Hennish was always an over-achiever. So far as her mother, green rider Hannah, was concerned, Hennish couldn't have done better. According to Hennish's foster parents, she was an attentive child, a bit loud, and always finished her meals as well as her harper's work.
It was when she grew up into a young woman that people began to worry that Hennish's personality wasn't really suited for life in a Hold. Her penchant for finding sharp objects to stick into soft bits (mostly of animals, but sometimes on people) had her pegged as a problem.
Some of the Hold's guard folk picked her out of a lineup of culprits, likely candidates for some 'retraining'. She eagerly went to their gatherings, and learned for the first time how easy it was to actually swing a sword.
But she loved a bow, as well. She is a good shot, always has been, and has used this to her advantage when plying her trade in the Guards areas. She would have risen farther into the ranks of Guards, had she merely not been Searched.
But searched she was, and proud of it too. Determined to impress well, she strode onto Blackstone's sands and... didn't impress. Even though it was a large clutch, she remained with the handful of others who hadn't been right for any of these dragons. It was small consolation to her (and the others) that no dragon went un-impressed that day, still, it was hard.
At 17 turns, she was sent back to Dawnlight. It shamed her to have stood and not impressed, but to everyone else, she was quite the hero. She would always be one up on most of her companions in the guard weyrs.
But then one turn later, she was offered an opportunity like no other.
There was an abandoned dragon at Dragon Soul Weyr, and she'd been selected to view her.
"... Are you certain I should be here?" Hennish asked quietly. Though she'd been around dragons many times, Hennish had never seen abandoned ones before. It was... terrifying.
The weyrwoman at Dragon Soul nodded, and indicated that there were many weyrs filled with abandoned dragons, of all ages, at this weyr. And at first, Hennish only wanted to run from them. It was terrible! How could anyone just -- NOT love their dragon?! Not keep her in their soul, like they were meant to be?
What Hennish would have given for the moment of Impression! She was so jealous of the people who stood on those sands and walked away with their heart twice as big and brimming-full.
But here was a room, warm and dark but somehow very chilly and vacant seeming. There was a dragon in it, medium green, but worn. She didn't have any spark in her color, her hide was almost completely dry and was shedding horribly. Hennish walked into the weyr, hesitating only a moment longer.
Something inside her gut told her to keep walking in. To approach.
Then, her heart skipped a beat. The deeply depressed dragon looked up at her, and the dragon's eyes changed from a dull, almost black grey color, into a slowly-gaining whirl of blue and green. Life had returned to her!
You are mine now. I am Pharaeth. You will never leave me, will you?
"Oh! Pharaeth I couldn't ever do that!" Hennish cried out, and embraced the dragon tightly.
The Sea Blessed wing took in many of Hennish's companions -- abandoned dragons from the Dragon Soul weyr. They were best off kept together, like this. It seemed implausable that they could survive very long without any of their dear clutchmates and weyr-companions.
And though Pharaeth knows she is only an adopted dragon, she also knows that Hennish is somewhat jealous still of the gold riders in the Valley of Flames wing. Pharaeth could never even rise for an infertile flight, in her depression all of her potential as an egg layer was destroyed.
But as fighting pairs go, Hennish and Pharaeth are among the finest! Swift in flight, and bright of flame, the green took a while to get back to proper health and size, but eventually she is nearly the best of their wing! |