
Green Raisth

A Lady shouldn't have to stand here like this, Fentra fumed. But... she was no longer a Lady, really, she was a candidate. Her years of reading and understanding logic and formula and things gave her a kind of patient calm, but inside, really, she wasn't calm. She was excited, she was worried, she was afraid.

She was in a word, at a hatching.

On the hot sands. She tried everything to distract herself from the heat. First it was the chill of Dragonhope, then the cold Between, and now this? When did it end?

It hardly ends, I want it to begin now! Bespoke a voice in her mind. At first a bit wobbly, she saw a mottled light colored green, almost a turquoise colored dragonet that was staring at her from across a few eggs. Those eggs were shaking and bulging, their inhabitants would be out soon enough.

"Come on, I can't go there, you've got to learn to walk, Raisth!"

That was true, and Raisth got a bit of a workout on her way. The eggs shattered and trembled like attackers, and she hissed at them as she passed. Fierce, this dragonet would be fierce but protective, adoring and stable. Fentra was a rider now, and she'd have to be the same, fierce and protective. Hadn't Kira said something about being in the queen's wing? What if she wasn't good enough? She'd have to prove herself, she'd have to be good enough. There was work to be done.

Status: Lord's child
Age: 16
Gender: female
Siblings: 5
Born: second
Legitimacy: born in a happily married family
Childhood Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Adult Height: very short, almost childish in height
Adult Build: thin as a twig
Skin Tone: lightly tanned
Hair Color: darkly brown
Hair Style: wavy
Hair Length: to high back
Eye Color: pale teal
Literacy Level: read at a good level of competancy
Politeness Level: they're very polite, almost annoyingly so
Focus: they are continually distracted by the things around them - work? What's that?
This character is pretty good looking
They're known for being a bit stingy

Values and Goals
Passionately hates: their ornate jewlery
Has fun with: being far from home
Weak goal: do nothing at all and relax
Practically nonexistant fear: heights
Very strong dislike: the Great Outdoors
Dislikes: being being alone
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): philosophy

Originally From: island community
Location size: seriously overpopulated
Location climate: moderate
Searched: as a teen

Samber's Giveaway (Weyr Between the Worlds and/or Dasmalenra Weir)