Name: Sonoma Fur: pale dusty beige, very short, not quite skin but velvet at best Species: Gelgelan-Human hybrid Born in the royal keep, and still toddling around in the halls when they shook with magical resonance. Personality curious and energetic, but also a bit jumpy due to her empathy sometimes being triggered by those around her |
Dollmaker: Doll Divine Polynesian Princess/Modded |
The magic she can use includes enhancement of psionics - whenever she's around, everyone finds their own magic to work more smoothly, at greater distance, or with more powerful effect. She has a strong empathic sense, but it's always 'on' and can lead to her getting swept away with large groups or strongly powered people with commanding auras. Her favored weapon seems to be nets, lassos, and traps - she is quite clever with these things, and tends to try not to be too close to things if they are injured. If they have more intelligence than a plain-old-animal, her empathy will kick in and she'll be scared, desperate, or angry for a while. |
Story is on Spen's page for both of them! |
Dragon: * |