It seems like Dove is a weird name for a feline dragon... It seems like Dove is a weird dragon, either way. Hardly anyone ever even sees him, though he's bold as daylight and twice as pretty. That may be because he has control over darkness, as well as very strong teleportation - between those two things, he creates what amounts to blind spots in people's vision and then appears from that spot.

He is intending to participate in this odd formal event, this Checkerboard Ball thing, and wonders what might come of it. He wasn't invited as a participant but there are plenty of lovely folks attending the ball itself. Maybe he'll hook up then.

Name Dove
Colour Body Color: white
Wing Color: really freakin white
Stripe Color: black
Inner Fluff Color: black
Outer Fluff Color: really freakin white
Species Hybrid Catdragon
Powers Verbal Speech, Teleporation, Repulsion Gas Breath Weapon, Heightened Sense of Taste, Impervious to Fire and Heat, Darkness Control
Size 5' s / 34' l / 26' ws - though Dove is quite fluffy and looks much larger than he really is, he hardly weighs that much, and compared to other dragons of his length he's a featherweight
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Origin From Everrealm during the 2005 Hybrid Catdragon Giveaway