Mountain's Note Giveaway

Inza and Gold Twesakath

Inza was stunned to discover that she had been Searched, and even more stunned when the lovely large-sized golden dragonet named Twesakath chose her from among many others on the sands. Since that day she's been devoted to learning how to be the best dragon rider she can be, but she does so enjoy her original trade and will seek out duties that allow her to drift a bit. The fact that she already had a good grasp on records, lists and information allowed her to immediately be placed in a non-fighting Wing. Twesakath is eager to fly her bond into some kind of action, be it Threadfall or a huge Gather. The bright yellow-gold dragoness is a bit lacking in manners, as is her rider. However, they are both reasonably charming after any initial damage has been done.

Status: Guild Born
Age: 15 at Impression
Gender: female
Siblings: many full and half siblings, their parents were all over the place
Born: next to last
Legitimacy: born out of wedlock
Childhood Health: healthy
Adult Height: just normal for their age in height
Adult Build: lithe but muscled
Skin Tone: dark brown
Hair Color: raven-black
Hair Style: afro-curled
Hair Length: cut to the neck
Eye Color: forest green
Literacy Level: are literate to a good degree
Politeness Level: they rarely appear hostile to superiors but they're not always polite to everyone else
Focus: their attention might slip a bit but they are usually focused on their work
Though some might find them ugly, most just call them plain
They will rarely share with anyone

Values and Goals
Is very happy with: a friend
Enjoys: a Guild hall
Practically nonexistant goal: 'get away from it all'
Extremely strong fear: dogs
A mysterious carving is in their posession

Crafting Guild: Vintner, Status: journeyman
Other Skill picked up around Guild folk: weaving
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): records keeping

Originally From: plainsland community
Location size: crowded
Location climate: moderate
Searched: recently before impression

Doll Palace