Xaxxy, Komondor kin

Name: Xaxxy
Race: Canine / Komondor, herding group
Gender: Male
though you can see some slate-grey skin, Xaxxy's ropy coat is ivory and quite thick, long, and sheds everywhere. He's got brightly orange eyes and prefers to keep them clear of that mop of hair, he's got creatures to tend and needs to be able to see properly. Wears a kilt and vest, mostly for holding gear.
Personality: calm and enjoyable, but definitely a workaholic

Xaxxy is finely tuned toward his breed's original intent - he is able to command groups of herbivores, mainly cattle and sheep, in an area of effect about 50 meters from himself. He can sense individuals and distinguish those who are distressed, though he can't sense their physical state, this is more 'how hidden is their pain' or 'are they shying away from a specific other in the herd'. His ability manifests best when he's running with the herd, or now, on Xaarl's back!

Xaxxy is good with a lasso and rope items, netting, and whips, though he does not intend specific harm with any of them

He kept chuckling to himself, looking at the hatchling dragonet. "Got a little moodragon here," he muttered, and the white-tipped black face of this 'little moo' bit him on the shoulder for his trouble. Not hard, but he could sense the dragon's confusion and didn't care for being mocked. "You'll see, Xaarl', you'll see."

He did see, eventually. When they arrived back on Planet Twenty to the grassland and meadows where a tribe of mixed canines and mustilids resided, Xaarl'Saat sniffed the wind and realized there was food right there.

"Not food yet," Xaxxy had to hold back the eager dragon. "We tend this herd and wait until there's a need, and we use them for milk in the meantime."

What is milk the dragon asked, and got a mind-full of the substance... Not as good as blood, was his comment.

As the dragon grew he became much better trained and experienced with guiding and spotting the herd members as they wandered. There were not just cattle - cows of a sort with short horns, but also much larger creatures that more resembled the Watusi cattle with their incredibly huge and broad horns, as well as goats, sheep, and other grazers. They almost all gave that 'milk' stuff, but there were also more than enough of each of the breeds to serve as a weekly meal for this now-adult dragon. But he did realize, yes, it was a bit funny. His markings matched several of those cows, though they had more color than his black and white.

Sitting like a rock in the middle of the herd, which had grown accustomed to his presence thanks to Xaxxy's powers, he would not be noticed by predators until he stood up... There had been a group of lions wandering the area for a while, and had they just come and asked for trades and perhaps a couple to breed on their own, they might have been given those cattle. But they tried to hunt in this meadow, and that was a mistake indeed.


Name: Xaarl'Saat
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 9' s / 21' l / 40' ws
Colors: body black and white blotchy; wingsails slightly faded graphite and white same pattern; claws and horns light; eyes deep blue
Features: Geperna mutt, semi-bipedal with high body and long hind legs, shorter forelimbs, clawed feet; two leather wings with 2(?) visible fingers and wrist thumb, clawed; beaked mouth, high forehead, two conical back-pointing horns, dorsal ridge on head and upper neck, and rump/high tail; short straight tail with spade
Powers: Winged Flight - great for short distances and heavy lifting, but used more for balance and running speed tricks. Xaarl' zooms around on two legs and has no trouble at all jumping over trees, rocks, spare sheep and cattle, and changing directions in mid-air with a few flaps after jumping up. He's not a small so he does have a good sized flap, but he can definitely lift a large bull off the ground if it is endangering anyone or anything near
Teleportation - in a burst of speed usually gained on the ground he can leap into the air and reappear up to 150 miles away, or just a few meters offset from his starting point. He doesn't have to be in mid-air to teleport but it's safer this way
Telepathy - though not the brightest bulb in the box, Xaarl' has a clear and open mind, able to listen to other dragons and telepathic species within about 10 miles, though he only takes instruction or requests from his bond
Firebreath - Unassisted fire, that is weakly able to burn easily flammable things, more of use to alert Xaxxy to dangers since it is oddly 'bright', though it is actually in the same black shade as the Fyre it is easily visible to the dog-kin
Black Fyre - not fire so much as a breath weapon of ice cold water that is nearly obsidian black in shade, and if it strikes a living thing it will freeze it in a coating of this substance until Xaarl' chooses to melt it
Parentage: Purple-marked yellow Sanzanon [Letisi (Mrussith+Durath) and Teranon (Terea+Tharathien)] and Purple Atizo'Fask [Fashith (Esarith+Rinlunith) and Skaarpath (Zaith+Jarmuth)
Origin: birthday 2023 gift from Digitalis/Kit
Other Info: Xaarl'Saat is amused by his current lifestyle and setting. He doesn't 'graze' with the herd of cattle being tended by his bond, though he does occasionally pick off one or two for a snack...