Vann and Brown Titanth - originally written 2001 Impressed at Aneris Weyr!

Young Vannar is a rebel. Well, he wants to be, anyway. Even at his age (of 16 turns) he knows that there is something plain wrong with the way the Holders in Dawnlight operate. He wants to do something about it, even if it's just painting obscene pictures on walls....

Which he's done. He's no artist. But he did get the point across. Particularly, he got it to
Leeree, who snatched him up good. While they were apart they performed small works of minor inconvienence to the Lord Holders. Together... They're dangerous.

Shard and some of his bunch including N'ate and T'ver have pulled the pair from the Hold for safekeeping. They are sure that they will do best on dragons, that perhaps their urges to buck the system will stop and a line be drawn at a weyr's authority...

They're really hoping.

Meanwhile, Vannar has had the chance to learn how to quarry and build with limestone and marble at Blackstone and Alabaster. He loves doing this, and is sure that his real calling wasn't as a grafitti artist after all...

He will stand on whatever Sands will have him, as long as Leeree stands with him. He thinks a brown would be perfect for him, he likes brown, he likes not being the leader but performing to a crowd... He will shorten his name to V'ann rather than V'nar, since he likes the name and people call him that more often than not.


Read about the first adventure with Lee here!

I can't believe it's so late... Thought Vannar as the candidates were dragged out of their nice warm cots.

Late it was, but it was the first thing that the hatchlings at Aneris' sands would see! A bunch of bleary eyed candidates... swell.

Vannar and Leeree staggered together down there, and then perked up as the hatching went on. A nice brown opened up his shell violently first, then some greens. Shilawn impressed the first bronze of the clutch, getting a number of compliments from others. Lee impressed right after him, too, to a stunning dark blue!

A blue? No, you will not have a blue!

When Vannar looked up again, it was into the eyes of a fine brown who had rushed up to him. Vannar, now V'ann, looked around for Lee. "Hey, Titanth. Let's go show Lee what a great brown you are!"

They went off the sands in search of food, oil, and Lee!


The Weyr was busy with the weyrlings, their classes took up a lot of time. The rest of the time, of course, was taken up with Titanth for V'ann. He and Leeree were now able to join their dragons in a single weyr, which both of the dragons loved. Their human counterparts loved it too.

They didn't like being apart so much. And after nearly a Turn, it was hard for them not to get.. reaquainted.

Curious, the brown and blue dragons watched their humans do something beneath the furs together.

Ah, I know. They're pretending to hunt tunnel snakes.

That must be it, that must be. I like hunting tunnel snakes. But we're no good at it. I think that bronze from our clutch Sordath, he is the best at hunting tunnel snakes.

But our riders are doing quite well, even if they aren't really hunting, huh!


Titanth bellowed his anger that his clutch mate and friend Tekoath had been scored in this flight against Thread. But he kept his head and didn't get hurt himself, even when it looked like there was a clump about ready to land on his tail. He expertly went between, and came back around to char the thread before it could drift even another dragonlength toward the ground.

That was good, but you're tired Titanth, come along back. Threadfall's almost over.

I am not finished yet, there is still good fire left in me. The dragon protested. They sought another last wad of the silvery stuff, and Titanth blew at it with his flame until he couldn't get any more than smoke out.

Fortunately, Sordath was there to finish off the clump, but V'ann could tell the dragons thanked each other politely for having come in at the right moment, and for having done their duty.

When they landed, the first thing V'ann did was seek out Lee. She was fine, and Tekoath was doing all right, but he'd be wanting to remain in the weyr another day just to let the numbweed and healing salves do a bit of work before going off to the Protectorate.

Titanth was distinctly un-brown-like when he nuzzled Tekoath, even getting some odd looks from the dragon healers. V'ann on the other hand didn't hide his pleasure at seeing his weyrmate okay.

Together, they waited out the resting period, while Sordath left for the Uplift wing.
