
Blue Tsith

While everyone else was off with their newly hatched dragonets, Challie wondered, well, why not her yet? Half the group - and a lot of others from other searches and weyrs - had already impressed. She stood with the rest, though, waiting. That was all they could do, wait.

But it was worth the wait. A very pale, almost silvery looking blue stepped out from around another, bigger egg, and gave a lost trill. He bumbled around but then headed toward the white-robed candidates, and finally his eyes reached Challie's.

"I know your name, it's Tsith!" Challie happily cried. "You're beautiful!" And indeed he was, not dark, not even brightly blue. He was of such a delicate color that Challie imagined herself on a different kind of rare, a silver... chuckling to herself, she knew that was silly, but he was now hers - and she would fly Thread!

Status: Mixed Status (parents: their recordskeeper mother and ranking rider father)
Age: 12
Gender: female
Siblings: 3
Born: next to last
Legitimacy: born to parents who barely knew one another
Childhood Health: very sturdy
Adult Height: just normal for their age in height
Adult Build: well muscled, but not burly
Skin Tone: port-wine stain birthmarks, fair
Hair Color: shining metallic copper
Hair Style: loosely curled
Hair Length: shoulder length
Eye Color: dark brown
Literacy Level: can read with some difficulty and have poor penmanship
Politeness Level: they are impolite to people they ought to defer to
Focus: their attention slips often while they work
Though some might find them ugly, most just call them plain
They give and take without thinking of consequences of either

Values and Goals
Passionately hates: a friend
Enjoys: the Beach
Strong goal: locate something lost
Moderate fear: the opposite sex or having intimacy
Skill used frequently: dancing
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): thrown weapons
Originally From: scrubland community
Location size: smallish
Location climate: stormy
Searched: a couple weeks ago

Samber's Giveaway (Weyr Between the Worlds and/or Dasmalenra Weir)