Eosrinuth, male dragon from Everrealm Chaos of Color
Eosrinuth couldn't have asked for a more perfect bond. Huxynasi changes her mind about things - like whether she wants to be your friend, hunt with you, compliment you or kill you - like the wind across the plains. In other words, rapidly and in many swirling directions at once. The confusion on Eosrinuth's part is hardly the cheetah Kin's fault, he started out this way. After all he's partially skeletal, partially flamingo colored, and can do so many interesting things with his powers that he hardly knows just what to do with himself.
He'd like to say he knows what's what on the plains, but frankly this weirdly distractable and crazy dragon can hardly keep up with himself, let alone real facts. He has been known to come up with some really bizarre plots and pranks. Nothing too deadly but what he might think is zany fun? Someone else might think they're losing two season's worth of crops or trade goods...
Huxynasi Bolas is obviously fit to live on Planet Twenty, for not only her appearance. Most cheetahs are hardly her color scheme. But it's not just that. She's got 'fog' powers, not your typical powered kin type. Like her bond's shadow melding, she can slip into mists or fog with ease, and never be seen. She loves flying with him through the rarified clouds above the plains, where only the tinest part of either of them is visible - his darkish feet and nose tip. Even those looking at them from above in such a fog would never see more than a whooshing of motion.
The pair have to be closely watched, however. Because Huxy is a bit ... spiteful? Anyone who has incurred her wrath is apt to be descended upon by them at the least convienent moment. That's not to say that her friends don't enjoy her company - for anyone that the cheetah kin has befriended (woe to thee) she's a very thoughtful and considerate person. Get on her bad side, and it's best if you just leave the planet. As soon as possible...