Shard paced around watching the other dragon riders, they'd cleaned their wounds and were ready to celebrate. It would be one massive party.

It would be missing one or two of his people - he thought about trying to time it back to the battle where Jemmi was lost, but that would be pointless. He was already in way over his head at that moment anyway, and draining his own strength by appearing twice would just make it worse. He knew it didn't work anyway.

So he'd tried to console Serra to little avail. The brown and blue riders were attached, really attached to one another, and with one gone... At least it was for a good cause, and Serra did admit that the death was spectacular. It wasn't one that anyone wanted to duplicate, that was for sure...

"Sweetie, what is on your mind?" Asked a familiar voice, and Shard turned to see Rue standing in the doorway. The rooms where everyone had been shuffled around for healing or resting up before heading home were full but dwindling now that the dragons were able to recuperate their powers and teleport back between worlds.

"Everything," Shard sighed. "I'm sorry I had to make you stay," he cupped her chin in his long fingers, avoiding poking her eyes out with his long nails. "I missed you, and you missed a big fight."

"I don't mind missing big battles, Shard," she said. "I've heard enough about it from the ones returning home."

"I'd have thought that your reporters instinct would keep you interested," he asked, but she shook her head and smiled grimly.

"Nope, not this time. But... I've heard something else is in the making?" She looked around his shoulder, and saw a sign-up sheet of sorts. "That's it..."

"Ah yeah," Shard said, scratching the back of his head, "I was gonna ask about-"

"You know that those two have been dying to have a place to fly for years," Rue said, "so I'm going to sign them up. I'd be surprised if they didn't just throw eggs on the sands right now."

"Jere's kinda tired," Shard said, but he heard his dragon in the back of his mind saying something about 'if it's a mating flight we should let her sign up'.

So they did. But Rue noticed a distinct hand had written another distinct pair above her green and Shard's blue.

"Shard, have you... looked over this?" Rue asked, sweetly. Her tall, tired, blue partner shuffled over to her and nestled his chin on her short tan colored hair. He gazed at the words on the big wall-hung panel.

"... I didn't think I'd ever see that," he said. "So I guess it'll be a bit of a reunion for us all."

"Won't it be uncomfortable for you two?" Rue asked.

"Me and Triia and Etan and you," Shard said, "In one place? I don't think so, my love," he took his wife's hand and kissed it. "She had the opportunity and turned me down, and he's been far more in love with her than I ever was, and you're not really the jealous type," Shard smiled at Rue's little smirk. "So no, I don't see a problem. As long as he's not being a total jackass. He did kind of help out at the war you know."

"I know, I know..." Rue said. "Well, let's help get this set up!" She bounded away, trying to drag him with. But he'd done more than his part already, had little energy left to give to paperwork or dorm plotting. He'd leave that to the women folk.

Etan appeared behind him shortly and had a gigantic smile on his otherwise stony face. It looked completely out of place.

"She's on her way," he said. It really sounded like Etan was about to burst.

"She's just as pissed as Rue was to be left out, but now that we're about to party she wants in. Of course." Shard laughed. "Where were you last night?"

"I was fixing some problems with reality that I've been meaning to get to," Etan said evasively. He looked tired, more than just from the battles the prior few weeks had brought. He had been out teleporting through time and space, colluding with other universe's versions of himself, and attempting to kill his offspring. It wasn't working - and he knew that it never would. But one at a time, and with some help, as long as the bastards didn't start bonding dragons...

There would be some other Kshau riders on the party list. Some with their own agenda for mating with whomever would be there, and some who simply wanted a place to establish their well-known partnership.

Everyone wanted to see what would come of it. They'd all be there for every moment, flight, party, aftermath and sands.

Blue Jeremoth, hatched at Seascape long long ago

Rider - Shard, Kshau Protectorate leader

Jere will only be flying for his true green love Beirissath. He might be tempted, but he'll remain true.

Green Beirissath - hatched at Lasair

Ridden by Rue, reporter and snoop for the Protectorate

Beirissath is aching for her blue. That's all.

Brown Utainth, hatched at an unknown weyr years ago

Ridden by Etan, psionic of the Kshau protectorate and bent on controlling the universe. Don't tell him I said that.

Utainth will first seek his goal, Triia's gold Chvehath. If there's another promising female, he will also try to attend her needs. But Etan is not going to move from Triia's side, and won't allow anyone else to get near either. Maybe Shard.

Gold Chvehath, hatched at Gallimim many years ago (no, she's not that small)

Ridden by Triia, stalwart 'red headed chick' of the Kshau Protectorate and mother of Etan's son Tandri

Chvehath is interested in Utainth - but she'll also likely find some young bronze or other to play with. Triia is not interested in sharing herself with anyone but her close loves, Shard and Etan, and perhaps Rue might get them all a night out on the town... Or something...

Blue Arfeth, hatched at Dawn Sisters weyr (Gillith and Branth)

Ridden by T'shen (Taishen), Nexus speaker of the Kshau Protectorate

Arfeth and Chaybeth are going to stick to one another for this dance. However, T'shen and Chuang are both looking for partners either to play with singly, or to bring back to their normal lover. To say they're flexible about things is putting it lightly...

Green Chaybeth, hatched at Dawn Sisters weyr (same clutch as arfeth)

Ridden by Chuang, starcrafter and glass worker for the KP

As stated above, Chaybeth and Arfeth are a pair for this flight. Chuang's pursuasive... assets... And T'shen's dashing good looks should attract someone they can play with, right?

Blue-Black Doquaivath, hatched at Opal Moon (pre-shift)

Ridden by Thanatos, rescued time-jumper and resident tan boy of the KP

Doquaivath will chase any female that wants him - hoping for two colored dragons, though. Thanatos is sweet, but he's really kind of afraid that Uzume will go after him - and she raised him. Eeew.

Gold Kagamith, hatched at Blackstone quite a while ago

Ridden by Uzume, extremely pretty and slinky dancer, flirt, oh yeah - she used to be the weyrwoman wback in the day.

Kagamith had her "last clutch" on Blackstone's sands years ago, long before they came to Alskyr. Since then they've been flying around doing whatever it is they want to. Until now. With P'at having fought in the war, and claiming that even he can't 'perform' when he's exhausted like this, Uzume is going to be looking for a healthy man or two. Yes, she's gonna be twice their age. No, it won't matter - she's 'that good'. Plus she still looks like a cheerful young woman once you get some sake' in her...