Gold Riders of Dragonhope ... and White? Silver? Blackriders?
Brought back to the Old World, Pern, from Alskyr due to overcrowding, a large number of riders have fleshed out Dragonhope's wings. Duties from all manner of expertise are being filled with these riders. Though they may take a while to get settled into their lives here, many of them are quite happy with the results - even if they went kicking and screaming from Paniya!

Ulejen and Gold Kesshelmath

Female, specializing in delivery duties (important people, valuables - hey, she's on a gold, after all!)
Height: kind of little, Build: very overweight, obese
Skin: fair, Hair: darkly brown, Hairstyle: wavy, to high back, Eyes: clear amber

Searched: the morning of the Hatching
Impressed 14 years ago
Before riding, was a Commoner, House Born child
Age at Impression: 15, born on Pern
Siblings: 1
Born: last
Legitimacy: born before their parents could marry
Literacy Level: can only read very simple things
Politeness Level: they're occasionally polite, but often slip up
Focus: if focus had a name, this character's would be it
This character isn't winning any beauty contests
They often share with their friends
Values and Goals
Is very happy with: their pet racing horse
Values immensely: the Beach
Very strong goal: locate something lost
Weak fear: heights
Extremely strong goal: travel
She's parting with friends to be shipped off to a new world with her dragon.

Gold Kesshelmath

Smallish for a gold, but very confident and sensible.

Hatched at Alabaster Weyrhold, Clutched in Year:  -14 Dam Gold Diamath (Leilani) Sire Brown Lilioth (Lopez)


K'po and White Male Hyocenth
Male, specializing in night-time navigation

Height: a bit short for an adult, Build: rail thin, emaciated looking
Skin: creamy, freckled, Hair: platinum blond, Hairstyle: very straight, shoulder length, Eyes: dark brown

Searched: shortly before Standing, and it caused a stir
Impressed 7 years ago

Before riding, was a Commoner, House Born child
Age at Impression: 12, born on Pern
Siblings: 5
Born: second
Legitimacy: born in a single-parent home
Literacy Level: can't read, they are illiterate
Politeness Level: they know their place in society and are deferential to their superiors
Focus: they are continually distracted by the things around them - work? What's that?
This character is certainly one of the best looking folks around
Given a gift, they will show but not share

Values and Goals
Values: their pet racing horse
Likes: the dark places
Average goal: raise children (even if they aren't theirs)
Extremely strong fear: enclosed spaces
Extremely strong goal: learn

He's babbling to friends, giddy to be shipped off to a new world with his dragon.

White Male Hyocenth

The size of a typical Green, this dragon is almost blinded in the daylight, so he rides at night expertly.

Hatched at Alabaster Weyrhold, Clutched in Year:  -7 Dam Gold Reith (Margot) Sire Yellow Iuth (Leridel)


Mahi and Silver Female Apodvith
Female rider specializing in watchriding

Height: an average-height person, Build: average in build
Skin: light yellowish, Hair: darkly brown, Hairstyle: full, to mid-back, Eyes: blue-violet

Searched: the morning of the Hatching
Impressed 14 years ago

Before riding, was a Wanderer
Age at Impression: 12, born on Alskyr
Siblings: 4
Born: last
Legitimacy: illegitimate
Literacy Level: cannot read, they're illiterate
Politeness Level: they are known for being extremely polite and deferential to their superiors and others
Focus: in every day life they are focused on their tasks,
yet that attention is often over-used in certain conditions
This character is certainly one of the best looking folks around
If they have something, they will keep it more private but share with friends

Values and Goals
Values immensely: their step-mother
Values: a Dragonry or Hatchery
Strong goal: locate something lost
Very strong fear: the opposite sex or having intimacy
Very weak hatred: the unusual trait that they always attract lots of flitters

She's not happy at all to be shipped off to a new world with her dragon.

Silver Female Apodvith

Graceful and with a tremendous endurance, this huge (Gold sized) dragoness is ideal for patrolling, however her rider is less than thrilled with her mating urges.

Hatched at Blackstone Weyr, Clutched in Year:  -14 Dam White Gertith (Xina) Sire Bronze Tikith (Nate)


Fuiaam and Black (male) Blioth

Female rider and weyrlingmaster's assistant

Height: unusually small for their age, Build: well muscled, but not burly
Skin: albino, burns in the sun, Hair: auburn red, Hairstyle: wavy, cut short to ears, Eyes: pale teal

Searched: shortly before Standing
Impressed 14 years ago

Before riding, was of Mixed Status (parents: their herder mother and low-ranked rider father)
Age at Impression: 15, born on Alskyr
Siblings: 4
Born: last
Legitimacy: born to parents who barely knew one another
Literacy Level: can only read very simple things
Politeness Level: they are known for being extremely polite and deferential to their superiors and others
Focus: they carefully attend to details
They're average in looks
Often they will share, but not with anyone they do not trust

Values and Goals
Hates: their wooden musical instrument
Hates: the light places
Very strong goal: raise children (even if they aren't theirs)
Moderate fear: whers
Skill used frequently: gadgeteering

She's bewildered but happy to be shipped off to a new world with her dragon.

Black (male) Blioth

A long, large dragon suitable for many duties not excluding wing-leadership, Blioth is easily angered but thorough in his praise of other dragons.

Hatched at Blackstone Weyr, Clutched in Year:  -21 Dam Green-Black Jiorath (Abalone) Sire Brown Ebalsth (Algernon)