Image made at: Azalea's Dolls

Name: Bianon (bee AAH non) Kshau

Gender: Female, bi

Age/DOB: 17/RY-4

Origin: Healing Den

Family: mother Tessrabia, father Cynonix; twin brother Ranyx; older siblings Tyssix, Cryten, Xenrai

Other: is definitely looking for partners and won't hesitate to throw herself at virtually anyone she is interested in

Height: 5'9"

Build: muscular and even, quite athletic and nimble

Hair: shimmery blue-silver, thick and heavy, straight, cut to shoulders

Eyes: shiny medium blue, large

Appearance: medium brown velvet skin (very short fur) with pale silver-blue to white shimmery spots, tail with white end, and facial markings; absolutely adores looking 'girly pretty' with sparkles to match her fur, and does wear shoes unlike many in her family, she has human-like hands and feet but round cheetah ears and fangs under those lips

Standing At: (gift!)

Dragon: Vexlath

Created/Updated: 7.28.23 for birthday giftage

Genetic Abilities: as the child of Healing Den inhabitants, she and her brother have abilities that would certainly be well beyond those of a normal Pernese couple. She has an innate sense of where her family members are, strongest with her twin, then other siblings, then parents, and finally 'the rest of the entire Sanger/Kshau line', the farther or weirder the dimensional gap, the less she can sense of them, but she definitely knows there are Sangers and Baerises out there by the droves. She can communicate telepathically with her siblings and parents, as well as dragons of most kinds. Highly empathic, she tends to attract those with strong psionics or magical abilities, but does not have any particular sway over them - she is often taken up in the strong emotions surrounding her, but can concentrate a bit and be freed from its influence. She is likely immortal, and this extends to rapid healing factor, though she tries not to get hurt or damaged more because she hates getting dirty, than being in pain... She's a Sanger anyway so pain is just one of those sensations to enjoy in the moment. She can sense genetics inherently, though gets the most out of a sample by feeling it on her sensitive fingertips, so she carries both sample vials and wetwipes because ew.
Physical Traits: humanoid kin mix, with short velvet fur, a tail and ears reminiscent of a cheetah, but largely human in most other ways; however, she can hear and smell much more keenly than any human around, including her Sanger side humans... Her fingers are remarkably sensitive, and with them she can almost 'smell' chemical composition up to and including DNA strands
Personality: chipper, shiny, always in motion. She embodies the curiosity of cats and the intensity of the Kshau line, while also having a strong scientific bent
Skills and Profession: though she does definitely enjoy all that science, and spends a reasonable amount of time in the lab with her brother as well as granddad (Kalkin is not wait is he? who even knows any more) designing things, her forte is collecting those samples of hair, skin, blood, and other such materials for use in that lab. She ... definitely enjoys her work. She's taken a page from Melissa when they meet, kissing works so well to figure out specifics of dna!

Events and History: While the triplets Tyssix, Xenrai, and Cryten are out and about at Planet Twenty, this pair were born and raised, and seem to like remaining at, the Healing Den. They do take trips, of course, field trips with the students that both mom and grandmother teach at Carramba, though she and her brother don't attend the school formally.

It was on such a trip, to White River Weyr, that unexpectedly a single, queen-ranked dragon hatchling approached Bianon. There weren't even any other dragons around, it was impossible to tell just how this beautiful cheetah-marked dragon even got there, nor what her lineage is, but she announced herself as Vexlath, and they have become quite the team.

Since with a dragon like this, she can attract all the best candidates, right!?


Name: Vexlath
Gender: female, queen
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 12'8" s / 72' l / 84' ws
Colors: "gold"; buff cream belly and tail, wingsails; pale golden yellow body and limbs, backs of wings, marked with light brown spots evenly eveywhere but under wings, tail tip blotched; faceted eyes teal-aqua, claws light
Features: pernese, tall and upright with strong limbs and high body, feline-like face with large headknobs, fleshy ridges from head to upper tail, split ended tail; four legs with clawed paws, 2 leather wings with three visible fingers and large webbed thumb flap no claws
Powers: Winged Flight, powerful and fast but not for very long flights, Vexlath can carry a surprisingly large amount on her strong shoulders. Tending to have a group or small number of people and their gear, tucked into a harness fit for travel, she will take to the sky smoothly and with a rather strong g-force, and then teleport rather than flap a lot
Teleportation, on-site and local teleport for this dragon is where it's at! She is able to precisely locate herself in mid-air, avoiding any entanglements with airplanes, other dragons, or buildings and trees, and settle to the ground gently with her cargo or passengers. Nexus and other sorts of teleportation are also reasonably easy for her to attain, and she - unlike some cheetahs around here - doesn't get lost in space-time to any degree. She likes exploring, but has a terrific mental map of both time and dimensionality, and knows how to reach the Den as well as numerous specific other sites they've been to
Telepathy, a strong and confident mind, that feels like basking in the shade under a tree, on a hot summer day. She knows highly technical terms and can chat with dragons that would otherwise consider a 'mere Pernese' to be not as smart as all that. She definitely is as smart as all that.
Telekinesis, unusual for Den-based dragons, but more commonly found these days, she's able to manipulate matter close to her paws and body, aiding in flight, but also in keeping her passengers safe and not jostled around. She can actually manipulate items down to the size of a large stylus, the size perhaps of a typical 'magic wand', and can write in a scroll or journal using this power. Yes she knows how to read and write.
Carries Firebreath / Assisted Firebreath, depending on the partner, if pure Pernese and not stated otherwise it will be assisted by chewing some form of chemical / stone, but if able, her offspring will be able to produce fire without it. She cannot do this herself, being a queen-ranked pure Pernese
Parentage: none known, progenitor
Origin: 2022 birthday gift from Ktrenal!
Other Info: