
Name: Burr
Race: Ring-tailed Lemur-Shifter
Gender: Male
Age: 21 at Impression

Build: Small and thin
Hair: Blue-black, fluffy, to nape of neck
Skin: Creamy
Eyes: Hazel brown

Personality: tricky, more comfortable away from others, and close-minded
Notes: He can turn into a ring-tailed lemur at will, though he needs a special lemur pelt to do so.
Sponsor: Dark Red Moddheydhooth

Burr's power of shapeshifting is not unique on Planet Twenty, but it is extremely rare. He is normally a more humanoid lemur-kin, but with concentration (and his pelt, which ... truth be told he doesn't actually require but he's so attuned to using it, that he has issues shifting without) he can turn into a small sized, perfectly normal looking lemur.

Burr is not really accustomed to the primative conditions found on Planet Twenty, so he has situated himself as close as possible to the Zekiran colony, in order to benefit from their culture and civilized ways. However, he remains aloof and separate from them, prefering to scavenge and purchase things when needed, rather than go on hunting jaunts or ... whatever it is they do.

Name: Moddheydhooth
Race: Six-headed Undead Hydra/Pernese
Gender: Female
Color: Dark Red
Size: 46' long
Parents: Dark Green Cusith x Green Juuhth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Firebreath
Sponsor: Burr

From Darkling Dawn Giveaway

"It's not even alive, that's what scares me," said one passing Zekiran, some of whom had come by Burr's place up on the hill when they discovered a new dragon. They were ... well, not unimpressed, because Modd was certainly impressive. But they were rather disturbed by her aggressive behavior, and the fact that those folks who could sense life or health couldn't detect any from the dragon.

That was because she was undead, of course. A state in which few Zekirans could really be comfortable. But Burr ... he thought it was great. He was happy to have Modd do his hunting for him, there was always enough left over after her heads had their fill. She was rather messy though.

That was okay too, because he liked to preen and she liked to be pampered by her caretaker. They had a good arrangement.