always clear enough for his Impressed D'on to hear,
okay, I will...
now... feed me!

The dragonet just ate and ate... Well, he ate, slept
and shed. And when the time came for the group of weyrlings to learn how
to fly, Mavrenuth did his level, loudest best to beat everyone else into
the air. He sure did.
And when the bronze landed on his nose he bellowed that he could have
planned that trip better! D'on laughed and tightened his grip on the riding
straps he held. There was no way he was going up in the air with this
big klutz, bond or no bond.
I heard that! Why do you not love me any more! I
love you! And I want to fly! I listen to your music, why won't you fly
with me!?
"I will fly with you, once you learn how to do it... Mav, come on... I'd'a
been killed if I'd been sitting on your back like the others..." Mavrenuth
looked around at the other weyrling pairs, their riders sitting nice and
straight on their dragon's shoulders.
Oh. So THAT'S what those things are for! I get it
D'on rolled his eyes, apologized to the weyrling master, and started putting
the straps on his dragon.

It was less than a year later that the Protectorate
was to leave the old world forever. D'on's bronze had grown into a fine
medium-sized dragon, with as much grace as he could muster -- which wasn't
often saying much.
Mavrenuth was a bright, loud, fine bronze, though. He was proud to have
a rider as talented as D'on. When the Kshau protectorate relocated to
Alskyr, they fit right in, mostly. It was a bit shaky at first, but they
finally got into their role as search and communication runners.

The small amount of land they had to protect was
more than enough for the imported dragons. Only a small number of them
kept their ability to use flame and burn things, but those who did managed
to do it without the aid of any chewed up stones. That made nearly everyone
quite happy.
It was the fact that Mavrenuth could now SPEAK out loud to people, not
just in their heads, that really amazed -- and perhaps confounded -- D'on
and his friends. Mav was likely to blurt out things, but he never meant
any harm by it. In fact, he was more or less able to contain himself when
it mattered most. He was allowed to let loose occasionally...
And they wait for a chance to fly a mating flight... Though since Aden
barely made it out from the last hatching, D'on wasn't sure how they would
find a proper place. There would be one. But it would take time.