Blue Myeroth
He was blue, like the ocean below Dragonhope. And yet - that soothed Llandra. This male dragon of hers, Myeroth was going to be her best friend, forever. They would fight together in a wing, and probably they would die together in a wing.
I will not die, not yet. Myeroth asserted. And neither will you.
"I shouldn't think of things like that, I know," Llandra said, unsure of why she'd let that stray thought out at all. She felt angry at herself, now. But her anger went away, softly kissed by the adoration of her dragon.
We can fight them, those people who hurt you, I know you remember them.
"I know you want to but we can't do that. That's not right."
What they did to you was not right.
"But dragons don't harm humans, and I don't think riders are allowed to just up and kill someone... really."
Status: Commoner, House Born child
Age: 14
Gender: female
Siblings: 5
Born: next to last
plus one unexpected younger half-sibling from their father's indescretions
Legitimacy: born into a healthy family
Childhood Health: often quite sickly
Adult Height: very short, almost childish in height
Adult Build: lithe but muscled
Skin Tone: well tanned
Hair Color: dishwater brown
Hair Style: tied back with a ribbon or cord
Hair Length: cut to the neck
Eye Color: clear amber
Literacy Level: cannot read, they're illiterate
Politeness Level: they're occasionally polite, but often slip up
Focus: as they look around them, their focus fades
They are considered remarkably attractive
They're well known for being very selfish
Values and Goals
Values: the unusual trait that they have been genetically altered (like dragons were?)
Hates: a Guild hall
Weak goal: ride a dragon or other creature
Moderate fear: water or drowning
Dislikes: the Beach
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): exotic fighting techniques
Originally From: riverside community
Location size: kind of large
Location climate: very dry
Searched: recently and it caused a stir
Samber's Giveaway (Weyr Between the Worlds and/or Dasmalenra Weir)