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Dragonhope Wing Rider ...heading to Aneris (formerly going to Wu Weyr ) |
Barrek held his hands still, he was used to being on the spot. Others in the class fidgeted but he managed to concentrate hard on just not moving. Of course that meant that he was a bit out of touch with what the dragon-riding instructor was actually saying. He'd learned how to sing, and how to write ballads, telling the history of Pern in song. What he hadn't really mastered yet was learning from any other source such as ... a seasoned rider speaking in a low - almost monotone - voice... "Barrek, did you even bother listening?" Asked his friend Tulla on their way out of the class. Barrek blinked at her and nodded rapidly. "And I know what that really means. It means I'm going to have to give you notes before the exams..." She sighed, but Barrek knew that first off, she would do so, and second: he would learn from it. She was definitely going to be a big-time balladeer, in many ways superior to the handsome young man. She was attentive where he was apt to drift, she was plain and could allow her songs to speak for her, while he was quite dashing in appearance which tended to distract folks. Since the little ... mishap at Dragonhope regarding harpers in general, it had been hard to convince anyone at the Weyr that a few of the newest Harper 'slash' candidates should attend their dragon prep courses in order to evaluate which of them were really rider material and who should remain in the Guild. That was the other main difference between Tulla and Barrek: she was searched very recently, while he had been known to have been searched almost directly after his birth. His father cared for him after his mother's abrupt death in a cave-in, and dragon riders had taken them both off the mining site to the Guild hall when they came in Search. His father enjoyed the change, being a fixit-man and a diligent worker to make sure that the Guild was in good condition, while his talented, handsome - and Searched - son grew up with a much better education than he'd had. Barrek fiddled with the pocket full of stones that he'd kept from the mines, they were always in a small pouch at his side - perhaps reminding him of his heritage as a miner, or perhaps of his mother, or maybe he just liked their textures and colors. If anyone was going to tease him about the rocks, he'd spill into a tale, beautifully sung, about the mine which had yeilded half a ton of perfect opals before collapsing on his mother... and that usually shut anyone up about the pocketfull of rocks he carried around. Tulla had been the first person that he'd met, as a young child of around five turns, in the Guild hall. Her parents were both talented balladeers, and extremely patient with young children so they were kept on to educate those who moved to the Guild instead of traveling like other Journeymen. By the time they were both eight turns old it was clear that Tulla was at least as smart as her parents and that she would go possibly much farther than they in their field. It was unclear just how good Barrek would be, though. His penmanship never has gotten much better since those years, and his penchant for distraction by the smallest thing has held him a bit back. But he was Searched. Anyone in his class in the Guild, so they said, would have given their right arm to be a rider. Of course he'd point out that without a right arm, one would hardly be able to be a rider. He usually got himself smacked at that point. His tact with adults and persons of importance on the other hand is flawless. The mine owner probably saw to that, as it would be a dangerous thing to insult the hugely built and hideously ugly man to his face. Barrek took his cues from the adults around him, and has never really changed that behavior. It's certainly saved him a bit of trouble with Weyrleaders or Guild masters! "Did you know that some of these wing riders don't bother to wear their knots?" Barrek asked Tulla, as they walked through the halls. "I can't understand that at all." "Well," Tulla said thinking it over, as she did find it a bit odd too, "they all live here together - and Dragonhope's still quite small. I imagine that they all know each other's rank easily. Plus," she winked, "they're riders. Their dragons could give them whatever information they needed." Barrek nodded. In silence they walked back to their dorm. Normally she'd be in another area, but since they were effectively sent as a pair - the Guild masters knew perfectly well that their prize Tulla would be back, while the flighty pretty-boy would become a rider - they were not separated. There seemed little romantic spark between the two, neither seemed like they pined for the other when one was away, but they were very close friends: more like siblings, since Tulla's family also only had one child in it. They were far from twins, Tulla was darkly tanned where Barrek was fair, and she had brilliantly blond hair with pale icy-blue colored eyes. Barrek's nut-brown hair and yellow-amber eyes gave his face a beautiful cast. When they got back to their dorm, Tulla began to compose a song from her notes. Very shortly, she was trying out the tune which would go along with it. But before she could start up, there was a knock at their door. Startled, both stood up and Tulla answered the door with her guitar in her hand. "Well, I see you're about ready to perform," said the assistant to the weyrlingmaster who was standing there in the hall with a broad smile on her face. "But since I know you're going to be going back over what was said in the class today, could you do me a favor?" Barrek was a bit surprised that she knew they would do this regularly, but Tulla could tell everyone spoke of it behind their backs. "What would that be, ma'am?" She asked. "I'd actually like you to help tutor a few of the other newcomers, and some who missed the class. We can't keep repeating ourselves, can we?" She chuckled, "I mean, we can we just don't feel like it." Fuiaam waved her fingers and beckoned the pair back out of their dorm. "I know, you just settled back down, but if you're going to be doing it, might as well do it in a classroom. You should get used to it," she said to Tulla. "You're a natural at this. I don't know why we don't just hand off our notes to you." Tulla blushed and then they both got out to the weyrling classrooms. A handful of young potential riders, and three who should have been in the prior class but had been up on the fireheights cleaning (for their last infraction against the cook, whom they took delight in tormenting), were sitting in the room already. Tulla sat at the head of the class, and more carefully watched her friend Barrek but knew he would be learning while she sang. *** Over the next few weeks, Tulla was asked to perform this way another three times. The third, she finished up and looked toward the door to find the Weyrwoman and her husband standing there. She knew better than anyone that the Weyrwoman was the one who hated harpers. But Barrek came to her defence before they even said a word. "I don't think I'd ever understand that move, up and under, around the wing and back... Not without being able to hum along with it. Thank you Tulla." He gently saluted the Weyrleaders as they left the room, and gave Tulla a significant wink as they heard the pair muttering behind them. They'd be able to continue, apparently... Which was a good thing. If there wasn't a scroll or book on something, Barrek needed her by his side, as did two of the problem children of the Weyr. Soon enough that pair were singing about battles that the local riders had gone through - and that impressed the Weyrleaders. However, they also had news for the two. Tulla would be remaining here, teaching the weyrbrats - walking the tables as a Journeman soon - but Barrek was required at another Weyr to stand! He felt a bit weak, it would be the first time that they would actually be apart, really apart, since they were five years old! They had a tearful farewell, as Barrek readied himself for the trip. "But when I come back, you'll be a Journeyman!" He crowed, "that's better than I'll ever be at it, Tulla, and they want you here, so I'll see you again..." He looked down at something, and then handed her his pouch of stones. "I want you to hold on to these while I'm gone." "But!" Tulla said, "but - your-" "They'll just get too cold up there, I can't hold on to them while I'm flying a dragon, right? Not between anyway... And it'll give me something to look forward to, coming back!" "And it'll give you something to write me about," Tulla said, with a stern gaze. "You have to practice every day, Barrek. And if you need help learning how to do your exersizes, just hum them. I know you'll make a better rider than a harper, but you're still good at it." They parted and Barrek was given a set of riding goggles. He appraised them with a smirk, "perfect," he said, adding them to his permanent appearance. He did however have a bit of a time on the dragon's back on their way to Wu Weyr. He hadn't been on a dragon, really, since they arrived at the Weyr half a turn ago, and even that trip was a bit scary for the young man. He hadn't known that he was even afraid of heights until their trip to Dragonhope, having grown up on a scrub desert with hardly a hillside to think about, and then taken to the Guild hall where everything was indoors? How could he have known? But he had a goal, and he knew he'd fly safe upon a dragon's back some day soon. He ached to return to his childhood home, once or twice, because shards Dragonhope was chilly! It got cold in the Guild hall but not like this! It was warm enough in the summer - the short short summer - but wow, Winter was horrible! The ability to head off on a dragon toward warmer climates gave him more hope than ever of being a rider! Then, perhaps someday, Tulla would write ballads about him fighting Thread! Barrek consulted his rolled up map, another thing that the weyrlingmaster's assistant had given him. She made it plainly clear where they were going - and that it might or might not really be on that map. He intended to fill out his mental map with the aid of this physical one. There were dots around the edges of the map, and he knew from having it drilled into him: those were starpatterns which would be important to remember in association with the local areas. "If only there was a map with moving pictures," he muttered, rolling it back away and walking bravely up to the green who would be taking him to Wu. "That way you could get everything at once." "You'll learn to remember everything that way," M'tsu said with a smile. The rider helped him up, made sure that his one large bag was secure, and got them up into the chilly air of Dragonhope - and shortly, on their way to the beautiful hills of Wu! *** It was a sight that he still ached at remembering. He knew that while there were still dragons at that gorgeous weyr, it was not to be that he impressed there. But he also knew that this was the way of things: sometimes, even long-Searched people didn't impress the first time. Or the second... He sighed deeply, and then dedicated himself to learning another formation. He'd gathered his pouch of stones from Tulla, occasionally fiddled with them with his left hand while making notations with his right. So deeply in thought was he that he hadn't noticed the Weyrleader S'xon in the entry to his dorm. When that man cleared his throat it all but startled the pen from Barrek's hand! "Sir! I... I didn't-" "I know you didn't hear me, I can see that," the tall man smirked. "I realize that you're deep in thought, but... think about this: there will be a clutch at Aneris Weyr, and I'd like you to be attending it. It's a proper Gold's clutch, with a bronze sire." Barrek wasn't sure why the Weyrleader would say that. But, he nodded and saluted, nearly stabbing himself in the face with his pen. He'd have to hand off those smooth stones again... *** The excitement Barrek had built day by day at Aneris. He did his best, which was quite good overall, to remember the names and faces of those at this Weyr. He'd be here until he impressed and the dragon learned to between, or barring that... well, he didn't think about that. He had a good feeling, a strong one, in his gut about this clutch. The queen was quite pretty, a very brightly yellow shade he had hardly seen on any of the Dragonhope golds. And his Weyrleader was right, that bronze that had flown her was quite stunning himself. The thing Barrek enjoyed most though, was that it wasn't freezing here! Though he could tell many others were uncomfortable in the heat, this mid-summer clutch started rocking and would most certainly culminate in a lot of grumpy complaints about how warm it was on the sands too! But he donned his Candidate robe dutifully, and with the rest, headed over to the egg-covered sands. The shells shook and finally started opening. Though Barrek had been through the sands and touched the eggs several times, he wasn't sure which among them now was the one that had given him a kind of tingling feeling. He had that feeling again now, but... Egg after egg broke, revealing beautiful blues, greens, browns, a bronze... the golden tinted egg was still moving hard on its lumpy sand shelf when the bigger egg aside from it broke. From within, a large bronze nosed out, and made a confident line toward Barrek! He looked around, hardly daring to take his eyes off the dragon: he was the only boy left on the sands? Well, on one hand that made things fairly simple for this bronze! On the other... he felt lucky that another hadn't come for him. He knew, he knew this dragon's name and his heart. He'd have to calm his shaking hand before writing to Tulla! She'd be so proud of him! Who is Tulla? Worry about feeding me first, I am Eldroth. The dragon's voice thrilled the young harper. "She's my friend," Barrek told him, as they headed off the sands - as the golden egg finally smashed impatiently into the others left beside it - and to the dragon's banquet. "We've been friends since... well, ever, you'll like her. She'll love you!" The dragon had eyes only for the meat bowls, however.
*** Eldroth flapped his wings strongly, everything about him was strong. Barrek, now known as B'rek, enjoyed all of their training except the part they were now about to begin. Flight training. Actually flying. With a harness, of course, but... He'd been put on numerous other dragons in the meantime, because the Weyrlingmaster got word that he had a fear of heights. Somehow, it almost made things worse. Until the morning Eldroth leapt off their ledge and flew with the other Weyrlings, gracefully and as an obvious team, down to the lake. They looked so amazing, so perfect. B'rek realized then that it wasn't that it was flying high that scared him. It was falling, the idea of it, the potential of it. And he knew without even the faintest doubt that his dragon, his beloved Eldroth, would never let him fall. He placed the harness over the growing dragon's shoulders, snugged it down around his neck. "How's that feel, buddy?" Strange, but I will get used to it. You will also get used to it. "Words of wisdom from the weyrling," B'rek chuckled. It was true though - they did both get used to it. Though he wasn't the first of his class to actually ride, he remained in the air the longest. The great dragons wings rippled with the wind under them, and made B'rek consider writing some music that would emulate them. *** He'd written Tulla almost every sevenday since Impressing, and she had sent letters back almost as frequently. She'd expressed disappointment that B'rek wasn't able to come back to the Guild hall to be there as she got her Journeyman knots, but she would be back at Dragonhope, picking up where she left off just as he'd been helped by her singing. There was little doubt that the Weyrleaders did more than tolerate her, they knew that some folks just didn't have the concentration or prior education to read and take notes at lectures. They expected the riders to do so, B'rek included, but they'd given a little more slack where it was brats and younger candidates. Tulla hadn't stood for a clutch, though, in the year and a half since B'rek's impression. She admitted being a little sad about that, but then she was a Journeywoman, and already set up pretty soundly in the Weyr. If she attended a hatching and a dragon found her, it would be surprising. She dutifully watched the skies with a number of others, when they'd forwarded flitter messages that a few were arriving back from Aneris. Two browns and the big bronze, their trio swept out of the clouds from between and over the bay. Instantly hit by the chill air, B'rek laughed at himself for having all but forgotten what it was like here in the frozen north! But of course he could forget - he could forget everything but being on his magnificent dragon, at the head of a small but well-trained wing. He'd mastered those star charts because someone had clued him in to a color-code method. He could hum and choose notes to go along with each of the patterns, maybe he'd teach them to Tulla! Eldroth certainly liked the humming, and could all but make his eyes change color to the star-chart letters. As per their prior exchange, when B'rek landed and approached Tulla, she hugged him fiercely and then almost shyly handed him back the mine's stones she'd kept safe for him. You will find a place for that bag of stones in our weyr, my one, now that you have me. "I'd almost forgotten them - maybe I'll... maybe I'll arrange them in a pattern! They're all the colors I need!" The dragon could feel his rider's mind cleverly making plans. |
Clutch 19: Gold Eyith and Bronze Garoth Bronze Eldroth - B'rek |
Status: Guild Born Crafting Guild: Harper - balladeer, Status: senior apprentice Originally From: high desert community |