Protectorate Flight Listing
Located: Quinalt Weyr, Old World
Type: Green, Sarafinth (Mohnikee, F)
Open To: Brown, Blue, Small Rare
"That looks like a good one," Rogue said, pointing at the little flashing cursor on the screen before her. Her partner Dancer peered over her shoulder and grunted.
"I suppose so, does it have information on the green? I wonder where she's from?"
Rogue dragged the cursor up to the name, and clicked on it, and sure enough there was a little info-menu about her. "She's pretty, look, there's a reference image."
Dancer's eyes lit up, and she felt her Light-Blue Choreoth in the back of her mind come to life. She is very pretty indeed. It would be an honor to even attempt flying her.
"Choreoth says he likes her."
Rogue looked at her partner of many years and got a strange look on her face. "... So does Rascalth."
Dancer licked her lips. "Well, he is aptly named. What if they want to both fly her?"
"Well... My guy would beat the tar out of that little blue of yours..."
"Oh I do not think so," Dancer laughed, and urged Rogue to punch in a request for coordinates so they could reach Quinalt weyr without getting lost.
Outside, on the towering mountain side, Choreoth and Rascalth tossed insults and got all mock-angry at one another. When their riders came out, they didn't even let up.
He will never out fly me!
"He doesn't have to out fly you, Choreoth," Rogue stated with a grin, "He has to out fly this Sarafinth. If it were just you two I'd worry, but there are other dragons out there too, already. Two browns and a blue."
"Then you two ought to start practicing again..." Dancer smugly said, hugging her arms to her blue's neck, "because you're totally out of shape after having been here for this long..."
Huffy, but stung by the reality of the statement, both the blue and the brown dragon began their practicing - spiraling into the sky and chasing one another across the clouds.
"I didn't mean now..." Dancer said, "now how are we getting back to Blackstone?"
"Rumpled, I think," Rogue laughed, springing on her partner with a grin.
The time-tossed dragons were expert at diving and flaming on the old world, but had in fact been out of practice for a while. But now, their big curved wings caught air currents and Choreoth showed his brown clutch-mate how fast he really could fly.
Rascalth on the other hand decided to play dirty, teleporting (since he and Choreoth were two of the few who still could do so) in front of the light-blue and almost colliding.
You're going to have to do better than that if you want to catch the green like I am going to do...
In your dreams!
Choreoth and Rascalth are from Ryslen Weyr, and currently reside with their riders on Alskyr's Paniya Island.