Sabon Weyr (Giveaway)

He'd always had to fight for his pride. He was never attracted to girls, in fact he wasn't attracted to any kind of guy that would accept his advances. No, he had to be looking at the manly men, the big brutish hairy guys of the Hold. Edapo protected himself well, fought dirty, and could run faster than pretty much every guy in the Hold by the time he was 15.

Somehow, he'd managed to keep all this from his father, though he thought his mother suspected things. When he would hang out with the women selected for him to perhaps marry, they often had a great time - but there was never a spark, never anything more than sharing girlish giggles at other more manly men.

Most of those girls loved him, Edapo was polite to them, kind and generous under observation. Most of the girls seemed to know they wouldn't be marrying him, some even came to his defense when the other boys would try beating up on him. After all, if a girl withheld her own company they were less likely to do those things.

When a search rider came to their hold, it was a great relief to Edapo, but not to his father. He was a Lord! He had a hold to run! But - dragons would choose, and there was nothing more to be said about it. However, Edapo did tell his father and mother his orientation shortly before leaving, which changed the elder man's mind about just what could be done at the Hold. A cousin might come along, it was far too late for him to try having another child with his wife.

At Sabon Weyr, two fine clutches went by before he was chosen by a minty green. She rushed up to him as though there was no one else upon the sands. Thankfully he knew that there would be plenty of opportunities to find partners at Dragonhope, where he was brought when Ennath was big enough to teleport.

E'po was always more of a hard worker than expected of a young Lordling, and thus relished the cleaning of weyrs, and of dragons. Perhaps he gets to look over the manly muscles of those riders more often, but regardless of his reason for doing so - he's often in charge of helping organize dragon-baths!

Age: 23
Gender: male
Dragon: green Ennath; Specializing in dragon cleaning
Siblings: no living siblings or half-siblings, that they know of
Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Height: just normal for their age in height
Build: rail thin, emaciated looking
Skin Tone: light yellowish
Hair Color: shining metallic copper
Hair Style: afro-curled
Hair Length: in a crewcut
Eye Color: hazel gold
Literacy Level: learned to read before being allowed to ride
Politeness Level: their politeness extends to everyone around them
Focus: they don't much care about any one task
While their striking looks make some jealous, most are just attracted to them
They'd rather keep things for themself, but if they're asked they'll share

Values and Goals
Is very happy with: a friend
Dislikes: being judged
Very strong goal: grow a garden enough to feed plenty
Moderate fear: losing self control
Practically nonexistant like: Wilderness
Enjoys deeply: their nimbleness

Picked up dirty fighting in the meantime