

Brown Khalth

There were already half a dozen mandies, the local flitters, that claimed Khynlieu by the time they got to the sands. If Dragonhope had a bunch of flitters they at least belonged to other people, and thankfully those people wanted their pets back before the group went out. Now, the mandies waited noisily in the nooks above the hatching sands, and occasionally one would drop down and paw at Khynlieu's hair, and fly back up.

When the dusty-brown dragon that slunk his way around three other more brightly colored hatchlings came up to Khynlieu, eyes met eyes. Distantly, K'lieu heard his faire of flits chirping for him. They were happy. He was happier than he'd ever been.

Khalth is my name, K'lieu. We will do great things. Greater than you know.

"Will we now, well that's good to hear!" K'lieu laughed, "once we're trained and practiced, I'll be able to hunt with you. And I want ..."

What do you want? Oh - I know what it is. You wish to go back to your home, and show them that they need not scramble in the dirt for their joy...

Status: Guild Born
Age: 15
Gender: male
Siblings: many full and half siblings, their parents were all over the place
Born: next to last
Legitimacy: born in a happily married family
Childhood Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Adult Height: a bit short for an adult
Adult Build: lithe but muscled
Skin Tone: very pale, almost albino
Hair Color: platinum blond
Hair Style: wavy
Hair Length: shoulder length
Eye Color: dark brown
Literacy Level: can read and write but only with the basics
Politeness Level: on occasion they've been known to mutter an insult openly
Focus: they don't much care about any one task
This character is certainly one of the best looking folks around
Given a gift or item, they won't share often

Values and Goals
Has fun with: the unusual trait that they always attract lots of flitters
Enjoys: the light places
Weak goal: protect something or someone
Practically nonexistant fear: enclosed spaces
A wooden toy is in their posession
Crafting Guild: Minecraft - gem extraction, Status: new journeyman
Other Skill picked up around Guild folk: archery
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): animal driving (cart/carriage)

Originally From: plainsland community
Location size: bustling
Location climate: rainy
Searched: as a young child

Samber's Giveaway (Weyr Between the Worlds and/or Dasmalenra Weir)