Tovih, about age 16 (aged through Nexus, outside of time)
Almost entirely the opposite of her sister Mihve, Tovih absolutely loves weaponry and fighting. She explored the whole of the Healing Den before she was ten, and learned how to hunt dangerous things using her exceptional senses. She loves wrestling, and is clearly quite strong in body. Of all the weapons she's tried out, she likes the whip and a good broad sword best. Tovih did not inherit her father's shapeshifting ability - so she has only the one very solid shape. However she is clearly her mother's daughter in terms of her sensing and identification powers. Through out the whole Den, she can sense who is where, what they're feeling, and whether they're kin, furry or human (or otherwise, she can sense them all). She has a strong empathic power, but like many Sangers, she will probably misuse this gift to begin enjoying inflicting pain upon people. Perhaps in the heat of passion, perhaps in the mood for killing. |