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Jade's pages, written around 2000 |
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Jade is a young woman of 17 turns, standing a mere 5'2", but with long, slender limbs and a willowy frame. She has very pale skin, almost white, and doesn't tan well. Her hair is voluminous black, going to her waist and often tied back. Her eyes are jade green. Her face is very pretty, with small lips and even, smart eyes. Her personality is that of a devoted friend. If she believes in something she will follow it to the end, and she is rarely seen in the company of folk who decieve or jest overly much. That is not to say she doesn't like jokes, but she rarely finds practical jokes funny in the slightest. Jade will defend the right, no matter the cost. Jade's skills are all set up for defending a Hold or Weyr, with physical training and hunting being prime. She is skilled at target practice, as well as hand holds and hand to hand combat. She has a sharp eye for details, and is a very strong judge of character. She and Triia are very close. It's been said, Jade belongs on a Green or perhaps a Blue dragon, her follower type personality aids well in wing moves and working thread fall. |
"I knew it!" Jade called out, seeing a friend of hers from Dawnlight. "I knew you'd be here at Gallimim sooner or later!" It wasn't soon after, when things had settled a bit and the dragons had allowed the candidates to actually walk around the eggs, when Jade and Taiver were alerted to the rocking and motion of the eggs! |
If you think for a moment that I'm going to do that, you're crazy! |
After the initial shock of learning to between, Lravaath caught on very quickly to the tricks one could do while there. Turning on her tail and coming out of it the other direction but flying just as fast, a trick that one of the Blackstone instructors taught in his class, was one of her favorites. Jade knew that they would eventually ride in a wing, and she wandered through Blackstone looking for riders to ask about it. She happened upon a small group playing cards, and sat in. "You'd think that the weyr would have better heating," one of them said. "But the plumbing is the best. I've got a full weyr." "I can't believe you win EVERY time!" The other said, throwing down his cards. Jade chuckled, and they both looked up. "Ah, sorry, I'll leave if I'm interrupting." "No, no!" The slender red-headed woman who'd just beaten her friend said. "Stay. You a rider?" "I am, Jade of green Lravaath." She extended her hand and the woman gripped it tightly. "Say, I heard you have some good tricks with that dragon of yours. Would you like to go flying? Test out some new ones?" "Could we? I'd love to!" Jade said. We will show them what tricks will save their lives, Jade! I know we will, Lrav! They're so excited, have we really built up this much of a reputation here in so little time? I think so! "Well, let's get going! Oh, I'm Jessie of green Zinnith. This is M'cri on green Lanneth. Kind of funny that our dragons names are so close. They're not even from the same clutch, are they!" She laughed loudly at her own joke. "We're both in the Sea Blessed Wing here. All greens and blues, you know. Let's go." The dark man shrugged. "You two go on. Lanneth is asking me if I'm going to oil her tonight... Always with the oiling... I'd make a pool and fill it with oil if I thought she'd use it..." Jessie and Jade went down to the bowl's entrance, and both green dragons circled about. Jessie nodded. "Yeah, I have seen her. You two are really talented. I've asked H'dar to check into you guys." "Check into us? Why?" "So you could be one of the wing Seconds, that's why! H'dar has been looking for someone for sevendays now, and I think you're going to be great at it!" |