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Blackstone Caer, Kshau Protectorate Isle, Paniya, Alskyr - 576 Hollis was quite happy. In months past, he would have been called H’lis, but he liked his old name well enough, and his comrades decided that he was suited to having a real name again like others who had made the journey to Alskyr from the old world. But that wasn’t why Hollis was happy. He was pleased because while he’d been so busy trying to locate a good weyr to allow his huge bronze Synesth to pursue a gold or big female at, the problem had solved itself quite nicely here at Blackstone. The Caer wouldn’t be hosting any official hatchings, of course. Not for Alskyran participants at any rate. But their dragons were stronger and wilder and better trained than most others from the old world, and there would be ample time to find candidates for the clutch which would certainly be laid on their dormant sands. Hollis glanced at the other office, where the very fine rider of the extremely fine gold dragoness who rose and was caught by Synesth rested her weary self. He felt her drifting off to sleep, and it was well deserved. She always had something huge going on in the infirmary – there would always be need for healers and dragon healers like herself. Hollis didn’t underestimate his current partner, Korea was a woman of many facets like the eyes of her dragon. She was a wonderful woman, very pretty, smart and able, in addition to being a queen rider. She was one of the best dragon healers that Blackstone could ever want, her skills and her open mind were so valuable. He wondered how she could ever handle the stress of working with a room full of injured people and a cavern of torn or damaged dragons... “It’s not all that hard,” she muttered from half-sleep in the other room, feeling Hollis prying around in her mind. “If you want to have a taste of it, you’re more than welcome to sit in on me when I’m working... Besides,” the dark-skinned woman lifted her head from the desk where she’d been snoozing, “you’re a telepath, you ought to know what it’s like.” Hollis leaned against the wall by the door and smirked. “Yes, but I can turn it off. Not like you, I can’t imagine it. Never going away...” “It’s something you just get used to I guess. It’s always been there, and I guess it’ll always be part of me.” Like me! Called her golden Kalareth from the lower sands. Korea chuckled. “Yes, like you, you big golden flake. Are you all satisfied with the sands now?” Korea got up, clung on to Hollis’ extended arm, and they went down the long hallways to the lower sands. I think so. But I might change my mind later on. You know, I am not certain I like the way the light comes in from that area over there... As they arrived the medium sized golden dragoness was shuffling massive piles of soft tan sands around. The cavern had an endless supply of the stuff, so there was no problem if she wanted to fill the whole place with it or empty it out completely, it would be done. I like your mate, Kalareth thought, he is very gracious and he wants me to play with the sand until I am happy. “He’s not my—well, I suppose he is for now,” Korea glanced at Hollis whose extremely cute face was drawn up into an innocent ‘I didn’t hear anything, I know nothing at all’ look. “... Rather nice in fact. Well!” Korea switched her attention back from Hollis’ entrancing grey eyes, to Kalareth’s whirling color-filled eyes. “And do you think you’ll tell me when you’re going to start laying? That will not be for a while, my rider. But it will be a good clutch. I can feel it. We flew very well, Synesth and I. “You certainly did,” Korea muttered, blushing. So they had, the bronze caught her gold so far into the clear Paniyan skies that they were almost lost among the clouds, and when they did finally come back into view it was along the horizon for a leisurely and still-paired landing more than an hour later. Of course, Korea and Hollis weren’t really paying any attention to the dragons, at that point. They were rather busy themselves. And Hollis had always prided himself upon being more than an ‘adequate’ lover, Korea had rarely had time to herself before the event to even wonder whether she ought to try selecting a mate or not – she didn’t want to now, anyway. “Did you ever want to be a weyrwoman?” Hollis asked, breaking into Korea’s rather nice memory. She shook her head and pushed her beaded hair from her eyes. “Oh no, no. I have more than enough responsibility with the dragons and the infirmary to ever want more paperwork, Hollis. You know that.” She laughed, “I don’t want to be called weyrwoman, or caerlady or whatever they call people like me now. Oh no...” Hollis let out an exaggerated sigh, “I never have anyone to share my paperwork with,” he said, “a Caerlord’s work is never done...” “You’re the weyrleader, not the caerlord,” muttered Korea, “We don’t have a proper Caer here. The Alskyran dragons won’t even usually allow our dragons to fight beside them.” “Yes,” Hollis said, looking away with a bit of concern in his expression, “It’s like their riders didn’t mind us coming, but their dragons aren’t as easily fooled.” “Not like most of the population of the Protectorate?” Korea chided, “anyone without a dragon is hardly able to remember the old world, let alone understand how there could ever be a difference. Stop harping on it, you and your ... group of collaborators did a fine job bringing us here.” “You helped,” Hollis reminded her, “everyone with the slightest bit of t-power did.” “I am merely a dragon healer,” Korea said, waving him off and heading to her dragon, to help sort out the sands. Hollis left them to it, while he went to see if Synesth needed anything. Nothing that my mate will not provide, and nothing you could hunt would be big enough for my hunger right now. “Then you do want to hunt,” Hollis said, and off they went. This was how it went for the next five weeks, until Kalareth made the announcement to her rider that she was going to lay her eggs any time now. “Any time now” lasted more than three days. It was not that there was a remarkable number of eggs – certainly disappointingly few for the length of the laying. But they were large, with more than their share of shimmering metallic colors on the outsides of the eggs. “Do you think ... which ones might be gold, Kal?” Korea asked, but Kalareth did not answer. “Kal?” I think there will be many, but... Only if there are the right bonders present when they hatch. “Come now, eggs are either gold or not!” Korea said, becoming impatient as she had been awake most of those last three days, up with her dragon. “Do you know or not?” I know there will be golds among them, but I do not know how many because the candidates might be able to sway the eggs to become gold. Korea stood there blinking, she was tired but she wasn’t THAT tired. “Kal, what in the world did you just say?” I mean, there will be a need for exceptional candidates, but I want more than that. This is a very special clutch, and the dragons will be remarkable. Their sire saw to that... Synesth gave a purring trill from one of the nearby ledges. He didn’t dare step onto the sands, Kal had already chased him away insisting that she’d gotten the piles of sand just right and that his bulk would interrupt them. He didn’t argue, but he did want to rest on the soft, warm inviting sands with her. “But Kalareth, what do you mean by that? I know there were clutches where scientists changed the eggs before they were hard, but what you’re saying is different from that, isn’t it?” Very. The dragon replied smugly. “Then out with it, Kalareth, what is it you want for these eggs?” Korea put her fists on her hips, and wanted to scream or pass out cold, she wasn’t sure which would claim her first. She was certainly not ready for what Kalareth told her next. *** In short, they must be ready and they must be grouped successfully. Kalareth said, and by that time, Hollis had bolted down to the sands to hear for himself what the dragoness was telling his partner. “You want more than one person to bond to the dragons?” Hollis panted, “that’s... um, that isn’t done!” Well it is now. Kalareth said with a nod to her pale golden head. I want it that way. Trust me. Do you not trust your own dragon? He knows too. This clutch is very special. Very particular. |
- Kalareth and Synesth's clutch will be handled dramatically
differently than any other Old-world, Alskyran or other dragon-site's
hatching has ever been before. Required information: !! There are THIRTEEN eggs - some seem normal sized, while others are simply gigantic, and one or two quite small. If you'd like to indicate whether you think a large, small or whatever size egg would be the one your team is attracted to, that's fine. Might or might not have any bearing on the result. !! |
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Kalareth is from Harana Weyr Synesth is from Blackstone sorta |