Blue Mountain Aurie giveaway

Fennod didn't much care that he was ridiculed because of his looks. His ears were big, his nose was lopsided, his eyes didn't match, and one of his thumbs was much bigger than normal. So what? It was he who'd found the flitter nest that all his friends wanted, it was he who managed to actually train two of them to race! Of course, whenever his mother's father found out about his activities, he was scolded and sometimes beaten. His mother was hardly in the weyr those days, and her father was one of the supply managers there. Of course he was expected to work - and he did work. He worked plenty, and was dedicated to tasks that even drudges gave up on.

But naturally his grandfather never saw him working. All he ever saw were those flitters, or Fennod relaxing with a book after he was done. Some in the weyr whispered that Fennod's large ears were made even bigger by the older man's dragging him around by them all the time. He tolerated these things well, but had few friends to confide in. Rather, he spent more and more time in the records room sorting through things to occupy his busy mind. His flitters, brown Claude (or Clod, as it sounded), and green Getter would alert him if anyone was coming.

He actually made fair coin training the flitters, pitting them against other 'racers', for both of them were intensely quick in the air. Training them to not head between when they really wanted to win was hard work! Fennod was quite glad when at last a search rider from another weyr came. He wasn't actually on search, but he wound up taking Fennod back to Blue Mountain with him just days before the hatching there!

The bronze dragon that approached Fennod kept stretching his wings and trying to scratch behind one of his headknobs. Itchy, there is sand. Get it for me. No, the other side. That's better. I'm hungry. I'm Lhysiath, F'nod, and you are mine and no other. Well those flitters can keep you too.

"Thanks, Lhysiath... I think..." F'nod laughed.

He went with others from this clutch to Dragonhope Weyr, where he was pleased to work with the construction wing. His expertise with equipment, bathing supplies and knowledge of how others put their own weyrs together helped gain him a spot. Though he enjoys fighting thread, his primary duties are at the Weyr itself, and he's fine with that.

Gold SamthXUnknown
Blue Mt Aurie

Lhysiath, Bronze

unselfish, petty, nitpicking, fussy
Status: Mixed Status (parents: a rare-colored riding mother with her wanderer companion)
Age: 17
Gender: male
Siblings: 4
Born: last
Legitimacy: born before their parents could marry
Childhood Health: iron constitution
Adult Height: an average-height person
Adult Build: all muscle, bulky
Skin Tone: light yellowish
Hair Color: auburn red
Hair Style: pulled into a braid
Hair Length: shoulder length
Eye Color: rich red-brown
Literacy Level: read at a good level of competancy
Politeness Level: they complain about their status but rarely appear hostile to superiors
Focus: they carefully attend to details
There's nothing more to be said than: they're fugly
They're more eager to keep a secret but let good things go

Values and Goals
Enjoys deeply: their lock of hair
Enjoys deeply: the light places
Average goal: raise children (even if they aren't theirs)
Average fear: a relative (their grandparent)
Skill used frequently: swimming
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): flit racing

Originally From: high mountain community
Location size: well populated
Location climate: seasonal
Searched: yesterday