Name: P'shaetyo ty Yatren Alamyr
Gender: Female
Colour: Purple
Size: 52'
Personality: P'shaetyo is a real girly-girl; endlessly vain about the condition of her beautiful purple fur, she hates going outside and getting dirty, and so avoids doing so whenever possible. However, as long as it doesn't involve soiling her coat, she's perfectly friendly with others, and even tends to be rather flirty with male dragons of a suitable size. She is old enough to precede bonding on Mirus, and so missed out on a human bond; this disappoints here, because she'd love to have a human to tie ribbons in her fur.
Abilities: Vocal Speech, Limited Telepathy, Teleportation, Light Magic
Renee and several of the lemurdragons have taken to being surrogate bonds to her, because she feels so needy sometimes. But she is definitely active with dragons, aside from the above... |