
Green Shallth

It was going to be a big hatching, there were simply piles of eggs, and Del wasn't certain they were all even from the same queen. No one could say for sure, in fact, whose eggs these were on the sands. But there were plenty of candidates to go with them, so Del didn't feel bad.

She felt even less bad, when a bright green nose stuffed itself into her hand.

You were not paying attention. I will make sure you always pay attention now.

"Oh!" Del exclaimed, and hugged her dragon, "Shallth, you're very welcome to watch my back, any time. I'll make sure to pay attention to you."

Status: Commoner, House Born child
Age: 18
Gender: female
Siblings: 3
Born: second
Legitimacy: born to married parents
Childhood Health: healthy
Adult Height: unusually small for their age
Adult Build: thin as a twig
Skin Tone: creamy, freckled
Hair Color: platinum blond
Hair Style: wavy
Hair Length: to waist
Eye Color: light blue
Literacy Level: can only read very simple things
Politeness Level: they rarely appear hostile to superiors but they're not always polite to everyone else
Focus: they carefully attend to details
They're better than average in appearance
They're known for being a bit stingy

Values and Goals
Enjoys: their appearance
Values: the dark places
Practically nonexistant goal: 'get away from it all'
Low fear: the opposite sex or having intimacy
Has fun with: the Great Outdoors
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): sword or knife fighting

Originally From: rugged foothill community
Location size: busy but small
Location climate: snowy
Searched: as a young child

Samber's Giveaway (Weyr Between the Worlds and/or Dasmalenra Weir)