Mother left
us when we were ten. Father was in jail, because he abused us so much.
Mother couldn't stand us, and just ran off, leaving us all alone. I didn't
understand then. Brother said that he'd take care of me. And he did. You
see, I'm mute, I can't speak at all. But brother is deaf, and so we both
have a problem. But we also have a bigger problem. Our selves. When mother
left us, brother got this type of power thing in his head. He can hear
other people's thoughts. But only bad thoughts, mostly about us. And when
that happens to brother, I begin to feel his stress, and so my mind goes
out of control, and I...I well, something bad happens to the people that
my brother heard bad thoughts from. It's not our fault, we can't stop
it. It just happens. And yet, we are blamed.
My brother's name is Kase, and I'm Isia. I was born
five years after brother was. I'm 20, and that makes him 25. He's also
like a father to me. Always taking care of me. But then, he gets stressed
out, and then I must take care of him. When mother left us, we had to
learn to live on our own. Like I said before, Father abused us because
he did not want kids that had problems like us. Mother hated him for that,
and he went to prison for life. I was happy. Mother really loved us though,
so I'm still not sure why she truly left us. Through out the years, we
lived by our selves, finding shelter from inns, stealing money for food
and cloths as we grew. I learned to express my feelings with my hands
and faces, but brother can still not hear, and yet, he does not need to.
He can hear your thoughts. But only bad ones.
The first time it happened was the worst. It was just
like any other normal day. I was at school, sorta, watching the kids in
school play. I wanted to go to school, but Kase said I couldn't because..well,
I'm not sure, back to the point. Kase went out to steal money for our
lunch, and didn't get back till late noon. Leaving the school, we went
to find a place to eat at. And that's when it all started. Kase started
to hurt, holding his ears in pain as he fell down on his rump. A few older
girls passed us, looking at his. They were the one's thinking bad thoughts
about us, but I don't know what. And then, that women came up to us, saying
that we don't belong to the street's and that we should get back to the
whole we came from.
I knew then that it was mostly that preppie women that
was hurting Kase, my older brother. Eyes narrowed, I stared at her and
she turned her snobby face away. I couldn't help it! I was only ten! Out
of no where, the ground suddenly came up and went right for the women.
It hit her, killing her on impact. It was me. I did it. But not on purpose!
I didn't really mean to. It was as if though my mind was controlling my
body. Maybe it was. I don't know. Brother stood back up, saying that he
was all right. People crowded around the dead women, whispering as we
walked away, to go eat for lunch. We didn't speak about it for awhile.
Isia! Isia wake up! " Kase yelled right into his sisters ear, making
her leap up out of her bed, eyes wide open. Looking at Kase, Isia gave
him one of her more evil looks as she sat down on her bed. " We have
to get to work. " Kase blinked, looking at his sister. The 25 year
old Kase, unlike most deaf people, could speak just fine, and his sister
could hear him, but was mute, so she couldn't speak back. The 20 year
old Isia was more then a normal women, like most on Zalrock as well as
her brother. Standing up, Isia glared at Kase as he stepped out of his
bedroom, knowing that she wanted privacy as she changed.
Stepping out of the door, Isia looked at her brother
in awe. She wore the normal. Black pants, and a silver long sleeved shirt,
in case it was chilly, which was never, and black army type boots, her
favor. Kase sighed, smiling at his sister. He always wore the normal.
Dark tan pants, and a white shirt, which all made him look like a noble
men. He was. Isia returned Kase the smile, already walking down the stairs,
giving him one of her looks of * play *. " He! That's not fair! You
got a head started! " Kase then started to mutter to himself as he
followed his sister down the stairs, into a hall and into the kitchens.
Kase and Isia worked at the summer Weyr, White Spark,
which was only open during the summer for clutching and hatchings. It
was close to summer, which meant more people would be coming in to check
out the Weyr in case they ever thought of visiting it ever again. Kase
and Isia's boss was Fedore, a tall shaggy man. He was the main cook, but
mostly just barked orders at everyone. " Miss Isia? " Fedore
looked at the young women, pointing at the large red stove. " Cook
the herd beast. The Dragons are getting snappy and would like their dinner.
" He turned around to face Kase, who was already working on the spices.
Nodding, the man went back to barking orders at other people.
Putting the frozen, and already dead herd beast into
the Stove, Isia went to check on her brother Kase, who was already done
with his share of the work. The two smiled as they waited to be given
something else to do. After all, they were paid to work, and their money
is what got them there in the first place. Fedore was in the back, but
Kase went over to a table and sat down as Isia looked out the window,
watching a few of the dragons bathe in the sun, while others nipped at
one another. She narrowed her eyes as a few large speaks came up in the
sky. Slowly, the closer they came, the bigger they got.
There were four of them. The Dragons that the dragon
riders ride. But there were also three people with them. " They can't
be candidates. The Weyr is not yet open, and those Dragons aren't from
here either. " Kase said over Isia's shoulder. She didn't even budge.
" I wonder if they wanted to see it? " He winked as Fedore walked
back into the Kitchens, barking out for everyone to stop what they were
doing. Isia did not. She kept on watching the dragons as they landed,
and the people entered the Weyr. The Wery's Dragons didn't take to them
at all. They nipped at them in anger, the new comers growling.
" Isia! Kase! " Fedora said rather rudely,
eyes narrowed. Isia jumped up, looking at her boss in awe. " I want
you two to lead out guests around the Weyr. They want to see the Weyr,
and Lady Midnight has left it up to me to see fit that they like what
they see. Understand? " Kase nodded after seeing his sister Nod,
not really sure what he said. He was still on a low level of reading lips,
but at least he knew what to do. Isia looked at her brother, and he looked
back down at her before the visitors entered the Kitchens. Both Kase and
Isia hated them on sight.
" What's that awful smell?! " Cried out the
women on the right, sniffing around like the dog she was. " That
is the herd beast. " Fedore says, smiling. He points at Kase and
Isia. " And these two will lead you through the Weyr. The girl is
Isia, and the man next to her is her older brother, Kase. " And then
he left. The two women walked up to them, looking them up and down. The
man also looked, seeming to be checking out only Isia, which sparked Kase's
point. " Very well. They will do. " The women on the left said,
glaring at Isia as they turned around and walked out of the Kitchen. Isia
and Kase followed, taking the lead as they lead them down the main hall,
and towards the Bowl.
There were whispered among the two women and the man
as Kase and Isia lead them down the hall. They kept on looking mostly
at Isia, which was getting on Kase's nerves. " Wait. " Said
the man as they all stopped. Kase and Isia both turned around at the same
time, staring at them in awe. " What is it? " Kase asked, not
sure what was going on. " Why are you two leading us when the WeyrWomen
should be doing that? Isn't that her job? To make sure we're happy? "
The women on her right glared at the both of them. " Lady Midnight
is busy. She doesn't have the time in the world to do such a thing. "
Kase glared right back, as well as Isia.
" Then why isn't someone else leading us? Like
the WeyrLeader? Is he busy too? " The woman on the right snapped
right out. " That is not your mind to know. Now, if you don't
mind, we should be- " Kase was cut in by the man. " No thanks.
We'd rather see the Dragons. " Kase glared at him. " We're going
to the bowl. The Dragons are eating, and wouldn't like if it we bothered
them. " The women gave Kase an evil look. " To bad. We want
to see them. " And then, pushing their way through Kase, and pushing
Isia down, did the three lead off into the Bowl. " Great.."
Kase muttered, helping his sister up.
By the time Kase and Isia reached the bowl, there was
already loud voices within White Blizeth, Lady Midnight's Dragon, den.
Running into the den, both Kase and Isia spotted what was going on. The
snobby women and man where bugging Blizeth so much that she had one of
the women pinned to the ground with her left very sharp clawed hand, eyes
locked onto her. The other women and man looked at Kase and Isia, waving
their arms. " Help! The Dragon's gone mad! Make her stop! "
They yelled. Blizeth had cornered them, not wanting them to go. Kase and
Isia walked up to her, looking at the women on the ground. " Why?
" Kase said. Plain and smooth.
" Why?! What do you mean, why?! Help her! "
The man screamed like a sissy as Blizeth snapped at him. " That's
your problem. You were the one's that bothered her while feeding. Your
the ones that did this to yourselves. We should let her eat you all. "
Kase smiled as Isia hanged onto his arm, holding it tightly. " What?!
Make that stupid dragon thing get away! " Blizeth suddenly stopped
all movement, eyes locked onto the man. * And disappear too, you stupid
boy. You and your sister shouldn't even be here. Run away. Thieves that's
what you are! Low levelers! * The other women thought. But little did
she know, that Kase heard her.
Falling down to his knee's, Kase gripped his ears in
pain. Isia's eyes widen as she felt his stress through her. Blizeth also
felt Kase's pain as she softly growled, lifting her hand up to let the
other women go. The other women looked at Kase and Isia, smirking. * See.
We didn't need your helpless help. Your two weak! * She seemed to have
laughed in her mind. Now in more pain, Kase cried out as Isia locked her
eyes onto the women that was putting her brother into so much pain. Standing
up straight, shoulders back, Isia stared full force at the women.
The ground came up from under the women, making her
fall down, a loud snap breaking loose as White Bliseth stoke a step back,
looking at Isia. The young women's eyes glowed a bright blue before they
cooled back down to a deep sea blue. Falling down, Isia was caught by
her brother, Kase, who was feeling better by then. " Look what you
did! You broke my leg you little wench! Get the Kitchen Cook! I want her
out of here! No, both of then out of here! Their as mad as that Dragon!
" The fallen women, who's right leg was indeed broken pointed in
terror at Kase and Isia as Blizeth snickered, smiling.
" Stay right where you are, everyone! " Lady
Midnight walked into the den, with a rather odd face. Maybe Anger? Another
women came right up behind her, with no expression at all. And then, a
Green- Gold's head came through, watching as White Blizeth greeted her
as she stepped out of the den. " And you three, don't move at all.
I'll settle with you three later. " Lady Midnight sighed, turning
to face Kase and Isia, who was standing on her own to feet like her brother
once again. The women behind Lady Midnight stepped up next to her, looking
both Kase and Isia over for a moment, before whispering into Lady Midnight's
Nodding, Lady Midnight smiles. " So. Your the
two Lady Baeris has been looking for. I agree with her as well. You two
will be wonderful Candidates. I leave you two with her as I go fix up
the problem with them..." Lady Midnight glared at the visitors that
bothered her White Blizeth, and went off to speak to them as Lady Baeris
stood up, nodding as she looked at Kase and Isia. " I am Baeris,
but Lady Midnight seems to enjoy adding in the Lady part. Oh well. "
She smiled, the first time sense she's been there so far. Kase blinked,
and Isia just stared.
" I come from Baeris Kshau's Healing Den Dragon
Adoption. It is like your this Weyr, but much bigger. We are in need of
Candidates for the second half of the Hatching from the frenzy flight.
My Gold-Green Dulath has informed me that you two would be perfect for
impression. I understand if you two do not want to come, but it would
be wonderful if you two would. You wouldn't be split up like most Candidates,
sense I can tell you two don't like being alone. But if you Impress, you
will never be alone. Well? " Baeris looked at the two, waiting for
her answer.
Kase and Isia both nodded. " Wonderful! I'll take
you to the Weyr myself, and so you'll know what it's like to riding a
dragon. " She led them off into the Bowl where the Gold-Green Dulath
was waiting. Getting on was the easy part for both Kase and Isia, but
the flying part was what scared Isia a lot, but Kase was there for her
to dig in nails into as she clung onto him for dear life as they left
the Baeris Kshau's Healing Den Dragon Adoption. They are now Candidates!

" Isia?
Wakey wakey..I want to play!!!
" The young brown-red Siaradus nudged his riders arm, nearly making
her fall off the couch. " Don't
make me use water on you. "
Siaradus grinned, tail flicking side to side as he waited for his rider
to rise from her slumber. Like his mother, Siaradus could speak to his
rider without having to do it through her mind. And in return, Isia was
able to speak back to him through her mind, so he would speak for her
in return.
* Siaradus... * Isia muttered in her mind, sitting
up from the couch. Stretching, she turns to scratch the dragons head.
Siaradus was already reaching his adult size, 15 already , large for a
young brown-red like himself. But he was just as special as his bond,
with his power that is able to help them both. * I was having a nice dream
you know. * Isia raises an eyebrow at the dragon, standing up. Long blonde
hair falls over her shoulders and down past her waist. She has also grown.
" You can
have another nice dream later. Kase and Nalektok are waiting in the bowl.
" Siaradus did sound rather happy that morning when Isia was feeling...odd..
Still getting used to having Siaradus speak for Isia
was still very new to her. But sense she is mute, it worked out for the
both of them. But Isia's brother and his bond also had a way for them
to fix their problems as well. " Isia.
It's the day for you know what. When we are fully brand new members of
Dragon Shelter! This is going to be so cool!
" Siaradus was always the hyper type with things like this. Maybe
he got it from his mother....

Kase and Nalektok were both waiting at the lake. Smiling
as his sister came up, Kase wraps his arms around his younger sister in
a hug. " Did you sleep in again? " He grinned, letting his sister
go. * Yes. Siaradus woke me up from my wonderful dream. * Kase looked
at Siaradus. " She
says that she didn't want to come out in the light again.
" Isia stamps her foot on the dragons left front clawed hand, making
him flinch. Kase laughs. " Nakektok is hiding. She said to try and
hind her, though it will be hard sense she does blend in with rocks.."
Kase grins.
" Really? " Siaradus lifts his head up in
the air, sniffing. " Well that was rather easy.." The dragon
walks off as Kase and Isia both watch, both smiling. Nalektok was always
good at hiding and doing sneak attacks because of her colors. The last
time she did that she scared Siaradus half way across the bowl.