Image made at: Meiker Zecchou YBS Mystery Gang

Name: Bruno Kshau

Gender: Very Male, very bisexual disaster area

Age/DOB: apparently around 20ish, who even knows when he was born, he was conceived on the Healing Den

Origin: Healing Den

Family: mother Baeris Kshau, father... Atrocity

Other: he is so completely different from both of his parents, and is definitely still quite a bit like them too

Height: 6'3"

Build: absolutely fucking ripped under that loose outfit, he can't help but be strongly muscled and casually toned even if he's a nerd

Hair: rich black, very thick and takes styling well, obvious widow's peak, kept short as shown but grows quickly

Eyes: Sanger Blue, though a darker shade than typical, more approaching indigo; large almond shape and with a strong epicanthal fold

Appearance: tan skin with no scars or markings, takes more after Atrocity's original appearance which definitely was altered by his 'processing', with a long straight nose, high cheeks, less of a heart shape to his jaw line than typical for their genes; doesn't wear shoes pretty much ever, even on rough or dangerous flooring or terrain, doesn't matter, he heals almost instantly; large hands, nervous fidgets with them; chooses subdued greys and slates, some amount of black or stronger blue in his wardrobe but not often as he tends to try and keep out of view

Standing At:


Created/Updated: 4.20.2022 (lol 420) updated 8.26.22

Genetic Abilities: Given that he is the child of two dragon bonded types, it's clear that he is also quite well suited to dragon riding or bonding himself. He easily communicates with those who seek his mind out, be they dragon or humanoid, but he also can sense the dead - a remnant of the ghost-rock processing perhaps - though there aren't actually many real ghosts at the Healing Den, they're plentiful anywhere else, including between. Which, technically speaking, surrounds the Den entirely... He is quite intelligent, and uses this brain space to master subjects with ease, particularly language (though he's not all that good with communication) and maths, engineering, and the like. He's put himself to use coding things in the records room, and has plotted out ways to track even long-cold lines of dragons. It's unknown whether he has any other unusual properties, beyond mental connectivity and high intelligence, that aren't already covered by his bodily presence below.
Physical Traits: apparently both the Healing Den's influence on Baeris, and Atrocity's ghost-rock engineered origin show up strongly in Bruno. Effectively immortal, and ridiculously strong even as a teenager when the full extent of that physical enhancement started to show up (can deadlift about 500 lbs?). He takes very little damage from anything that might puncture or scratch, cut, or crush; though likely fire and acid might still do some temporary harm. He cannot be poisoned, nor can he get drunk or high; also has never even been bothered by parasites (aside from the fact that no flea or mosquito could possibly pierce his skin, even smaller things or airborne diseases avoid him or just fail to 'take'). He needs very little food, hardly ever has to shit, and can consume darn near any organic material to get something out of it. He's speedy and nimble but nowhere near as fast as many Sangers, though still able to snatch thrown items easily without looking, and throw them back unerringly if he really needs to hit. Types without missing keys or misspelling, though he does have several different keyboards that may come into play if he has to type in different languages (why bother with all those alt keys when you can just whip out that simplified Chinese keyboard?).
Personality: a nerd, squeamish, and largely uninterested in sexy pursuits, but whether that's because he's afraid of turning out like dad or because he's just a rebel in that regard, who knows? He does in theory like all kinds of sciences including the genetics and biology that mom does, but maybe there's a reason he doesn't much care for either physical messy closeness or dissecting things? (there is)
Skills and Profession: a nerd, with nerd pursuits. If there's a complex math formula or a coding issue, he's your guy. He knows where most of the research material can be found, and seems to have a strange sense even when he's off the Den, of 'where to find the nearest library'. And regardless of whether he needs to eat, or can enjoy a good wine with dinner, he's surprisingly good with cooking and arranging meals. (And don't say anything, but he's actually... one of the people who helped Wilson with the Ball's kitchen needs...)

Events and History: it's not super clear when Atrocity and Baeris hooked up. Nor whether it was before Kalkin was residing at the Den full time, or if he was just not looking for the sake of either of them just getting busy and being done with it. But the deed was done and true to form Baeris was heavy with child for some indeterminate amount of time later. The Healing Den herself may have played a role here, sequestering the pair, and keeping prying eyes away?

Either way, Bruno was born and raised in the Den, and it shows. His skin is quite a bit paler than either of his parents' because ... well, no sun? Not for years at a time though he shows no real ill-effects from that. If he did get some sun his skin might bronze beautifully, but he still wouldn't be willing to parade around like dad (or mom for that matter) half dressed.

Always very nerdy, always rather awkward, Bruno kept to himself easily and entertained himself courtesy of plenty of connectivity from the Den to anywhere else. He doesn't have much of a competitive streak, yet another disparity between him and his folks, but he does enjoy playing 'Tekken 9' and 'Grumbleverse' and 'TeeEffTwo' with his weird online friends across multiple dimensions. Any violent behaviors that his father might have are dumped straight into pvp-style gaming, and at most elicit a curse or two - but never a broken fight-stick or thrown controller or tableflip.

That's not to say that Bruno is entirely a wet rag or doormat. If you get him going, talking about code or theoretical engineering, or even just math or mind puzzles, it's kind of hard to get him to shut up. He does talk about input controls and loadouts for his gaming all the time, and in theory that might even translate into tactics and siege engineering if need be. He does also love hearing about other people's interests, if for no other reason than maybe the Den didn't have 'it' - since the records room and libraries are geared specifically toward Baeris's needs for the duration of her tenure here, they focus on sciences and health. But put him in a chat room or fight-game lobby with a text chat and he will listen and participate in discussions, ask the right question of the right person, and do more than just smile and nod when they go into full nerdspeak themselves. Bruno is exceptionally good at drawing parallels and similarities at even disparate subject matter, so there's always some way he'd be interested to learn about hobbies or life goals from other people.

As far as 'life goals' go, however, he has never quite figured out what he himself will do. Everyone assumes - and assures him - that he'll be found by dragons (maybe multiple, maybe not) and perhaps that will shape his future. Will he remain at the Den? Go jaunting around the multiverse? Find a place on a planet somewhere? Well as long as it has some kind of internet connection and a nice place for any dragon to roost, he's on it.



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