Originally written way way long ago. Note that this was originally on two pages, |
Blitzen (will shorten his name to B'litz), male, age 15 and the older of the twins. He too is quite short and stocky in the legs, and he too doesn't care what others think about his looks. He has yellow skin, very narrow light brown eyes, and hair that is almost flaxen blond and Blackbottomed, though when he stays out of the sun it fades into a black-brown. |
Djonni (pronounced jonny), female, age 15, twin sister to Blitzen. Short but doesn't look that little. With pale yellow skin, and hair that is as much green as it is black... Her eyes are green. She has a long, always smirking face. Not really attractive as far as women usually are judged, but she does not care in the slightest what men think about her. She has never been caught in a dress, even as a child she somehow managed to get their parents to put her in boy's clothing. Djonni hopes there are other girls in the Weyr who understand her desires, but it is unlikely. She and her brother are both training to be navigation guild members, and their Search into Starburst weyr brings them that much closer to their final goals. Djonni is snide, usually keeping to herself and her brother's group. She will seek out attention when Blitzen is elsewhere, but is very untraditional and rarely fits in with normal groups. She hopes to bond and be done with it, she wants whatever dragon wishes to see the stars she loves close up... |
"I told you they wouldn't ask us to go to their hatching." Djonni spat. Blitzen rolled his eyes and sighed. "I know you did. And you've reminded me several times. Now, if you would just be quiet for a moment I'm looking up another place." Djonni stalked around behind her brother. He was using one of the weird computer things that the Protectorate had set up in their big mountain hideaway. They were not supposed to be there. Not that that had ever stopped either of them from being in a place. Or a time. Or at a party. The rider they'd convinced to bring them up to the records hall stood guard outside. Pi'per and his big brown dragon -- who would have thought, he was a Blackbottom too, so he could be trusted -- watched the skies for any sign of someone approaching. The big pipe that the big man had would leave a big bruise on anyone who dared come by while his friends played with the computer. "Aha!" Blitzen chanted to himself while he printed out something on the little boxy printer. "Here's one. It's a special clutch and you won't believe this --" He cheerfully bounced up to his sister and wrapped his arms around her from behind, putting the paper too-close to her face to read it. She snatched it out of his hands, and leaned back into him, until they almost fell over. "Hmn, a place called Starburst, and this is their off-sands... A ... a rainbow queen? I've only heard of one or two of those! Keen!" "Keep reading," Blitzen said, "keep reading..." "And a black sire?! Wow! Maybe..." Djonni looked at her brother, their hair clashing. "Maybe there will be 'black bottom' dragons?" they both intoned together. Giggling like mad, Djonni folded the paper up and tucked it away into her vest, as her brother turned off the search engine (how appropriately it was named, huh?) and shut down the computer room for the day. His work here was done! Outside, on the ledge where Pi'per and Griffith waited, the wind was kicking up and making the man's blue mohawk toss about over his face. They come out, pointed out the dragon, and they look quite happy. "You found something, then?" Asked Pi'per, and Blitzen nodded proudly. "Sure did. Now, next I need to get someone to bring us to Starburst... Hmn... Who could that be?" "Never heard of the place," Pi'per grunted. "Remember I've got guard duty in two hours, and I don't know about teleporting around to places I've never been." Djonni snapped her fingers, and said, "but we can get one of their riders here. I know someone with a flitter that we could send. She owes me a favor..." "Good girl," Blitzen cooed, and they removed themselves from the Records hall before anyone noticed. The note was delivered to the search riders of Starburst weyr, that they ought to send someone to pick up this odd pair for the 'special' clutch at their sands. How did anyone know about it at all? Well, these two knew. The search rider M'zal and his brown Vesarth came quickly -- indicating that the flitter had probably timed it back to get there at all. When M'zal looked over the two blackbottomed candidates, he nodded. "Yep. You're about right for this clutch... I don't suppose you two have an ounce of patience between you..." "We're ready to bond," Djonni indicated. "But we've stood before. At Blackstone, anyway, so we know what it's like to wait." "We don't have to like it, but we do know how..." Blitzen added. He was grinning like a total idiot. They could have bonded some normal boring dragon... but instead they now stood a chance to bond a beautiful, totally rare one! If one of them didn't bond, that would be okay. They would wait. They'd been waiting all their lives, after all! The wait at Starburst weyr was both interminably long, and just too short to get into all the trouble that the twins really could have gotten into. When it came time for the hatching, though, they were surprised when it came down to them, and another pair of people. That was it. Worried, they glanced at the eggs - there were a few others, but only four which shook with any life in them at all. "What a shame," Djonni whispered, "to have so many laid and only these...." She looked at the eggs, and the first one hatching broke into a beautiful dark green with black tail. The black and green dragoness stumbled around until her feet behaved properly, and then bumped into the few candidates. She went right to Djonni. Djonni. I am Katkatith, yours and only yours if you will have me. "Of course I want you, Katkatith!" Djonni said, and winked at her brother, who thought of course that he'd be the first to bond. But he didn't have to wait all that long, after his sister and her bond left the sands. The next egg shattered into bits, and a lovely blue crept from his shell. He opened his wings and showed off beautiful rainbow shades which danced with light. Rainblue, Blitzen laughed to himself. The blue-rainbow trotted into the way of the candidates, like his sister, and went to Blitzen's side, almost bowling him over. Blitz, I am Pridath. I am yours if you want me. "As long as you want me," Blitz commented, with a grin. Pridath stood up against his bond and almost toppled both of them over when Blitz picked him up. ** Djonni - Black Green Female Katkatith - large green sized Clutch 2 Starburst Weyr - mother Rainbow Siaith, father Black Tlianth ** With their bonds half-asleep, Djonni and Blitz enjoyed a long afternoon of nothing. That was of course, far different from their typical fare as weyrling riders. They hadn't gotten into the air just yet, but they would be, within the week. Their riding harnesses were ready - they'd had to oversee the fitting and such, even though neither knew anything about leatherwork. But they were happy. They still competed. Mostly, which of them would be in the air sooner, or some silly bet or other. "You're just jealous because Kat is a blackbottom..." Djonni laughed, lounging in the sun just like her green and black dragoness. "I am not jealous in the slightest," Blitz lied, "because my dragon is the best color ever. Who ever saw a rain-blue?" "Other than his sister, the greenyrainbow?" Djonni giggled. Stop talking about us like we're not here, Pridath grumbled to them. His sister rolled over, showing off her pale wingsails, and made a distasteful noise at the humans. Yes, we're trying to sleep here! We've a busy day tomorrow and we need our strength! "If you'd practice instead of lounging around," Blitz quipped, "you'd have better wing strength..." Pridath and Katkatith have finally become adults. Kat has practiced a lot in the sky, and is a very adept fighter.
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dragons by Molly/Starburst |
page images (by me) |