Summer Swim 20th Anniversary
2024 Emaeliass and Vandrin Clutch A/B

This Clutch - images labeled EMVA

Type A Finned/Fluke

Black-Silver Gendershifter Sybessin (Shard)

Cobalt Gnikssin (Phoenix)

Pastel Nossin (Neishai)

Sunset Dayssin (Trix)

Twilight Purple Idessin (Birdie)

Sunstar Octessin (Molly)

Green Sea Rikssin (Ktrenal)

Slate Turissin (Mystic)

Type B Spaded

Ocean Blue F Withsin (Shard)

Bubblegum Pink Kaossin (Ty)

Vibrant Nozsin (Neishai)

Aqua Whossin (Trix)

Kelp Shade Tinessin (Birdie)

Pearl-ple Itsasin (Molly)

Deep Opal Onessin (Ktrenal)

Blue Emaeliass
Alskyran Lathis Cove
Purple Aselluiss
Red Ildoniss
Kyviar (Starfyre)

(Shard's demo-keepers)

Offspring Traits
Breed Alskyran Kyviar hybrid
Size From 25 to 60 feet long
Build Long tube noodle body with long strong legs

*Note that all offspring have wings, and are suited best to water 'flight' but can fly for short distances or glide with strong winds without the aid of powers due to the slender and weak wing arm. Their wings are of much more use for propelling through water and aiding in exceptionally strong agility in difficult currents. It is possible that their mother's wingless form may appear in offspring if bred to ones without wings

*All have four legs with 3 clawed toes and webbing; two large leathery wings with one visible finger only along entire leading edge; neck has low fin crest from head to shoulders; body is ** hide? scaled? rubbery skin?pending info!; eyes have pupils; they are able to breathe air, bearing nostrils and lungs, and only with powers can breathe below water

Type A - Head is more blunt nosed, has two standing fins on sides (Alskyran male feature, irrelevant for this clutch's gendering); forelegs are thinner; tail is shorter and ends in a split horizontal fluke with webbing

Type B - Head is more beak-like in shape, and has only the crest on neck; forelegs are much broader and tubular; tail is longer and has a spade on the end


Body ranges from normal Alskyran colors to 'anything goes' within reason :)

Wings generally have dark sails and a very bright edge, not required to be bicolor

Fins, Webbing, Fluke/Spade generally lighter and may be different (crest / webbing / fins / tail) but generally one or more of those match the wingsails


Body may have a single color with some variation in contrast (Alskyran type) or have mottling or larger color gradients

Wingsails may have a gradient or other color shading, but generally they will be one visible color with one lighter/brighter potential marking that matches their crest or webbing in some way



*Breath Weapon (??)
*Deep Swimming
*Flight (limited)

Sonic Power (verbal?)
Unhindered Undersea Vision
Added Sensory Ability
**?? Powers?

** Note 'extra powers' may be present due to the nature of the Swim including T-Powers from Alskyran side

Bond Required, but can wait, and can be of any intelligent species, preferring those who can swim or are near the water
Naming All end in -(S)SIN