Doll by Azalea's Dolls Fairytale Scene (Flashpoint)

Name: Gredush (G'red - not G'ush ew! maybe if he was twelve...)

Gender: Male, straight, he/him

Age: 20

Origin: Craft born and bred

Height: 6'0"

Build: strong, but not bulky

Skin: light with freckles and moles

Hair: tan, kept short, straight and styled as shown

Eyes: light green, small, a little sad looking

Personality: genial and clever, but not an overachiever, nor is he particularly willing to endanger himself or others, though he does appreciate a good harmless prank

Skills: Gadgeteering, he is very good at creating and using new tools or devices, appraising an area to see what might help it architecturally, and can quickly understand technology

Standing At: Kyanos Weyr

History: his guild and craft hall were situated quite close to a Weyr, and he had regular contact with both search riders and those seeking to trade. He is a Journeyman Smith, with a specialty in smaller gadgets, though he can easily pick up a tool or use a device with very little preparation time to figure it out. He does this with people in a way too, in that he is quickly able to assess whether they're worth associating with or if they're trouble. That said he won't arbitrarily 'tattle' on people who are rule breakers, preferring to let them make their own mistakes. If they get into his business or harm something or someone he values, though, he will definitely seek out the authorities to make sure they pay for the damages.

While he never really fancied himself a full on Threadfighting dragonrider, he absolutely imagined himself on a dragon's back, soaring over the mountains or packed with important gear brought to places in need. Should he impress he will not be expected to fight, he's expressed his concerns and though he will definitely train for it in emergencies, he will be entrusted with more technical and technological issues for Albion.


*** Random Questions ***

1. What color do you particularly want to Impress? Brown

2. Any colors you do NOT want to get? Blue

3. Extrovert or Introvert? I like being part of a crowd, but not the center of attention.

4. Nervous about the Hatching? Huh? What Hatching?

5. Are you a leader, or a follower? I'd be a great leader!

6. Someone played a mean-spirited prank on another candidate. What do you do? Laugh my head off and congratulate whoever did it.

7. Some of your friends dare you to go somewhere dangerous. What do you do? Yeah right. I'm not stupid enough to throw myself into danger for some ridiculous contest.

8. You find someone's stray pet canine. What do you do? Ignore it.

9. A stranger out of nowhere asks you directions to the nearest Weyr, how do you answer? Answer them plainly.

10. You're being tested on history and culture, how well do you score? A combination of the above

11. Do you think you'll be a fighting rider? Try to continue a craft? Or something else? Screw that stuff. I'm going to try and transfer out of a Threadfighting wing or maybe even the Weyr if I have to do that.

12. You've been accused of stealing something from a popular rider. Why, and what do you do about this accusation? It couldn't be me, and I have nothing to hide so I'll let them investigate.

13. So, you just learned that when a dragon rises to mate, sometimes their rider gets really... randy. How will you deal with this dilemma? As long as the other person's okay with this, let the passion flow!

14. Have you seen what the Hold folk believe our dragons look like? Nah, those are dumb, anyone in a Weyr knows dragons are our best allies!

15. You're asked to help in the Infirmary, can you handle it? Will I get extra credit if I show off this tunnel snake I dissected?

Dragon Information

Species: (Pernese Dragon)
Size: s/l/ws
Parents: x
Abilities: (Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath)

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