Blue Mountain Aurie giveaway

Status: Lord's child
Age: 17
Gender: female
Siblings: 4
Born: next to last plus one unexpected younger half-sibling from their mother's indescretions
Legitimacy: born to married parents
Childhood Health: healthy
Adult Height: an average-height person
Adult Build: thin as a twig
Skin Tone: combat tattoos in red, tan
Hair Color: prematurely white
Hair Style: loosely curled
Hair Length: cut to the neck
Eye Color: forest green
Literacy Level: are able to read and write fairly well
Politeness Level: on occasion they've been known to mutter an insult, but otherwise they're very polite
Focus: if focus had a name, this character's would be it, though their work is only a small fraction of their true obsession
Their looks are considered spectacular by most
They're well known for being very selfish

Values and Goals
Likes: their appearance
Values immensely: a Guild hall
Strong goal: travel
Practically nonexistant fear: heights
Low dislike: the dark places
Hates: a Dragonry or Hatchery
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): math

Originally From: high desert community
Location size: seriously overpopulated
Location climate: very hot
Searched: as a youth

Ming lived a life of luxury, to say the least. Her father was a lord in a reasonably large hold, her mother inherited an estate and dowry worth having. She had two older brothers and an older sister, and then there was that little boy that one of the maidservants bore... Everyone knew it was his, but no one said so.

Thus as the 'last' child in a wealthy family, Ming was allowed to do nearly anything she wished. Her brothers would get the bulk of their inheritances when they married, and her older sister was improbably even prettier than this flaxen-haired child. Ming's hair was the subject of much debate, since at the age of eight it changed from a hay-yellow color into its present pure spun-sugar white. Though it was purely genetic, her grandmother and hers before, had this happen to them, many still speculated that it was the thrill of being Searched at a young age that caused it.

For years though, she studied and immersed herself in books about history, maps of the world, philosophy and math. Everyone thought how wonderful Ming might fly on a dragon some day but she dreaded it. In fact she fled her home and resided at a guildhall for almost a year before she was tracked down. She so wanted to just be a scholar, really, not muck about with heavy work and awful things like fighting Thread and flying!

But when they did find her and brought her to Blue Mountain's sands, and the sleek gold named Dhiiath came to her, suddenly Ming realized how much more wonderful life could really be. Before the dragonet had matured, they were sent off with many others to Dragonhope Weyr, and there Ming enjoys a kind of unique status among the women. For she is able to head off to guilds and crafthalls to get their tithes, easily managing the finance records of the Weyr.

Gold SamthXUnknown
Blue Mt Aurie

Dhiiath, Gold

witty, brilliant, refined, elegant