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Name: Hlothver (Hl'ver)

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Origin: Hold-born, Lord's eldest son

Height: 6'3"

Build: Smooth but muscular

Skin: Fair

Hair: Reddish-brown, short

Eyes: Almost red, brown

Personality: as shown by his answers below, Hlothver is one of those guys who seems so utterly sure of himself that he must have some kind of secret or flaw that he's trying to hide. That can't be farther from the truth, actually. He's genuinely strong-willed, focused, and smart enough to know when to delegate duties to others. As a steward and Lordling, Hlothver is secure and well-known to be firm but fair. He is slightly less observant of women around him except if they are pretty and catch his eye as a proper Lady should, he doesn't always take Weyrborn women as seriously as he ought because women of Holds are generally not as smart, strong or self-assured. Whether he would try wooing a gold rider or a hold Lady, Hlothver would do so carefully and according to a kind of inner-plan, everything at its own pace, and never rushed. If a Lady - or weyrgirl - says 'no' then that's the end, he doesn't hold anything against any woman that wouldn't have him, it's their loss, but he's not looking to populate the Weyr with little offspring. Having grown up in a Hold with limited space, less danger, and a very structured social arrangement, it's been a bit of a trial for him to entirely fit in with the 'common' folk of a weyr.

History: Hlothver is the first-born son of Lord Haluved and Lady Therish. He has three younger brothers and two younger sisters. Hlothver was being groomed to replace his father for running their Hold, and Haluved was absolutely incensed when he learned he had to give over his eldest to the search riders for Whiterock Weyr. However, even if his father was angry, Hlothver himself maintained that the very best way he could serve Pern is to become a dragonrider and make his family proud. He would never try slacking off when collecting tithes from his home Hold, though any one of his brothers might in the same position.


Submitted January 9, 2009

Your Name: Shard
Candidate's Name: Hlothver
Future Rider Name, if Male: Hl'ver (pronounced Hull-vair)
Gender: Male

1. What color do you particularly want to Impress?

b. Bronze
After all, that's what eldest brothers and strong young men should aspire to.

2. Any colors you DO NOT want to get?

e. Green
Let me just say that even though the green is a perfectly fine dragon for certain girls or weaker-willed young men, a green would need to keep up with the biggest and boldest, and that would wear the poor girl out.

3. Extrovert or Introvert?
f - none of the above
I *am* the center of attention because I must be. Why would I not be?

4. Nervous about the Hatching?

b. I'm getting a little jittery and impatient.
If I didn't admit that I was nervous any dragon would know. Of course I am. There is always the chance that the right dragon isn't here for me today.

5. Are you a leader, or a follower?

e. Get in line, peons! I'm in charge here...What do you mean, I'm not even a dragonrider yet?
At home in the Hold, I was expected to take charge and did so well enough that my father was furious that I'd been Searched. I want to make him proud and I will continue to lead, with the right dragon partner of course.

6. Someone played a mean-spirited prank on another candidate. What do you do?
None of the above -
This is no place for pranks. I sternly remind both the perpetrator and the victim that they should be concentrating on their studies, and not silly pranks.
(*and probably, become a target of some myself, what with that stick up my bum. - shard)

7. Some of your friends dare you to go somewhere dangerous. What do you do?
- a tossup-
c. I'd dare them right back. All or none!
d. Yeah right. I'm not stupid enough to throw myself into danger for some ridiculous contest.
On one hand, proving one's self to the others in the group is very important. However, dangerous stunts should be kept to a minimum. We'll be fighting the most dangerous foe soon anyway, why risk injury or death before helping fight Thread?

8. You find someone's stray pet canine. What do you do?

c. Maybe give it some food and water, but let it find its own way home.
This animal is not my issue. I would never deny food to a hungry beast or man, after all a Hold is supposed to be a place of refuge. But if this beast's owner is irresponsible enough to let their dog run loose it's hardly my fault and certainly not my responsibility. Everyone has a role to play, and the role of an animal's caretaker is to do just that.


Gold Oketh, ridden by Cerine & Bronze Steydroth, ridden by S'den

Hlothver went into the sands a candidate, and has come out Hl'ver, rider of Bronze Ayekanth! This big bronze is into everything, even things he's not supposed to be: firestone sacks between training, the lake after dark, even the Weyrlingmaster's dragon's weyr! It's not necessarily just innocent curiosity, though, Ayekanth is a hopeless gossip and enjoys nosing into others' business.

And right after the queen egg hatched, a bronze dragon attracts the attention of the males. He's nosy, getting up into all the candidates' faces, but he goes back to Hlothver, and croons as Impression is made!

But true to his nature, Hl'ver keeps his head and does everything in his power to direct Aye's actions. As a team in the air, they are stunning. If Hl'ver's father ever was in need of reminding that a dragon and its rider are the most important things on Pern, all he needs to do is look up when Thread falls. His son will be waiting for it.


Hl'ver is the leader of the main fighting wing. As demanding as this role might be, he and Ayekanth take it all in stride. It was, after all, what they were meant to do.