Name: Shukuzu "remnant lord"
Gender: Male
Age: born on old world, 5th born

Fur: White, very very white
Marking color: brilliant blood-red
Ears: tall, long, slender
Face markings: 'eyebrows'
Hair marking: entire forelock / over forehead dark blood-red
Eyes: green
Clothing: as shown, is surprisingly stylish and usually has big black boots and gloves with trendy spikes, otherwise in red and white with gold trim
Height: 5'9", plus about 10" ears

Species: Half Gelgelan, Half Human Necromancer
Genetic History: as above
Family: Mother Queen Sean, father King Sapadt, royal prince

Born in Gelgelan main castle

Personality: perhaps more sure of himself than he ought to be, but Shukuzu is certainly lordly as his name implies. That he's the 'king of discarded corpses' well doesn't that kind of describe everyone in his line that does necromancy?

Dollmaker: Gen8Hedgehog / Doll Divine

Extremely strong Summoning, able to bring virtually any entity to his side with concentration. This he does with care, because summoning the wrong thing on their new Dragondeep home might be very dangerous

Extremely strong Necromancy, Shuzuku is actually able to revive and actually heal to life, but prefers to leave things narrowly on the side of deadness so he can control them more easily. Can bring anything from skeletal fragments together into a shape, uses tendons and muscles like a puppet master, and can control up to 2 dozen full sized bipeds at ranges up to 2 miles as long as he has line of sight on them

Dead Vision, wherever things have died, he knows how and when. Also this allows him to see through his dead troops, though it does not extend his range for them

Dragon Affinity, most dragons will consider his presence to be at least peaceful, if not beneficial, and they tend to listen to him if he asks them to do things for him

Favored Weaponry:
Shukuzu is unlikely to pick up a mace or even a sword, but he truly loves using those spikes on his gloves and boots to their best impact, literally. He is a brawler, even if he looks too skinny or delicate he will definitely engage a larger opponent with a terrifying grin


Story bits

Dragon: E
Size: s/l/ws
Colors: W
Features: I
Powers: Winged Flight - t
Teleportation -
Telepathy, Verbal Speech,
Parentage / Family:
Other Info: