These are the dragons at the Protectorate. Most of them have been Impressed at various online weyrs, though some are also in the Clubs listing. This is a work in progress, as there are nearly 20 candidates waiting for dragons, and many more on the way.
Aiuroboth | Alnaeth | Ashmarth | Askabeth | Ayamshuteth | Azlith | ||||
Bahrath | Bahvyatath | Bicath | Bireth | Bornilith | |||||
Camdnith | Canarth | Ceveth | Cilath | Cherranth | Chvehath | Cometh | |||
Dalinoth | Damianith | Deakoth | Devikath | Diamoth | Dioath | Dliverath | Dueth | ||
Enabeth | Equinasath | Erilath | Eropath | ||||||
Fallith | Faloritoth | Felaxnath | Fertath | Foreth | |||||
Gatith | Gellth | Goherth | |||||||
Havuseth | Hiferth | Hopalth | Horuth | ||||||
Ianuth | Irayith | Irveth | Ishermith | ||||||
Jalanath | Jaluth | Jarmuth | Jemmath | Jeremoth | Joath | Joltith | Julanith | ||
Kagamith | Karth | Keath | Kheltith | Khersith | Kiyath | Koaluth | |||
Lakenth | Lanneth | Leorth | Lerinth | Lilioth | Lorenth | Lravaath | Lyrath | ||
Murath | Myuxeth | ||||||||
Natonith | Nauphith | Nelloth | Nerimenth | Neuroth | Nevth | Notioth | Nozomith | Nukath | |
Odoruth | |||||||||
Parth | Phaenath | Pharaeth | |||||||
Quantoth | Quisanth | Qutteth | |||||||
Raginth | Reetoth | Ringeth | Rivaath | Roketh | Rowinth | Ruarth | |||
Samvlath | Sapphrith | Sastrath | Shiseith | Sineth | Sixth | Skhyith | Soorienth | Sorinth | Surrith |
Synesth | |||||||||
Takanath | Taoth | Tareth | Teveth | Tezisth | Tikith | Trelerth | Triymyth | Tsuchith | |
Ulonyth | Ummidvarth | Unayth | Utainth | Utarnath | |||||
Vajrath | Vantith | Varmath | Virah'Care | Viull'Ryxa | Vizth | Voltith | Volth | Vorth | |
Wirdnith | Wyith | ||||||||
x | |||||||||
Yenitoth | Yiceth | Yrainth | Yukanth | ||||||
Zadmith | Zakurath | Zanilanth | Zinnith | Zurith | |||||
Let's break that down, shall we? 139 dragons; 9 Golds; 19 Bronzes; 40 Browns; 32 Blues; 31 Greens; 4 white, 1 purple, 1 white-white bronze, 1 alien green, 1 black