** Note page updated 1.3.23, condensed, originally on dawnlight_creator spread across several pages |
Name: Marcel (M'cel) Emotional/Mental Description: clever to a point, a risk taker to a longer point. He likes going out on a limb politically, and had actually razzed the former Holder of Dawnlight more than once as a youth! He dares to be visibly different when the need is right, however he is able to do his work and finish chores with a dutiful diligence. Skills: he is a good scribe, though his voice does not carry well enough for him to be a singer. He takes quick notes, and has a sort of shorthand which he uses to do it, then translating them into common script later. He likes collecting things which catch his eye, including odd girlfriends and shiny stones. He is no proper gentleman, either, and any girl who can keep up with him when he decides to go somewhere and party is the girl for him! He has a darker side, he likes listening in on things and is rarely caught because of his slight size and quiet nature. |
History: hold born and bred, his quick fingers led him into trouble before they led him to the scribner hall. He is often in trouble for stealing things, but he has changed this into taking on things which aren't already someone elses. When he was Searched, it came as quite the surprise to him, but he is sure that with the right dragon below him, he will do just as well as the other candidates! | |
Notes and Special Information: he and his sister both are considered threats by the old Holder, and for good reason. Between his ability to hide in shadows and take notes, and her smooth talking ability in the Hold council, they could run the place themselves. Pets/Hobbies/Posessions: has only tiny things collected, beads and baubles. He also has lots of untranslated notes of his own, which he's been meaning to get to one of these days... *** Marcel ran quickly enough when his sister Jezebel called out for him. "There are dragons! Look!" "That's usually what we get this close to a weyr, sister," he grumbled and looked up. He noticed the pair of dragons were already involved with Arard, lucky dog! But then, the blue dragon moved his nose over Jez and Marcel. We will collect your things, boychild, and you shall stand on the sands for our clutch! "Your... I'm... " He let off a 'whoo hooo!' loud enough to crack the windows. Aneris Weyr would be in for a treat, he decided. As Marcel is 'in the house'... The eggs were hatching! They had enough time to jump into their Candidates robes, Arard of course looking stunning in his, where Marcel just thought he looked kind of silly. They arrived to the hatching sands with the candidates, and before most of the stands were full up. "It's too bad our friends couldn't be here for this," Marcel muttered, "This is really amazing." "Ah so you admit it at last," the taller white-haired man said. "You know you tried to keep your cool long enough, but it's so much... I can't wait!" But they did have to wait! It took almost the whole hatching, but after bronzes and a brown, and even the large Gold egg hatched, a smallish Blue broke shell and trundled toward the group of boys. He scanned the group and seemed to be making a decision. Quickly made, he trumpeted a bit and went to Marcel! You will be my rider, M'cel, you are my friend! You do look a little silly in that dress thing, though! After a moment and nothing but the dragon's mental invasion to think on, M'cel shook off the surprise and the veiled insult, and cried out, "his name is Lakenth!" Don't embarrass me, Lakenth, I'm not the one who has bits of shell still stuck to his tail... M'cel bent down and picked off the little shells. *** "If we practice like A'rd we'll be flying in no time," M'cel said over the wind of Lakenth's wings. But if we practice like they do, we'll be on fire stone duty forever! M'cel pondered that. Then he got a gleam in his eye. "But we'll be learning soon enough. And we'll just have to do better than him. Have you seen that tall guy? With the blue dragon from the weyr that vanished?" Shard on Jeremoth? Yes I have. Why? "Because he's a hero I hear. He's taking all kinds of riders and making wings out of them for the South. We'll be in one, Lake, I swear to you we will." He is brave and expects much from his riders, I have heard. "Then you and I will be brave." A'rd and Trelerth will be too, they've already landed near the Weyrling master... *** After training and a lot of firestone duty... M'cel and Lakenth are now finally able to leave Aneris. Their training did not suffer because of their hesitation, but they will never be at the top of anyone's wing list. They returned to Blackstone and slunk around for a while, wandering through the mazelike corridors. Then, they heard a song being sung and headed over to where a small gathering of people were singing and laughing. M'cel joined in, never one to stop a party in progress! Loudly he drank and sang and drank more and laughed, drank even more, and soon became quite solid friends with all the riders who had gathered. "I didn't think riders knew how to sing so well!" He exclaimed with a kind of slosh. "How is that?" "We're Harpers, silly," a dark skinned man named R'daavi said. "And so are you, by your badge. Would you join us?" The others looked at M'cel and nodded. "Yes, you'd be welcome. Your dragon announced himself earlier and explained that you and he were looking for the right Wing. We're all harpers here," the man speaking stood up and waved his hands. "What do you think?" M'cel didn't have to think. Nor could he, for all the wine in his stomach. He laughed, and belched, and raised his hand in a rider's salute. "I'm IN! Weeeehhhoooo!" He hollared, and then passed out cold. On a routine sweep of the area near the Protectorate, M'cel and the others in the Artistic Bent Wing paid their respects to the small, new weyr called Seasparkul. It certainly is a pretty weyr, it looks shiny. May we go see more of it? Lakenth asked of M'cel. His rider nodded, and they descended. Into the weyrbowl they went, Lakenth announced their arrival with a happy trumpet. There is... a green down there... He bespoke with a sort of awe in his mind. "There are lots of greens, Lake, what about her?" This one is rising. "WHAT?!" M'cel yelled over the wind, as Lakenth took to higher skies instead of grounding them. "No, get your blue butt back down there! I can't be with you on a flight! Lakenth!" I am sorry M'cel, but she is beautiful! Look at her! How strong she looks! She must have already blooded her kills... There was a hint of sadness in his tone, so M'cel agreed that they would announce their intent to chase the green. "When you put me down! I have to talk to the weyrleaders!" 'Not to mention get off your back before you kill me flying a mating flight!' he added mentally without telling Lakenth. They landed, M'cel dropped from the blue's shoulder, and almost immediately Lakenth rose back into the air! He was as ready as he'd ever been to chase, and this beautiful Satineth was the most perfect chance he'd ever get! "I honestly didn't think you had it in you," A'rd said to M'cel, as Lakenth dove through the skies wrapped around green Satineth. "But you did." "Wasn't me," M'cel beamed, "Lakenth did it all by himself... Hey!" He said, realizing that the joke was on him if he put it that way! Satineth's rider, a graceful young girl named Mystika, came up to M'cel and grinned widely. A'rd wisely left them to their business. *** "I suppose that will have to do," Mystika said, perhaps a little sad that he wasn't just ready to settle down. But that was weyr life, wasn't it? "They were fabulous," M'cel said, complimenting Mystika's dragon as well as his own. "And I'm sure that the clutch will be good!" "I know it will," Mystika grinned. ***Two Months Later...*** M'cel looked like the proudest father on Pern! "Look at them all!" He said, bouncing slightly. "It's amazing!" Satineth laid 14 eggs! Fourteen! He could hardly believe it. Neither can I my friend, neither can I! Lakenth bespoke. I told you Satineth was a strong, beautiful green! Now she has proven it! It was half you, M'cel bespoke, but when he looked at Mystika he smiled again. "It'll be a while before the eggs hatch," she said, quietly. "But I've begun the search for candidates. Perhaps you could ask your friend A'rd to do a search?" "Well, he is a search rider!" M'cel said. He then told Lakenth to bespeak A'rd's dragon Trelerth. Send some candidates this way, Trel. You know I will do that, my clutch brother! Trel bespoke back, and congratulations are in order, you did well! Both dragon and rider just stood there smiling on the sands like idiots. |
dragon Lakenth has flown Green Satineth at Seasparkul! (sorry dead link) |
page images probably from an ancient background site |