Shakta's weyr is around the corner.
Shakta leads you to the open room with a half-grin on her face. "Here, you can stay as long as you like, but I'm going to have to do some studying."
Her weyr is tall, with three very pretty tapestries dangling from the ceiling, in a triangular pattern. They each have what appear to be descriptions of Holds that she's been to or has alliances with.
Alabaster Hold, Paveh Hold, and Blackstone. The names seem familiar, but you don't know from where.
Shakta seems intent on her studies so you don't ask her, rather you look around.
Through a small doorway is the exterior weyr, that her dragon (should she Impress from this clutch) will reside in. It is also separated from her room by a tapestry rather than a door, she seems to like them.
Everything seems in its place, and Shakta doesn't seem to speak very much to strangers.
Stood at Prism Weyr. |
Shakta walked into the Hatching Sands and smiled for very nearly the first time without a care. So many candidates, and so many beautiful eggs on the sands!
The dragons above hummed and trumpeted their happiness at the impending Hatching!
Shakta strode in, her feet seemingly immune to the heat of the sand below them.
"What do you think you'll Impress?" Someone beside her asked, and Shakta smiled.
"I will impress MY dragon, and nothing less!"
Not the answer the girl had been looking for, but certainly a good one. Then, shards began flying as the hatching began! A gold, probably wanting to be first in everything, came close to hatching right away, preceeded only by a brown and a pair of greens!
After the initial shock of the first impressions, and the first batch of weyrlings had been led off the sands to their food and new barracks, Shakta felt something stirring inside her.
Three eggs near one another shuddered, banging into one another with their violent shaking. A blue, a bronze and a green all step forth, the green waiting for her brothers to go first.
Tenderly, the green looked about at the trail of shell shards her brothers had left behind them, and almost looked as if she was about to pick up after them!
Shakta stepped forward, grinning while the green looked up.
I am sure they didn't mean to be so rude, banging into my shell like that, the dragonet bespoke clearly and softly into Shakta's mind. My name is Cilath, and I think you can help me find something to eat, can't you?
"Cilath! Of course I can... And I am sure that we'll be picking up pieces of those dragons messes for a long time in the future!"

Shakta and Cilath grow into their Weyr!
Cilath loves to sun herself but is often overshadowed by the golds and browns out there. Here she is seen looking up and admiring one of the blues around the weyr, of course it's Blue Jeremoth, Shard's dragon.
"Sweet, what are you doing?" Shakta asks.
I am looking at the blue, he is handsome.
"So is his rider, but he's spoken for I hear. Several times over, I think..." Shakta gives her growing dragon another oiling -- perhaps the thousandth such wonderful but exhaustive experience she's had.
"You just keep thinking about the blues. When you're a little older, I'm sure that one of them will fly you and you'll be all happy."
I will be happier if it is him.
Shakta sighs and keeps rubbing.

The next time you catch up to Cilath and Shakta, it is more than a turn later! The pair have become quite expert at firestone chewing and tossing, like good riders must be.
Cilath still looks to the skies for Jeremoth, but a more likely candidate for a flight this time around, for her first Flight, is Jarmuth, also of the vanished Seascape weyr. His rider is H'dar, a healthy young man fit and sensible.
Shakta even likes him.
"Stop that, Cilath!" Shakta cried, aware that the dragon had given her little secret away.
But you do. He is strong and I like Jarmuth, even if he's not Jeremoth. He is not as fast, but he is strong. Have you seen him?
"I've seen you," Shakta said, "and I know you'll choose the right mate."
Just like I chose the right rider!
