Summer Swim 20th Anniversary
2024 Ezust and Elnök* Clutch A/B/C
*Elnök will have shifters with another parent

This Clutch
Images named EZEL A, B, C

Type A
Rusty Silver Egyseg (unity, Shard)


Type B
Purple-Copper Erkezes (arrival, Shard)


Type C
Albino Silver Esos (rain, Shard)

Silver Water Ezust
IoM Glenn
White Air Majestica
IoM Glenn
(progen) (Talor Cliff lines inbred and go
at least 1 more gen for some)
Black Fire Ethereal Flames
Gold Water Alasia
Purple Fire Phantom
Rust Bronze Elnök
Healing Den Halloween
Oil Green Twengith
Yellow Aquatic Mijath
Orange Moeomth
Night Brown Tironath
Green Inyxith
Talor Cliff
Gold Veralineth
Talor Cliff
Brown Rajinath
Talor Cliff
Brown Viresth
Talor Cliff
Green Cylith
Talor Cliff
Brown Nerimenth
Talor Cliff

(Shard's demo-keepers)

Offspring Traits

Glenn Water - Aquatic Pernese Hybrid

Note that colorations from Glenn do not need to coincide with Glenn color expectations or personality traits. All are considered 'Water Type' however, and if bred with further Glenn based will strongly pass water type features

Size From 30 feet to 60 feet long, MAY grow much larger with age, Glenn feature, provided the space to do so

Type A - low noodle, very muscular; 1: 4: 4.5 ratio (glide capable wingspan)

Type B - long noodle, strong hind legs; 1: 4.5: 2 ratio

Type C - extra long noodle, long limbs; 1: 5.5: 3 ratio


All - scaled skin with protective blubber underneath; four legs with 3 digits, clawed, webbed; two stiff 3-tined wings; head fins on sides of face; pupiled eyes; dorsal ridge fin (shape varies) from head to tail tip; tail lobed spade; *flight possible and improved with telekinetic power if present; capable of both land and water locomotion easily (not hindered by body shape/limb configuration)

Type A - head equine shape, fins and neck ridge supported by structure; forelegs have small web between elbow and body increasing mobility in water, hind toes very long for powerful propulsion, hind heels webbed; wings are long enough to support gliding for short distances only*; dorsal ridge wave shaped, tail spade jagged

Type B - head 'droopy' shape, eye armor/antennae support side fins; no webbing on leg joints or heels, and feet are equal sizes; wings small, cannot fly without power; belly armor from chin to mid-tail; ridge gently fluted from head to tail, tail tip rounded

Type C - head draconic, eye armor/antennae support side fins; both fore and hind limbs have stretchy membranes significantly improving water maneuverability and not hindering land walking, feet are equal sizes; wings slender, cannot support flight without power; belly armor from chin to mid-tail; dorsal ridge peak shape, arrowhead shaped tail tip

Colors May be any Glenn-type color liberally mixed with others; nontraditional 'Pernese' sire with red-tinted bicoloration may have numerous variations, center on rust and metallics but may include pretty much anything
Markings Bicolor primarily being body and webbing in some amount of contrast; webs on head, dorsal, feet, wings, and tail spade are generally similar but may have intense variation between any given part; armor contrasts with body on B and C; Gradient is generally the only 'marking'



*Water+Air Adaptation/Breathing
Deep Swimming/Adaptation (pressure, darkness, cold)
Water Reliance (land capable but needs immersion)
Water Breath/Water Manipulation Power (many variations possible)
Ice Breath/Ice Manipulation Power
*Telekinetics (added to flight, minor close manipulation)
Water Shield
Flight^ only with 4-6 level Telekinetics
Other Powers from Swim Gen (typically Echolocation/sonar, Senses, perhaps other elemental stuff; Genders and Breeding Abilities, etc)

** Note 'extra powers' may be present due to the nature of the Swim

Bond Required but may delay, be sponsored until adulthood, may include teams, groups, individuals, of any capable species including other dragons, all prefer 'near to water', you may also choose to have a 'sponsorship page' due to Glenn side only requiring a good environment and occasional caretakers  
Naming No set endings or conventions, may all start with E-sounds??
Naming may be 'foreign language equivalent words', descriptive terms, interesting sounds, or anything you like; you may choose name or ask to be named (by Shard)
[Ezust is Hungarian for Silver; Elnök is also Hungarian, meaning President]