Name: Penpa Fur: Pale platinum-champagne Species: Half Gelgelan/Half Necromancer Human Born: in royal palace, Gelgelan capital Magic: extremely strong sensing of magic, be it on an item, within a creature, a spell being cast, or an enchantment over an area. This means that he's always hearing or sensing this, because inherently most of his family, the area, and their gear are all sorta... y'know. Magical. So he's been practicing and refining the ability to discern specifics about any given thing - if it's a biological source, mineral, an enchantment or spell. As he's still learning how to focus on these differences, he's been known to tap his siblings for aid in filtering some out, or bringing others to the forefront so he can then devote it to memory. His sensitivity is about 200 meters in a sphere, so if he really wants to be away from this, he's got to get walking... |
Lines by Creators Paradise |
Favored weapon: Penpa has mastered pole arms. Even as a child his favored tool was 'whatever is able to touch from the farthest distance'. He isn't going to become a true 'guard' because there are plenty of those to go around, but he has helped train them with these somewhat difficult weapons. Even in close quarters he's able to maneuver with a 10 foot long weapon, half of it is pointy or sharp so he knows just where to hold, when to shift his stance, and how to use the pole itself as a tool to vault or balance with along a high wall or rope. The down side of course is that he then has to either heft them around with him on a pack animal or trained steed, or go fetch them when needed. Or, of course, maybe someone will take pity and invent a spell that can be used to summon one to his hand! |
Personality: Charming and witty, Penpa usually has a smile on his face, but equally he knows what you're doing back there. He cannot help but sense whether someone's just bursting into their magical talent as many Gelgelans might, or if a spell just backfired, so sometimes he seems rather distracted by things that aren't anywhere visible. | |
*takes place around 250 years prior to arrival on Dragondeep, so when they get there, he will be on hand! Penpa's attention would be captured by dragons early in his life, of course. There were many that would come and go in the courtyard, well established teams and newly fledged pairs as well as even some traveling around as explorers and merchants. Somehow, one of them mentioned that there might be an interesting batch of dragons somewhere in a distant realm. Consulting with his mother and father, they knew this place, though perhaps not the era it was in. Obviously they'd send him out and see what might come of it! The dragons apparently don't require a permanent pairing, but they also know that this bright son of theirs could help raise and familiarize a young dragon with their area. Maybe they could become a helpful trainer, maybe they'd be a guard, who knows? So off to the Spectral Wilds he went! |
trying for rg spectral wild meeuren, nieuna, soyable, or sereeme
Dragon: |