Warren ... Shivran Aerd

Read the flight!

Myrah'Care and the other Geperna dams have clutched on the large sands at the Healing Den! This clutch will hatch within the Nexus, on no set planet or locale. Five moody female dragons, guarding five piles of sand. Yup - they've buried their eggs so well that even their mates can't tell how many eggs have been laid.

Every available search rider and dragon have been sent out to worlds across time and space to collect candidates. This special clutch demands many, many candidates. The proud parents remain on their guard - no one sees the eggs until they're ready.

Sign Up Page for the Healing Den Geperna Clutch

This clutch will feature dragons and ranks of dragons which have not been seen in ages. Only Myrah'Care's brood will be very likely to have metallics, but every one of these beautiful dragons will be special. Their breed almost died out, save for the few who showed up to this flight. And now, they will live on again!

If you have a requirement for color or clutch parents, please list it in your comments! We will attempt to comply with this, though as always if you ask for a high ranking dragon and send merely a stat table, it's not going to happen. Please make sure there is a full character on your page, and that your page (when deadline comes) is up and running.

Since these are Geperna dragons, and it was reasonably common to have multiple bondings in their generation (and one of the mothers is a multiple bond) there may be multiple bonds here - and those with existing dragon bonds may apply if the dragon is okay with it (generally speaking, any non-Pernese dragon will approve). Multiple bondings require a bit of effort and strength on the part of the candidate. If they aren't ready for it, they won't get more than one. *Sigh* Rugan? Could you explain that to the people? Thanks... ;>

There are no sponsorships for this clutch, at this time. If candidates don't start piling in, we might accept them before the deadline.

Deadline for submitting a candidate is July 1st with extentions to later if people need the time. As always, there must be a link to the Healing Den's main page on the candidate's page somewhere, and if you like, put one up for the Warren because without them, this would never have happened! (And loving thanks go out to Shivran Aerd for allowing us to use these images!)

There is no set number of eggs at this time. No one goes out on the sands to look, knowing Myrah'Care's moods. She has layed more than the others, possibly more than a couple of them combined. We won't know until the hatching!

For signing up, please email Baeris your page information. Include "GEPERNA" in the subject line please.

Include your id/online name
Email that works
Character Name and Gender
Character's URL that works
Which clutch if any preferred
Color preferred
If you'd like multiple bonds - what makes them able to handle it?

Myrah'Care and Blackoreth
Virah'Care and Rhuah'Kyil
Gweai'Urdi and Miuah'Kyil
Piotrych mul? Seeker mul? Tami mul?
Siltek mul? Borana mul?  
Jauah'Kyil and Chuah'Kyil
Thnai'Irkr and Viull'Ryxa
Any Parent's Clutch
  Secret mul? Siral E-Oro
    Heysa E-Ano
    Chaillina (metallic? mult?)
    Zeren met? mul?
  Kin and Gin Cai ^
  Angelique Vendrian ^
  Chante Tirnavor ^
  Chase Sorthion ^
  Kyoma Fleetfoot ^
    Milla mul?
    Jovich ^ mul?
    Hallie mul?
    Adrien ^
    Alda ^
    Marcus ^
    Rachael ^